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Retired breeder wrote:

I have four hops and am wondering, which divine has better advantages? Would it be better for me to spend them on Agate or Cancer? Or can someone tell me their advantages?

Agate gives you a chance at a diamond every day. Cancer only offers
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a 5th element once a year IF you are born under the sign Cancer. She also breeds with Gemini for Leo who gives a 5th element once a year if you are a Leo.
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By Retired breeder, 24th June 2016 20:37:38
Retired breeder wrote:

I have four hops and am wondering, which divine has better advantages? Would it be better for me to spend them on Agate or Cancer? Or can someone tell me their advantages?


Breed: Divine
Species: Riding Horse
Coat: Divine

More Information-
Agate is a valuable horse.
The mash button can change into a diamond button and give you the opportunity to win one diamond.

You can increase its skills using diamonds.

This horse cannot be sold.

Click to display


Cancer is one of the horses of the Zodiac.

She can breed with Gemini to give birth to Leo.

If you were born under this sign, Cancer will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

What's more, the 22nd July, when the daily update takes place, a Cancer horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

By collecting all 12 horses of the Zodiac, you will get the horse, Serpentarius
This mare cannot be sold.


Leo is one of the horses of the Zodiac.

He is the son of Cancer and Gemini.

If you were born under this sign, Leo will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

What's more, the 22nd August, when the daily update takes place, a Leo horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

By collecting all 12 horses of the Zodiac, you will get the horse, Serpentarius
This horse cannot be sold.

Up to you which you wish to go for.
Retired breeder wrote:

I have four hops and am wondering, which divine has better advantages? Would it be better for me to spend them on Agate or Cancer? Or can someone tell me their advantages?

Personally as a Cancer I would wait if you were born in July. It is quite likely that since we have had two Gemstones already that Ruby (the birthstone for July) may come out as well, which guarantees 5 diamonds every 12 days (the only Gemstone which rivals this is Sapphire, which is 1 diamond every 2 days). Otherwise if you want Pearl (birthstone for June), the benefits aren't guaranteed.

However given that a 5th element is worth about 2 passes, and you only get the prize once per year, Ruby would be much more fruitful (15 passes worth).

Although you may want a Cancer simply since it's more personal, and of course it is not guaranteed that Ruby may come at all, or what method he may come.
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If it helps you any, I looked back on my history of items and in the past 30 days, I've gotten a total of 8 diamonds from Agate.
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mckenzie02 wrote:

If it helps you any, I looked back on my history of items and in the past 30 days, I've gotten a total of 8 diamonds from Agate.

Agate gives one diamond every 4 days
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By Retired breeder, 24th June 2016 21:31:29
I guess I'll go for Agate... Maybe. Does anyone know which Gem Divine will be next?
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know which Gem Divine will be next?

We never know what divines are coming in luck items or when they are coming in luck items.
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

That was me with Opal lol. I'm not going through that again, no way.

I spent around 60-70 passes for Opal and only 2 HoPs (one from inventory) for Agate, so..it is possible default smiley :p different server tho.
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I spent over 90 passes to get Opal at the Norwegian server default smiley (lol)
I doubt I'll win anything with the six passes I've got here. But I'll give Agate a shot anyway x)
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Got him at my last HoP actually, six passes spent. default smiley :o
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By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 02:25:36
I wasted 84 passes trying for Opal wont do it again. I did open the 3 HOP I had and my 20 diamonds no luck what a surprise. I haven't even earned back my passes from Opal yet it will be awhile. it's sad. I did ask what the odds where on the luck items and was told they can not tell me, cause I think the odds have changed; I have won 5 of the rainbows, and many other divines in luck items. I don't remember spending more then 20-22 passes.
By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 03:34:45
Despite the fact I have already opened the most useless HOP in history, I'm going to try again... Wish me luck!
By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 03:49:16
Yeah, I give up on luck items. Oh well. I guess I'm saving up for a reserved divine then.
By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 05:00:34
I managed to get Opal after one try, so I'm thinking my luck will run out if I go for Agate. Saving my passes default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 06:20:42
I managed to get Agate -my first divine- on my first try with a HOP I got from Xanthos. Good luck to those that are also trying to get him.
I've made a promise to myself that I won't open up any more HOPs the next time a divine is given out, because I'm probably going to have super bad luck next time default smiley xd
What's the next promo?
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By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 16:49:13
RachelCinnamon wrote:

What's the next promo?

The next promotion is:
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The Great Challenge and the Lottery.
the schedules for the plant promotion all suggest saving water and using it all at the end. Why is that?
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By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 19:03:12
tropicanaoj1 wrote:

the schedules for the plant promotion all suggest saving water and using it all at the end. Why is that?

It really depends I guess as you can only grow five at a time. If I was to give me opinion on the reason it would be so you can then plant, harvest, and so on. But you end up missing out on the daily growth if you just wait till the end.
By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 19:46:40
Failed to get Agate. Got some pretty awesome BMIs, though!
tropicanaoj1 wrote:

the schedules for the plant promotion all suggest saving water and using it all at the end. Why is that?

Don't know who's "schedules" you are referring to but it would be the last thing I would recommend. default smiley (n)default smiley (o)

But to each their own.default smiley :-x
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By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 20:16:13
Retired breeder wrote:

Failed to get Agate. Got some pretty awesome BMIs, though!

I spent 3 passes total, because I sent two horses to heaven and sold a horse for a pass so I figured why not try and see. I actually got some decent black market items! I was honestly surprised.
Retired breeder wrote:

Has anyone tried getting Agate yet in the HOP's and could tell me how many passes/HOP's it took them?

I have 4 passes and 5 HOP's and don't know whether that'll be enough to try or not default smiley (lol)

On the US version I opened one HOP and got Agate. Here I've opened 3 so far and haven't gotten him.
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@ Epona's Loyalty and @ Spyder,

it was the main overview of the plant promotion posted in this topic. I don't believe you miss out on the daily plant growth, as the plants you leave in just get the boost instead of a new one each day. I don't see any harm in it (and I'd be interested to know why you think it is bad?) but I also don't see the benefit so I was curious.
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DinaStar wrote:

you can find everything about the plants :

► HERE ◄

it was this one.
I actually do see a benefit - yellow plants grow the most each day (10%). So by waiting, you ensure you always have 5 yellow plants growing and thus the maximum daily gain. If I had green plants growing, they'd only increase 8%. Unless that's counteracted by the more water needed for green ones?
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