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ShorahNagi wrote:

@starry97 (and anyone else wondering about Preprod Access)

I believe the original testing of the C_ promo ended *might be wrong*. However, there is a semi-new preprod session (I say semi-new as the C_ promo and other testing comments are still there) that invites were sent out for. However, I believe this time around - Howrse sent them to players with a lower seniority because;

Oooooooooh!! Sounds exciting. Shorah, since you've still got access, could you tell me if there's been any comment from Howrse about

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the multiple suggestions that once we complete a puzzle, we don't get any cards for it anymore? Or any new comments pertaining to that at all? I think that's the thing that bugs everyone the most about the cards, and the one thing about them that I'd love to see fixed.

It's also good that they're trying to switch up the tutorial. Hopefully it is more helpful! (They still need to teach blupping before breeding though default smiley xd )
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2016 17:50:52
Starry-Eyed wrote:

could you tell me if there's been any comment from Howrse about

There's no news on that yet. There's a lot of new changes though:

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New design for the homepage:

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Also, new design for the sign up option, including a new box where you need to put an email in

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Sign up/in with Facebook? Why must everything be connected to Facebook nowadays? default smiley xd Just seems a bit weird-
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

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the multiple suggestions that once we complete a puzzle, we don't get any cards for it anymore? Or any new comments pertaining to that at all? I think that's the thing that bugs everyone the most about the cards, and the one thing about them that I'd love to see fixed.

It's also good that they're trying to switch up the tutorial. Hopefully it is more helpful! (They still need to teach blupping before breeding though default smiley xd )

From what I've tested so far
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I don't know if it's more helpful or not. It's hard to judge as when I started there was no tutorial at all, so when the new servers came and I got to try those out, you know what you're doing already so it feels tedious. This new one contains different elements than the original though.

As for that new login thing, you also have to click "login" to expand the "login box" to enter your info which is annoying. The whole info box isn't already up on the page.

Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2016 18:44:19
Regarding what bibbs posted, I am definitely not looking forward to that. I mean, they just redid the home page with the new layout update, so why are they going to change it again?

(I don't think any of that needed a spoiler, my apologies if it did)
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2016 23:26:15
default smiley (8)So on the event I can get 8 more stars when I finish the worlds but the next world requires 12 stars and I have already finished the others to unlock one world.... How would i get those 4 more stars???default smiley (8)
Retired breeder wrote:

default smiley (8)So on the event I can get 8 more stars when I finish the worlds but the next world requires 12 stars and I have already finished the others to unlock one world.... How would i get those 4 more stars???default smiley (8)
The stars add up(which you can see towards the top right of that page how many stars you have). You should have more stars to gain from the previous scene, so you just have to go back to the ones you haven't completed yet to get those
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2016 00:16:56
I have 0 and I can get only 8 more from the expeditions
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2016 00:29:41
Retired breeder wrote:

I have 0 and I can get only 8 more from the expeditions

If you get all stars up to the 5th you will have 16 in total. You do not use stars to move up. They are just needed to gain access and then they carry over.
How was Osiris obtained? I really like him.
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2016 04:45:15
ShorahNagi wrote:

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There's a new tutorial that we are testing and was looking to use players who might not fully understand how things work.

Here are some screen shots of the new tutorial *sorry they are in French - small translation issue*

Playing with a foal

Learning how to give Black Market Items to a horse.

The format of it has changed a lot (ex. you start with a 'loaned' horse that you breed to get foals. Then you care for the foals like in the original tutorial - getting some items along the way to use on the foals). Personally, and maybe its because I'm used to the old tutorial and system - I feel the new tutorial is more complex and doesn't teach things as well as the original (but maybe that's because I know how everything works - perhaps to a newer set of eyes...it makes more sense).

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Woah, that will have changed a lot. But when she says lets see what is avaliable with the golden apple, does that mean that you get a GA as part of the quests?
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2016 05:08:53
Starry-Eyed wrote:

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Sign up/in with Facebook? Why must everything be connected to Facebook nowadays? default smiley xd Just seems a bit weird-

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I'm guessing that it's just a matter of convenience. I know so many people who practically live on Facebook. So while they are signed in, which they always are, they just click on button to sign up to another site and thereby bypass that whole sign-up form business. default smiley (lol) I personally dislike Facebook but I was able to use Google logins for Duolingo. I'm lazy that way. default smiley :-))
Is it today or tomorrow the timers will go on sale?
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2016 10:32:26
what does the royal headdress look like
Updated directory again- I missed two items eheh-

Scene 1: Cairo Library

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Scene 2: Cairo Souk

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Scene 3: Scarab Queen's Oasis

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Scene 4: Nile Ruins

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Scene 5: Port of Alexandria

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Scene 6: Alexandrian Souk

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Scene 7: Bedouin Encampment

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Scene 8: Temple of Anubis

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Scene 9: Treasure Chamber

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default smiley xddefault smiley xddefault smiley xd

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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2016 12:24:00
Oh my I never thought howrse would ever bring cows to the game. Wow, just wow.default smiley :o
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2016 12:48:07
Starynight wrote:

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Seriously? That's just... just... I'm speechless. And not because I'm happy, I think. I'm not sure yet.
Starynight wrote:

default smiley xddefault smiley xddefault smiley xd

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default smiley :p hehe
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now pull the other one!
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2016 13:12:37
Starynight wrote:

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Wow! default smiley :o Sounds really fun! default smiley (y) default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2016 13:19:42
Don't you think that miiiiiiight be an April Fool's prank?
Starynight wrote:

default smiley xddefault smiley xddefault smiley xd

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Maybe when they die we will get leather. That would be nice.
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Well being from Tejas, I hope I hope to have a large string of champion Longhorns.default smiley :pdefault smiley :-))
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2016 13:27:57
Starynight wrote:

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I really hoped this was real but it is April fools joke default smiley xd Very funny Howrse default smiley xd
Has anyone caught a pass UFO yet?
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