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Could anyone direct me to the page...
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...where the hints for the candles were given?
  • Posted messages: 11,056
  • Karma: 10 points
Also, does anyone have...
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...a picture of Bucephalus yet? Undoubtedly he's the rearing one since we've already seen the other four's images. Also it's kind of obvious Bucephalus is one of the Legendary horses, not only is he quite the 'legendary horse' for real but also one of the pieces to the star had a bull's head on it and Bucephalus means 'ox-headed'.
  • Posted messages: 11,056
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Bringing forward ALL the information on upcoming Promotions and Legendary Horses...

Next mini promotion information;

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NOTE: The Vintage Apple and its promotion are a ONE DAY event only - September 8th, 2015. If you miss it - that's it as it is not known at this time if this item will ever return. You do NOT need passes or anything else for this event.

*Copied from the Preprod topic:

The 8 September, we will celebrate the Owlient’s 10 years birthday. At this occasion, we wanted to propose to you a little special contest that will last the all day.

The purpose of this contest is to find 10 candles spread on the game with the help of clues. If you find all the candles, you will receive a very special gift (you need to click on it on the contest page to get it!) : the Vintage Apple, guaranteed nostalgic effect for the early players!

The Vintage Apple allows you to personalize a horse with the old coats from the game (the ones just before the actual ones, previous horses cannot be used because they cannot be integrated on the game background)

Be careful: a horse wearing this item cannot be sold anymore.

This item CAN :
► be given via personalized UFO’s on the page of pegasus and VIP players
► be given to horses from 18 months
► be given to saddle horses, ponies, pegasus, unicorns, winged unicorns, donkeys.
► is compatible with the Helios' Ray
► it gives a +5 “Vintage Apple” bonus to each horse skill

This item CANNOT:

► be bought with passes
► be exchanged in the item exchange system
► be given to draft horses, divines horses, wild horses and legendary horses.
► be cumulated with other special coat items (it overwrites the previous item)

The coat is selected on the same principle as Golden Apple coats : we propose all the coats compatibles with the horse species, and you choose the one you want among the selection.

A horse from a certain species cannot receive a coat from another species. On the other hand the coat variety makes no difference. For example, you can get an old light sports coat for a massive sports horse.

When a horse with this kind of coat is given Medusa's Blood, the coat picture updates to match the new breed of horse (winged version), in the same way as the 5th Element coats.
This also updates when wings or horns are removed from a horse as part of a contest goal.

As with the other special coats, tack is not visible on pictures of horses with Vintage Apple coats.


*Remember - a horse can only be given a coat that matches its species. So this means that your choices for each species are:

Riding Horse = Riding Horse coats
Pony = Pony coats
Donkey = Donkey coats
Pegasus - Riding Horse breed = Pegasus Riding Horse coats
Pegasus - Pony breed = Pegasus Pony coats
Unicorn - Riding Horse breed = Unicorn Riding Horse coats
Unicorn - Pony breed = Unicorn Pony coats
Winged Unicorn - Riding Horse breed = Winged Unicorn Riding Horse coats
Winged Unicorn - Pony breed = Winged Unicorn Pony coats

Drafts, Wilds, Divines, and Legendary Horses can NOT be given this item

However - a horse is not limited by its breed - so you can put a Fjord coat on a Shetland pony. A Curly coat on a Friesian, etc.

*If you want to see some images of the VA in action/what the old coats looked like - the spoiler in this post contains some images.

default smiley (l)Other Informationdefault smiley (l)

Remember that the Vintage Apple is just a customization item. It will NOT actually change the breed, skills, species, etc. of your horse:

Take this horse for example - while the image shown is that of a Dun Shetland, you'll notice her breed is still listed as Quarter Pony, her coat color as Black Tobiano, and her genetics match that of a Foundation Quarter Pony. Thus - she still counts as a Quarter Pony for trophies, breeding purposes, etc.

You can only choose from the BASE coat colors for a breed - so, if a coat-shape only comes in 5 colors (ex. Fjords only have 5 colors) - you can only pick from those 5 colors if you want the Fjord coat shape.

Vintage Apple coats are the old V3 graphics (Those we had before the current ones) - as stated, the older V1 and V2 graphics can not be used due to issues they would have with the new base backgrounds and Helios' Ray background.

Vintage Apple Horses can NOT be sold - except to the Safe Haven.

The Vintage Apple image is one of the few customization items that updates as the horse's species changes. So if you give a VA to your Riding Horse, then add a Medusa's Blood - the picture will update to being that of a Pegasus. *supposedly, according to the official topic - when Wings/Horns are removed for a contest - the coat will update as well (so you'd go from a Winged Unicorn VA to just a Unicorn VA if you removed the wings *I can not confirm this however, so just be careful if you do decide to remove the Wings/Horn from a VA horse*)

A player will only be able to win ONE Vintage Apple by finding the Candles - as such, you will not be able to have more than one Vintage Apple Horse.

However, while the VA can not be traded, gifted, or sold through the Item Exchange - it can be offered as a Custom UFO for Pegasus/VIP account holders - so a player could find an extra one via this method should someone make their VA into a UFO. *Yes, I have more than one in the mentioned screen shots, but that's only because on testing they gave out extras for testing purposes.

*While the clues for this promotion are incredibly easy to solve...if anyone wants them - Apologies that this only contains clues 1 to 7 confirmed - Clues 8 and 10, I'm 95% certain I have correct. Clue 9 is unknown *Due to issues with clue 8 during testing*
  • Posted messages: 52,418
  • Karma: 10 points
Next Large Promotion and Legendary Horse:

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Scratch cards and win prizes! The theme of this card contest is The Continents!

Here are the different ways to get cards:

► on the first connection of the day (2 per day)
► thanks to victories in competition (maximum 2 per day)
► In flash sales
► in batches of cards when the operation is enabled*
► buying with passes**

It is possible to trade duplicate cards once a day.

There is a joker card that can be transformed to the card of your choice from the corresponding scarcity level.

At certain times of the competition, it will be possible to find packs of joker cards to buy with passes. A pack of joker cards contains:

► 3 bronze cards
► 1 another card from silver, gold and diamond

There are 7 Puzzles, each with 5 cards to complete. When a puzzle is completed, you win the associated gift. When you have completed all the puzzles, you win Tormenta's Ear Bonnet.

This contest also allows you to unlock the history of Tormenta! When the community has enabled a number of cards, a chapter of history is unlocked.

*Joker card packs will be offered during the event - as stated, they contain 3 Bronze rarity cards and 1 card of a higher rarity. They will cost 2 passes per pack and can be purchased with Diamonds as well.
**Cards can be purchased at any time during the event with passes at the following rates:

1 pass = 2 cards
3 pass = 6 cards
5 pass = 12 cards
10 pass = 25 cards
20 pass = 55 cards
50 pass = 150 cards

Screen shots of the Cards;

The Prize Cards

*For those who can not quite tell the rarity of a card based on the little icon - the rarity is as follows from Top Row Left to Bottom Row Right:

Diamond, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Silver, Silver,
Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver
Bronze, Bronze, Bronze, Bronze, Bronze, Bronze, Bronze,
Bronze, Bronze, Bronze, Bronze, Bronze, Bronze, Bronze,

The Puzzle Cards

*As the rarities can be a little hard to tell on these as well, I have also written the Rarity of the cards in the order they appear above the puzzles.

A note about the Prizes of Tormenta's Tack...

While you can get unlimited amounts of Tormenta's Saddle, Bridle, and Saddle Cloth from the cards...you will only be able to get ONE of her Polo Wraps and Ear Bonnet*. As such, you will only be able to make ONE Tormenta from this event.

*Tormenta's Ear Bonnet - though not shown in my images - is the prize for completing all 7 puzzles.

Info on the Legendary mentioned above:
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Tormenta is a legendary horse.

You can obtain her when you give the 5 pieces of Tormenta's legendary tack to one of your horses, or when you purchase a Tormenta pack.

On certain days, she can complete 2 missions. Upon completing the second daily mission, she gives a 10% training bonus in one skill to all your horses.

When Tormenta is obtained via the Tormenta pack, the probability that she can take on two missions a day is higher.
gives a 10% training bonus in one skill to all your horses if she completes 2 missions on the same day
Automated retrieval of items crafted in workshops (except for buildings)

This mare cannot be sold.

*Also, note that Tormenta can not breed*
  • Posted messages: 52,418
  • Karma: 10 points
Next *confirmed* large promotion

(Please note, all this information was translated, so some things might be incorrect)

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Your piñata opens after a certain number of points . You can get points:
clicks on your piñata
click 1 time per day *to start*
buy buying clicks? on the black market
clicks of your friends on your piñata
achieving the objectives

Zaldia's information:

Zaldia is a legendary horse.

It is obtained when you equip one of your horses with 5 Zaldia legendary equipment , or when buying a pack of Zaldia .

Some days it can be healed *I believe this means groomed* twice. When dressed for the second time of the day , it saves you a diamond on your next purchase of pass if it takes place before the end of the day.

When Zaldia is obtained through the pack Zaldia , it accepts most often be dressed twice a day.

saves a diamond at the next purchase of pass the day she is dressed twice. *Not sure what this means, I think it might be she either gives you a diamond OR if you spend a pass, you'll get a diamond (or using Diamonds, it would only cost 9 instead of 10) - we;ll have to wait and see.

Reserve access to the equestrian center in a particular jurisdiction to the choice instead of skills

This horse can not be sold .

The next few spoilers contain the objectives, as well as the prizes you can win from each pinata.

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The first Five Pinatas and their objectives (apologies for lack of pictures). The format of this is:

Pinata Number: Number of Points
Objective one = reward
Objective two = reward
*Objective three = reward *if there is a 3rd objective*
Prizes - what you win (please note some items I can not tell how many you get at this time as I have visual indicators and not numeric)

1. 20 points
-Click on the pinata = 4 points for your Pinata
-groom a horse = Friend clicks are worth 2 points each
Prizes - Pandora's Box, Soem aging points

2. 30 points
- Stroke a horse = able to be helped by 2 friends a day
- Put a pony to bed = 10 bonus clicks OR 10 points *I got an odd translation*
Prizes - Energy or Morale for your horses, White Classical saddle cloth *can't tell if 1 or 2 star*

3. 50 points
- Congratulate X players = next 3 clicks are worth 2 points eahc (Except friend clicks)
- Visit Ow's profile page = able to click the pinata 15 times every 12 hours
Prizes - Whip, 2** Blue and white western saddle cloth

4. 75 points
- Sell exactly 3 mashes at the shop = 20 points for your pinata
- Donate X amount of equus to Ow = Friend clicks are worth 3 points each
Prizes - Water of youth, some mashes

5. 100 points
- Participate in a competiton = able to be helped by 3 friends per day
- Click on a friend's pinata = clicks are now worth 2 points each (except Friend clicks)
Prizes - some apples, Philote's Stroke

6. 125 points
- Specialize a horse = 7 bonus clicks?
- Give an apple to a Divine or Wild horse = Friend clicks are worth 4 points each
Prizes - 1* Classical Bridle, Helios' Ray

7. 150 points
- Train a horse for 3 consecutive hours = Next 4 friend clicks are worth 5 points each
- Participate in a competition requiring 12% energy = click the pinata 15 times every 8 hours
Prizes - Some wood, sand, and iron

8. 200 points
- Donate x amount of Equus to Ow = able to be helped by 4 friends per day
- Finish 3rd in 3 competitions = number of points needed divided by 2
Prizes - some aging points, Ploutos Parchment, Zaldia's Saddle Cloth

9. 250 points
- Finish last in a competition = Friend clicks are worth 5 points each
- Earn 120e from a horse with a Ploutos Parchment = clicks are now worth 4 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - Some leather, Water Trough, Apollo's Lyre

10. 300 points
- Congratulate a player on their birthday = next 5 clicks worth 5 points each (except friend clicks)
- Use an aging point on a 15 year old horse = 5 bonus clicks?
Prizes - Violet 2** Polo Wraps, Ear Bonnet, Western Saddle Cloth

Click to display
11. 400 points
- Have won at least 1000e with a horse in competitions = Click on the pinata 15 times every 6 hours
- Be congratulated x amount of times = Open the pinata directly on the next click
Prizes - Zaldia's Saddle, Some Fodder, some points for the general ranking

12. 500 points
- Win 1e in a competition = Friend clicks are worth 6 points each
- Donate to a new player = Clicks are worth 6 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - Some equus, Medusa's Blood, Achilles' Heel

13. 750 points
- Stroke a horse with a Flaxen Chestnut Coat = 250 points for your pinata
- Donate a horse to Ow = able to be helped by 6 friends a day
Prizes - Shower, some carrots, Zeus' Lightning bolt

*From here on out - Pinatas have 3 objectives!

14. 1000 points
- Fully equip a horse that has never been equipped before = next click is worth 100 points (except friend clicks)
- Participate in X amount of competitions requiring more than 20% energy = 200 points for your Pinata
- Remove a Pegasus' Wings = clicks are worth 8 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - Piece of Cloud, Zaldia's Bridle, Some energy or morale for your horses

15. 1200 points
- Finish training in one skill on a horse = Number of points received goes to 300 (so if you have 0 points, you'll now have 300)
- Accept an item exchange = friend clicks are worth 8 points each
- Open a horn of Plenty = able to click on the pinata 15 times every 4 hours.
Prizes - Some aging points, a tractor, Cronos' Timer

16. 1500 points
- Purchase a horse for 2000e = next 6 friend clicks are worth 20 points each
- Donate x amount of equus to Ow = 20 bonus clicks?
- Stroke a horse over 40 years of age = clicks are worth 10 points each (except friend clicks)
Prizes - Some droppings, Hypnos' Blanket, Golden Apple

17. 2000 points
- Give a carrot to a horse born from Gaia and Ouranos = next click is worth 20 points (except friend click)
- Win 3 competitions = able to be helped by 8 friends a day
- Reach 100 BLUP with a horse = Number of points already received for the pinata multipled by 2 *Best to wait until you are close to or at 1000 points)
Prizes - Zaldia's Polo Wraps, 5th Element, Some equus

18. 2500 Points
- Give a mash to a horse with a dressage skill between 260 to 365 = 500 points for your pinata
- Reach a reserve ending in XX = Clicks are worth 12 points each (except friend clicks)
- Give a horse a Gray Golden Apple coat = able to click on the Pinata 15 times every 3 hours.
Prizes - Some mashes, some points for the General ranking, Nyx Pack

19. 3000 points
- Win 2 competitions with a horse born from Gaia and Ouranos = 15 bonus clicks?
- Donate X amount of equus to Ow = Friend clicks are worth 10 points each
- Buy a horse for a minimum of 1 pass = 400 points for your pinata
Prizes - some aging points, Hera Pack, Themis' Scales

20. 4000 points
- Remove a unicorn's horn = able to be helped by 10 friends a day
- Give birth to twins = clicks are worth 15 points each (except friend clicks)
- Win 1 Rosette? = Number of points needed divided by 2
Prizes - some Equus, Philosopher's Stone, Zaldia's Ear Bonnet
  • Posted messages: 52,418
  • Karma: 10 points
Triss wrote:

Also, does anyone have...
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...a picture of Bucephalus yet? Undoubtedly he's the rearing one since we've already seen the other four's images. Also it's kind of obvious Bucephalus is one of the Legendary horses, not only is he quite the 'legendary horse' for real but also one of the pieces to the star had a bull's head on it and Bucephalus means 'ox-headed'.

Here you go;

Click to display

We've actually had his image since Legendary Horses were first found out about (indeed, we had all of them shortly after talk about the Legendary horses began)

However, we do NOT have any other information on his except his name and picture at this time.
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By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 17:12:11
I hope I can buy Altairs tacks for passes default smiley :-x I can't buy the tacks by buying passes-pack default smiley :@ I rly want his tacks cause I already have 3 tacks...

But I want Bucephalos to... Ugh Idk what horse I want...default smiley (8)

Sry guys for my bad english... default smiley :( default smiley :(
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Whats the next promo after the VA ?

And when you get the VA do you need to use it straight away or can you put it in your inventory?
♥ LeondreIsBae ♥
  • Posted messages: 2,631
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Oh never mind about the first promo.. i didnt see the other posts
♥ LeondreIsBae ♥
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question, not promo... sorry for all the posts default smiley :s
♥ LeondreIsBae ♥
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By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 18:17:09
All the pictures for the legendary horses won't show up for me? Any other was I can see them?
By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 18:18:35
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 18:28:08
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 18:28:59
i tried doing a spoiler banner but it didn't work i didn't understand how to do it sorry.
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Do we know where all the candles in the mini promo?
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By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 18:32:28
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 18:34:43
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 18:35:02
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 18:35:23
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 18:35:44
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is the next legendary horse and sorry i just figured out how to make a spoiler banner
I will be SO broke after I go after little Buke <3
I cannot miss that one <3
Shishi no Seirei
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Tarhorsey wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.


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cards are first then the pinata
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so, will there be any way to get the legendaries with passes? i heard about a pack with all the tack, but i couldnt find it. thanks!
  • Posted messages: 484
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By Retired breeder, 7th September 2015 21:04:48
When does the VA start today?
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