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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 01:28:58
no, they wouldn't. It would be a gift.
Retired breeder wrote:

If I did use it in a UFO, would people pay for it sort of?
Do you mean put a Vintage Apple up as a UFO on your page? No, they won't pay for it. It works like any UFO...a lucky player will find it floating around your page and win it. They don't pay for it at all
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 01:45:37
Okay, I was just asking, but I hope that you can trade them soon.
By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 01:49:59
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Is there any info on what the prizes in the P Promo are going to be?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Is there any info on what the prizes in the P Promo are going to be?
Yes, they were posted in ShorahNagi's post containing the objs. Here is the masterpost
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 02:15:48
Retired breeder wrote:

If I did use it in a UFO, would people pay for it sort of?

There is no way for a player to 'pay' for your VA UFO without it being trafficking, or considered a scam.
By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 02:16:49
Sorry, for some reason I was on the previous page default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 03:50:22
Oh great.default smiley :-x I've been away for awhile but was delighted at the new magic ride version. I think its adorable.
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Then I come here and realize there is a p promo next. I loath the p promo. With every cell lol. The concept isn't bad, but the prizes to time commitment ratio is ridiculous. And in all honesty the graphics are kind of wild.
Why can't Howrse bring back the fun ones like the baking promo? Or the enchanted greenhouse? I only caught the tale end of the greenhouse promo, the day after I signed up it ended. default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 07:14:31
What is the
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P promo
anyway? I am still newish to Howrse and haven't seen all promos plus
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Are there good prizes in the P promo? Is it easy?
By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 13:07:45
how look
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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 13:10:53
Retired breeder wrote:

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Are there good prizes in the P promo? Is it easy?

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P promo is the Pinata promo. For the prizes in the Pinata promo, check out ShorahNagi's post here
Retired breeder wrote:

how look
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Dark one

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Light one

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And yes,

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That is literally what they look like on the horse's care page. You literally get both horses on both pages, which makes the entire notion of having two separate divines for one sign pointless.
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How does it register in terms of your trophies then?
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Does it just register as one divine or two divines? Seems like if you go the extra effort to bust open that last pinata it should count as two divines, but logically if they're on one page then it should still only count as one. I'm channeling Gimli here XD
Legacy Ann
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Legacy Ann wrote:

How does it register in terms of your trophies then?
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Does it just register as one divine or two divines? Seems like if you go the extra effort to bust open that last pinata it should count as two divines, but logically if they're on one page then it should still only count as one. I'm channeling Gimli here XD

Pfft- But I think it was said that you need one for the trophy, but both for both of the possible prizes they give.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Legacy Ann wrote:

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Does it just register as one divine or two divines? Seems like if you go the extra effort to bust open that last pinata it should count as two divines, but logically if they're on one page then it should still only count as one. I'm channeling Gimli here XD

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sadly, it only counts one for the trophy.. I have them both and it shows i have 10 divines instead of 11
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Remi1996 wrote:

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sadly, it only counts one for the trophy.. I have them both and it shows i have 10 divines instead of 11

well bah.
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Seems like if you go to the effort to get both it should count as two. Bashing one more pinata may not seem like much to Howrse, but it's still one extra pinata, and some more resources, to have to go through

thank you both!
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,120
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Well, that's interesting;

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So the Community Pinata has broken on Preprod - there is now a message saying the following;

Community Piñata

Congratulations, you opened the Community Piñata! At the end of the event, you will get:
1x Vintage Apple

So it seems that once the Community Pinata breaks - the prize will not be awarded until the end of the event. *adds a note about that to her copy/paste promo response list*
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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 17:24:17
Oh my god, all the objectives in the 16-20 Pinatas are so *hard*
By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 17:41:18
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh my god, all the objectives in the 16-20 Pinatas are so *hard*

Back in the days before I had Rosette winners, I got so mad when one of the objectives was to win a Rosette...default smiley xd
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What pinatas?
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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2016 18:41:10
gowildkratts wrote:

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What pinatas?

It's from-
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-the promotion after the magic ride. The Pinata Promotion. You click on a pinata x times and it opens and gives you a gift/gifts.
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I am not looking forward to the P promo at all. It seems like a lot of work for very little prizes. I mean for pinata 14 all you get is fertilizer, a poc and a heel? AND all the better prizes have a time limit? Super disappointing to have this after the mini ride, where again all the better prizes have a time limit. The only thing that would make me want to try for this was if the Gemini's perks were worth it. Does anyone know what they are yet?
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Inkblack117 wrote:

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I am not looking forward to the P promo at all. It seems like a lot of work for very little prizes. I mean for pinata 14 all you get is fertilizer, a poc and a heel? AND all the better prizes have a time limit? Super disappointing to have this after the mini ride, where again all the better prizes have a time limit. The only thing that would make me want to try for this was if the Gemini's perks were worth it. Does anyone know what they are yet?

I agree with you about the promo...

But we've known for some time. Perk under the banner.

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Gemini is one of the horses of the Zodiac.

There are 2 Gemini horses. If you have both, they will give you a present on the 11th of every month (after the daily update), provided you have logged in at least once over the previous 3 days: fertility wand 1 x Fertility Wand to be used within 90 days.

If you were born under this sign, and you have both versions of Gemini, the horse will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

What's more, the 21st June, when the daily update takes place, a Gemini horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

By collecting all 12 horses of the Zodiac, you will get the horse, Serpentarius
This horse cannot be sold.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Will /A/ Gemini be offered, or both?
  • Posted messages: 2,067
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sherwood02 wrote:

Will /A/ Gemini be offered, or both?

What do you mean?

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You get both in the promo, one in Pinata 19, and the other in Pinata 20.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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