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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2015 15:34:39
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

Has anyone done a pass estimate for the SR?

It's impossible to estimate. I'd guess 45-80. I haven't heard about anyone getting through it very cheaply.
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phönix wrote:

It's impossible to estimate. I'd guess 45-80. I haven't heard about anyone getting through it very cheaply

What I've spent so far is...

15 on Orange/Red
60 on Yellow
40 on LB/Green

115 for the first 5/7. 45-80 probably wouldn't be possible for all 7.

I'd assume for the next two the price is probably going to ring in at 25-50 passes for the last two.
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*25-50 each
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2015 16:58:20
Aoife wrote:

45-80 probably wouldn't be possible for all 7.

I think what phonix was giving 45-80 as an estimate for was
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the Summer Ride, not Secret Rainbow, which is what I'm guessing you were thinking she/he meant.
Retired breeder wrote:

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the Summer Ride, not Secret Rainbow, which is what I'm guessing you were thinking she/he meant.

ohh that'd make more sense. I couldn't see anyone getting all 7 for so little. XD
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2015 18:17:26
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2015 19:31:29
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
They look just like the ponies we have now, cant remember which, but pics are further back.
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Will there ever be divines in the private sale again?
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Stooggy wrote:

Will there ever be divines in the private sale again?

Only admins know.
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Stooggy wrote:

Will there ever be divines in the private sale again?

It's possible - but at present time, we don't know when/if this will happen as it is only the Prehistorics, Mythological*, Winter and Summer**, and the Rainbows (incomplete set at this time) - who have not had a sales event.

*Mythologicals (excluding the Faxi trio) were offered in the Titan's Challenge, but never as an actual sale - and in the past Howrse has done things like that (offer in TC/HOPs - then later offer in an actual sale)

**Same as the Mythologicals - Summer and Winter were offered in the Golden Fleece, but never in an actual sale
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2015 20:12:15
Map cheat:
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ahh thanks - I better save my passes up and get ready... I'm looking to complete the rainbow divines and I couldn't achieve the yellow divine...
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Also - bringing this forward - a rough calculation of Passes for upcoming promotions:

*Disclaimer: The following information is based only on MY experience in testing/past events. I do not claim, nor profess to be any sort of Mathematician, thus my calculations are subject to errors. In addition - I do not claim nor offer any guarantee that your experience will be the same as mine were. Again, this is simply intended to be a rough guide and not any sort of guaranteed experience.

U_ Promotion:
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Underwater excavations is dependent on:

How often can you dig
How many bones you are finding vs. Relics and other items

For example - on Preprod, even after using the equivalent of 40 passes total, and not missing any digs (I had enough Relics to trade for the next tool as soon as able) - I was STILL short 30 - 40 something bones by the end of the promotion.

Here's another rough example for a different run of the event based on 1-day sample results with each tool based on MY experience *you may find more or less bones, relics, traps, prizes, etc*

Snorkel and Mask (10 digs)
8 Relics
2 Bones
0 Prizes
0 Traps

Oxygen Tank (15 digs)
10 Relics
4 Bones
0 Prizes
1 Trap

Diving Suit (20 digs)
10 Relics
6 Bones
2 Prizes
2 Traps

Propeller (25 digs)
13 Relics
8 Bones
2 Prizes
2 Traps

Robot (30 digs)
19 Relics
10 Bones
1 Prizes
0 Traps

Now, let's focus on the Bones gotten. We'll assume with our other digs, we got enough Relics to barter for the better tools for the various amounts of digs per day for these dates *dates are preprod dates NOT live dates*:

Days 1 and 2 (13th and 14th): 10 digs per day *Snorkel and Mask*
Days 3, 4, and 5 (15th, 16th and 17th): 15 digs per day *Oxygen Tank*
Days 6, 7, 8, and 9 (18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st): 20 digs per day *Diving Suit*
Days 10, 11, 12, and 13 (22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th): 25 digs *Propellor*
Days 14, 15, and 16* (26th, 27th, and 28th*): 30 digs *Robot*

*Day 16 (28th) is not a full day so these numbers might be slightly off

So from these results:
Day 1 - 2: 4 Bones
Days 3 - 5: 12 Bones
Days 6 - 9: 24 Bones
Days 10 - 13: 32 Bones
Days 14 - 16: 30 Bones
Final total: 102 Bones

Bones needed for Devoted Indigo: 162

That's a difference of 60 bones that must now be made up with Mines.

Looking at my history with Mine usage in a single day (3 mines for 1 pass):

2 Bones
1 Prize
0 Relics
0 Traps

If I continued to have this luck with single mines...I'm looking at 30 passes to make up my missing 60 Bones (2 bones each time ; 2 x 30 = 60).

If we calculate this with my results based off a run with Double Mines (6 mines for 1 pass):

3 Bones
2 Prizes
1 Relic
0 Traps

This comes out to only needing 20 passes (3 bones each time ; 3 x 20 = 60)

Final potential pass cost based on these numbers: 20 to 30 passes

Again though, this is just based off a very small sample of numbers and the assumption that one will get these amounts every dig and have enough relics to barter for the next tool as soon as able and overcome traps given to them in the same day.

In short - for the Underwater Excavations - expect it to require anywhere between 10 to 50+ passes depending on your luck with digging.

S_ R_ Promotion:
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Like the Magic Ride - how many passes will be dependent on:

How many rolls you can make per hour
How many times you can roll per day
Are the rolls giving you amounts you need *ex. if you need a 3 to land on a teleport to move to the next part of the board - you need to either roll a 3 with one roll or roll a 1 and 2 with 2 rolls or 1, 1, and 1 with 3 rolls*

Take this screen shot of a Summer Ride board;

In order to move to the next board - you need to collect all the Keys. So from the current spot of the player (the gold horse token) - they are 8 spots away from one key, 15 spots away from the other Key.

Extra rolls are sold in packs of 2. So if this player opts to use Passes at this point in time to try and get the Keys...Their best luck would be if they rolled:

Any combination of 8 to reach the first key (1 pass) *we'll say they rolled 6 and 2*
From the first key's spot - it's another 8 spaces to the next key...If they are lucky enough to roll a combination of 8 again by purchasing another roll pack - they're now up to 2 passes.

Now they have to make their way to the door - and they have multiple options: Try to navigate directly to it, go to the teleporter to be transported to it (but then they still need to roll enough to pass through the door)

In the past - I believe the Magic ride has taken people anywhere between 10 to 30 passes depending on how many regular rolls they can make, and their luck with rolling in general...So I feel this should be much the same.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2015 21:53:52
The S___ R___ looks hard is it easy or hard ?
Retired breeder wrote:

The S___ R___ looks hard is it easy or hard ?

It's luck based, so it just depends on how lucky you are.
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Retired breeder wrote:

The S___ R___ looks hard is it easy or hard ?

That depends on what you mean.
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The Magic Ride (or Summer Ride, they're pretty much the same thing) is, in my opinion, easy to figure out how to play. It's also not that hard to get some decent gifts out of the promo. But I've found that in the Magic Ride, it was really hard for me to even get to the third board, because of unlucky rolls, not being able to get online for some of my rolls, and not having passes to get extra rolls. The promo is heavily luck-based on what you roll.

Hope this helped!
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does anyone have any information on the date of the beginning of the cursed sands?
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oh no sorry about the messed up spoiler default smiley :$
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2015 23:15:16
For the SR, is it random which type of gift you get for the tutorial? Will there be a tutorial in the first place?
can someone tell me what page the map with the locations of all the prizes is? or re post it? I can't remember which page it was on... Mainly interested in where the TC/TCs are and if its just one ora few available. Thanks
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NVM, page 1230... found it.
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Aoife wrote:

ohh that'd make more sense. I couldn't see anyone getting all 7 for so little. XD

Lol yeah considering I've spent ~130 on the first 5 on my swedish account LOL
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ShorahNagi wrote:

S_ R_ Promotion:
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Like the Magic Ride - how many passes will be dependent on:

How many rolls you can make per hour
How many times you can roll per day
Are the rolls giving you amounts you need *ex. if you need a 3 to land on a teleport to move to the next part of the board - you need to either roll a 3 with one roll or roll a 1 and 2 with 2 rolls or 1, 1, and 1 with 3 rolls*

Take this screen shot of a Summer Ride board;

In order to move to the next board - you need to collect all the Keys. So from the current spot of the player (the gold horse token) - they are 8 spots away from one key, 15 spots away from the other Key.

Extra rolls are sold in packs of 2. So if this player opts to use Passes at this point in time to try and get the Keys...Their best luck would be if they rolled:

Any combination of 8 to reach the first key (1 pass) *we'll say they rolled 6 and 2*
From the first key's spot - it's another 8 spaces to the next key...If they are lucky enough to roll a combination of 8 again by purchasing another roll pack - they're now up to 2 passes.

Now they have to make their way to the door - and they have multiple options: Try to navigate directly to it, go to the teleporter to be transported to it (but then they still need to roll enough to pass through the door)

In the past - I believe the Magic ride has taken people anywhere between 10 to 30 passes depending on how many regular rolls they can make, and their luck with rolling in general...So I feel this should be much the same.

10-30?! In what universe o_O
Last time I finished it took 72(!) passes. A friend of mine used a similar amount. It's been the most expensive promo in my experience.
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