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By Retired breeder, 13th August 2015 21:14:50
I haven't been keeping up with this topic very well. default smiley xd What is the next big promo gonna be? And does anyone know when?
T H Will be the next biggy. Its something new, loojs fun.
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By Retired breeder, 13th August 2015 22:27:45
Is there a new breed coming?
By Retired breeder, 13th August 2015 23:41:18
Does anyone know if/when rainbows will be in reserved sales and what their prices will be?


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Retired breeder wrote:

I haven't been keeping up with this topic very well. default smiley xd What is the next big promo gonna be? And does anyone know when?

The next one is
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the Treasure Hunt. With the lottery finishing on 20th August and usually around a week between promos, it will probably start around end of August/beginning of September.
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@ read and think:

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Yes, the Selle Francis, will be the new breed. Sorry, don't have the correct accents on the name.
T i g r e s s
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phönix wrote:

Assassins Creed;

Oh yeah I know. I like it when certain breeds are far behind, means my breed can win more Grand Prixes... On the swedish server we had a brief period where the Lusitano took home or placed top 3 in Trot, Dressage, Western Pleasure and Trail.... It was a good time profit wise default smiley <:o)

But I guess the team sees a problem somewhere.. I doubt the difference will be that great since only a few breeds will be "corrected" default smiley xd

Omg XD
Shishi no Seirei
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New BMI:

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Vintage Apple
Customize your horse with one of the original coats from the game!
A horse with one of these coats can no longer be sold.
This item will give the horse the following bonuses:
Stamina: +5
Speed: +5
Dressage: +5
Gallop: +5
Trot: +5
Jumping: +5
The Vintage Apple can only be used on adult horses, and special coats are not transferred to foals.
Vintage Apples cannot be used in conjunction with another special coat. If you give your horse a Golden Apple and then a Vintage Apple, your horse will lose their Golden Apple.
Draft horses cannot use this item.

((This will be the prize for completing the Birthday 'Treasure Hunt' for the tenth birthday.))

Don't know if someone has posted this; Didn't see it within the last two pages, so, here it is. cx
T i g r e s s
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stephanie123 wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

1st, happy hour does happen, but I cannot say about the frequency. You can post in already open topics or have your own EC forum with your own topics.

2nd one, group PMs are possible through teams. You can, as a regular player, make a message out to more than one person by adding a comma (,) after each name. However, it does not work the same as Team PMs (correct me if I'm wrong on this, I don't do this often)

3rd, meh. If it were removed, it would likely take after Apollo's Lyre, Achilles' Hell, etc. Only available via promos/exchanges.

4th, what you're asking for is 'official' groups, like teams. Teams are set up by VIPs (and kept open by VIPs). All players are able to join teams. Groups have always been a thing on Howrse, but have died in popularity over the introduction of Teams.
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does anyone know what coats will be apart of the Vintage Apple??
Triple J
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OMG OMG OMG *freaking out

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Cremello and palomino coat for ARABIAN HORSES are avilable thanks to vintage apple.

I just exploded from amazingness. Its so...so amazing.OMG.
*running around and screams of happiness in the middle of night*
Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 14th August 2015 01:29:58
Shishi no Seirei wrote:

OMG OMG OMG *freaking out

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Cremello and palomino coat for ARABIAN HORSES are avilable thanks to vintage apple.

I just exploded from amazingness. Its so...so amazing.OMG.
*running around and screams of happiness in the middle of night*

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Yes! I love cremellos!
By Retired breeder, 14th August 2015 01:42:08
Question!! default smiley :o

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How many passes will it take to get the Vintage Apple? And will everyone be able to have access to the apple?
By Retired breeder, 14th August 2015 01:46:30
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Cremello and palomino coat for ARABIAN HORSES are avilable thanks to vintage apple.

I just exploded from amazingness. Its so...so amazing.OMG.
*running around and screams of happiness in the middle of night*

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Does anyone know how much passes the V..... A...... will cost? I will be buying 10 or more of thosedefault smiley (7) Arab breeding is in my blood, after all (my great grandfather bred many of the best arabians in poland, some time ago,) default smiley (8) I CANNOT WAIT omgg I always wanted A CREMELLO ARAB

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Once a horse have VIntage apple you cannot sell it.

"Customize your horse with one of the original coats from the game!

A horse with one of these coats can no longer be sold.

This item will give the horse the following bonuses:

Stamina: +5
Speed: +5
Dressage: +5

Gallop: +5
Trot: +5
Jumping: +5

The Vintage Apple can only be used on adult horses, and special coats are not transferred to foals.

Vintage Apples cannot be used in conjunction with another special coat. If you give your horse a Golden Apple and then a Vintage Apple, your horse will lose their Golden Apple.

Draft horses cannot use this item."

I cannot see it in BMI market..but it can happen it will cost 2 passes or something.Or it will be event-special-only item.
I hope it will be a BMI item tough.So many..pretty...arabians... *dies*
Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 14th August 2015 01:48:31
Also, will we be able to trade V.... A.....? In the item exchange, I mean.
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I dont think so...I cnt see it in the list in the exchanges. default smiley :(
Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 14th August 2015 01:57:07
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On page 1356, you can see the info for the VA.default smiley ;) It's amazing! I hope that people tell me where all the candles are lol, I hope I get the VA soooo much. Cremello arabs and palomino arabs!!!default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 14th August 2015 01:59:48
Assassins Creed,

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Shorah Nagi said we can't exchange it *tear, teardefault smiley (lol)*

BUT PRETTY arabian ponies... *dies with you*
By Retired breeder, 14th August 2015 02:00:21
can we get more than one V....... A.....?
Will there be any special items in the HoPs anywhere in the near future? I have a few sitting in my inventory, and I've been waiting for a Divine or something worthwhile to be in them, but it's been a very long time, and it seems that Howrse is sticking to TCs and GFs instead of the HoP. Will they go back to them?
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By Retired breeder, 14th August 2015 02:09:13
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Am I the only one that really hopes after the birthday event that the Vintage Apple becomes a buy-able item for passes? I adored the old graphics personally.
You're not the only one, Epona. Loving my Marwari unicorn. default smiley (l)
Donut Lady
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By Retired breeder, 14th August 2015 02:46:27
Retired breeder wrote:

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Am I the only one that really hopes after the birthday event that the Vintage Apple becomes a buy-able item for passes? I adored the old graphics personally.

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You're not alone on this one! default smiley xd I'm pretty sure it's gonna be almost as rare as a DA in the near future though. Unless it's very hard to to get during the promo when it's available. In that case, it will be worth a lot.
By Retired breeder, 14th August 2015 03:16:03
GamingUnicorn, It's really easy to get the VA - the clues to find it are very straightforward and it shouldn't take much searching. And all you have to do to get it is log on on September 8th, no passes needed.
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