[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Am I the only one having a treasure chest appear on my screen?
  • Posted messages: 171
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warmbloodgirl53 wrote:

Am I the only one having a treasure chest appear on my screen?
The Treasure Chests are static UFO's for the current promo, I've gotten some as well, and so have other players.
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Does anyone know what Secret Rainbow does yet?
  • Posted messages: 6,663
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 05:42:24
Does anyone know what
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Brave Purple does? (Not sure if that needs a spoiler or not, sorry if it does!)
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 12:43:26
This is a question. Please answer.

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For the traps, when they say that you have to do something like put a pny to bed, do you actually have to do that in Howrse real life?
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 12:44:10
This is a question. Please answer.

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For the traps, when they say that you have to do something like put a pony to bed, do you actually have to do that in Howrse real life?
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 12:44:52
Sorry about my last message. I forgot to put away the star.
you have to do objectives on Howrse, not in real life. default smiley :)

so if you are supposed to do something with a pony, you are supposed to do it with a pony here on howrse. default smiley :)
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Question regarding the S__ R__ promo

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I keep hearing talk of a Fellabella, but don't see it on the prize list? Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I keep seeing people mention "two divines" and can only find the Brave Purple.
  • Posted messages: 4,069
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Silver_Heart wrote:

Question regarding the S__ R__ promo

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I keep hearing talk of a Fellabella, but don't see it on the prize list? Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I keep seeing people mention "two divines" and can only find the Brave Purple.
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onthe last board for the Summer Ride there is a silver token, the silver token is a Fallabella
  • Posted messages: 3,603
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 13:57:49
Are there going to be divines in the reserved sales anytime soon?
And are there any promos known after the SR?
Atlantis wrote:

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Does anyone know what Secret Rainbow does yet?

Nope, all we have is its image:

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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know what
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Brave Purple does? (Not sure if that needs a spoiler or not, sorry if it does!)

As a matter of fact:

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Brave Purple is one of the Horses of the Rainbow.

He gives you one diamond every Sunday (after the daily update), provided you logged in at least once over the previous 3 days.

Once you own all the 7 Horses of the Rainbow, you can obtain Secret Rainbow.
1 x diamond every Sunday
Energy consumption when your horses perform missions on Sundays is halved

This horse cannot be sold.
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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Retired breeder wrote:

This is a question. Please answer.

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For the traps, when they say that you have to do something like put a pny to bed, do you actually have to do that in Howrse real life?

Everything is done here on the Website (as Howrse would have no way of actually knowing if you did something or not if it was real life default smiley ;) (in addition - not everyone owns a horse IRL)


Silver_Heart wrote:

Question regarding the S__ R__ promo

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I keep hearing talk of a Fellabella, but don't see it on the prize list? Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I keep seeing people mention "two divines" and can only find the Brave Purple.

It's there;

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On the 5th board - there are two Divine Tokens. The big gold one in the Center is Brave Purple - the smaller silver one in the lower left hand side of the Map is a Falabella (if you land on this space - you'll win one of the six Falabellas, the color is chosen at random)

Retired breeder wrote:

Are there going to be divines in the reserved sales anytime soon?
And are there any promos known after the SR?

Regarding Sales - nothing is known at this time. Just keep in mind though that it is only the Prehistorics, Mythologicals*, Winter and Summer**, and the Rainbows (incomplete set at this time) - who have not had a sales event. (All other Divine and Wild sets have had a Sale and there will not be another sale event done for them)

It's possible one might happen once the Rainbow set is complete - but all we can do is wait and see (as for example; the Chinese Divines got a Reserved Sale less than a month after the last one was released...Whereas the Solar Divines went almost two years before they got a Reserved Sale after being complete)

*Mythologicals (excluding the Faxi trio) were offered in the Titan's Challenge, but never as an actual sale - and in the past Howrse has done things like that (offer in TC/HOPs - then later offer in an actual sale)

**Same as the Mythologicals - Summer and Winter were offered in the Golden Fleece, but never in an actual sale

As for promotions after the S_ R_ - most likely there will be, but at this time - we don't know just what (if anything) is in store for us.
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 14:21:52
I have a spoiler related question about the current promo:
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Does anyone know if the 3mines/pass = 6mines/pass is returning another time (next weekend / last days of promo)? Did it return on the test server?

Thanks in advance! default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

I have a spoiler related question about the current promo:
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Does anyone know if the 3mines/pass = 6mines/pass is returning another time (next weekend / last days of promo)? Did it return on the test server?

Thanks in advance! default smiley :)

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Yes, it returned once again towards the end of the promotion on testing - and since Preprod and live tend to mirror each other promo wise - they should be returning during the last few days.
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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Does anyone have the full list of the things we trade relics for?
  • Posted messages: 2,071
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Regarding drafts:
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Since people are now acquiring them on prepod, does anyone know if they can be cross-bred with Percherons?
Eric n rodney
  • Posted messages: 232
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Eric n rodney wrote:

Regarding drafts:

Yes they can.

It has been done.default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 5,913
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 18:32:16
Does anyone know what promo the next draft breed is being released in?
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 18:36:16
Never mind about my last post, I looked back a page or two and found it.

Could anyone put together a list of upcoming promos that we know about or direct me to a page that has a list? If so that would be great default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 20:39:21
Does anyone know what the next divines will be? Example season themed, (Spring, Winter, Fall, Summer.)
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 21:36:22
In regards to S ___ R ___ promo
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What is a realistic amount of passes one would use? In the UE thread I'm seeing people spending around 30+ to get the divine
Luckk: that depends on how lucky you are. If you are very lucky, you should need few to none. If you are not lucky at all, you probably could need hundreds
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2015 22:09:33
Seeing how my luck is, I might need that hundred, haha. Thank you.
@ Luckk

If you want "realistic" have at least 50-75 passes ready.default smiley :s
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