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By Retired breeder, 18th May 2015 01:24:42
Retired breeder wrote:


The "formula" is: Take out the asterisk

[spoiler*] Test [/spoiler]
By Retired breeder, 18th May 2015 01:47:49
The higher the GP and skills the better??
By Retired breeder, 18th May 2015 01:52:11
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About the Maze, I heard that there are horses you use for it. How do you use horses for the maze?
By Retired breeder, 18th May 2015 01:56:00
What draft breeds are coming to Howrse? default smiley 8-)
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anybody know if showers/water troughs will have any affect on the maze at all?


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The Maze uses a different energy bar than the one on your horse's page. Showers/Troughs have no effect on this. In addition - you can NOT care for the horse you send into the maze in any way - so choose carefully.

Retired breeder wrote:

When does the
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My guess is possibly tomorrow - but all we can do is wait and see.
CowboyCrazyGirl wrote:

I hope that it starts romorrow...even though I have to work at one.

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Quick question though. How often can you switch which horse you can use? Like for example., I use one horse until th energy runs out and then switch to a different horse.

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You can switch as often as you like - however the energy bar remains the same...so you can't drop the energy to 0 with one horse, change to another and have it back up to 100%
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By Retired breeder, 18th May 2015 01:57:09
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 18th May 2015 01:59:13
when are they coming?
they meaning draft horses
Retired breeder wrote:

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I heard draft horses are coming to Howrse? I wonder when zebras and mules and hinnys' will arrive. I personally think that all the mares should have a 90% chance of foaling, because in real life, there are miscarriages. default smiley :'(

Probably never;

Zebras have never been truly domesticated (even the Wild horse breeds - with the exception of the Przewalski - have domesticated counter parts or are the results of regular horses going feral)...thus, we won't have them outside of the now-removed companions.

Mules and Hinnys would also probably never happen due to the differences in how Donkey and Horse GP works. In additions - Mules/Hinnys tend to be sterile hybrids...which sort of defeats the purpose of this being a breeding game to produce the best horses.

As for that final option - supposedly we had it when Howrse first started...but too many players got upset about it, so it was removed (also - I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty annoyed if I spent 10,000e on a covering and used a ton of items on the mare just to end up with no foal to show for it.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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what are the under water excavations?

If you were around for the Cursed Sands promotion - it's the same thing. If you were not around;

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Excavate the sea bead to find gifts that were lost at sea. Beware of the traps!

*How do I excavate?

• Choose the area you want to excavate
• Discover what is hidden there
• Be patient between excavations
• Exchange your tools and the relics you’ve found for more powerful tools

Basically - you'll have a screen showing various patches of dirt. You dig in these patches to find Items (regular & black market items), Relics (which you trade for better tools over time), or Bones (which are needed to complete the skeleton to win the Divine horse - Devoted Indigo. There is also a chance you'll find a Trap - which will delay you from digging for 6 hours unless you complete an objective.

Here are some screen shots of the Underwater Excavations:

Finding some equus

Finding a bone - sorry, it's in French default smiley :(

Finding a relic

The Prize list for the promotion.
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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Retired breeder wrote:

What draft breeds are coming to Howrse? default smiley 8-)

Retired breeder wrote:

when are they coming?
they meaning draft horses

Sometime in May - Here's all the information on Draft Horses and the breeds:

*Please note -the following post refers to Draft horses as Draugt Horses...They are the SAME thing (Draft is the preferred US term for Heavy Horses, Draught is the UK preferred term for them)

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Draught Horses:
A new type of horse is making their long awaited entrance on Howrse; the draught breeds.

The first horse from this new “species” is the Percheron!

Draught horses can:
- Receive the same items than Donkeys.

The special coats of the following items will use the same image as horses and ponies:
- 5th Element
- Bewitched Pumpkin
- Seal of the Apocalypse

Draught horses can be equipped and take part in the same competitions as riding horses and ponies. The equipment is visible on the horse’s illustration. *see image*

Like donkeys the draught horses:
- Can only be bred with another draught horse
- Cannot breed more than three times during his life
- When a draught horse is put up for sale any issued but unused coverings are cancelled

Weight and feed
The need for fodder is larger with a draught horse than with other species
The requirement for oats works the same way as for horses or ponies.

When a draught horse takes part in a mission:
He earns twice as many skills as a regular horse
His owner earns twice as many equus

The Equestrian Centre earns twice as many resources

The mission button on their page is slightly modified to show it’s doubled compared to other horses.

You can search draught horses in breeding farms, sales and in public coverings.
When you are looking for a covering for your draught mare the setting is automatically set to search for a draught horse of the same breed in exactly the same way as donkeys.

In the other direction, when looking for a covering for a classical riding breed you cannot select the setting to search for a draught horse.

The draught horses are ranked as any other type of specie.
Their ranking goes between the ones for ponies and donkeys.

Creative Space:
We add the opportunity of proposing creations for draught horses in the Creative Space.
On the Black pearl page the sentence “Draught horses aren’t accepted” is removed.

The Percheron is added to the breed and coats for all breed trophies as well as creating a trophy in Talented Breeder => breeds.

The species is also added to the species trophy, species Golden Apple and retired Golden Apple trophies.

Species riding horse

To avoid unnecessary confusion the species “horse” is renamed “riding horse”. *and Drafts will be called 'Draft Horse'

This terminology is used on the horse’s page under species, in the horse’s breed description, in the search drop down menus, in the sales, when looking for coverings, in your breeding farms, trophies, species, in the rankings …

Help section
An entry is added for draught horses in the section 4.1 – breeding.
In the EC help under missions in section 2.3 an entry is also added

Best Regards
The Howrse Team

Images of a Percheron's page and the Breed's Page;

*bonus - Percheron Foal*

In addition to this - the Second Breed of Draft horse is also known:

The second Draft Breed is going to be the Shire Horse.

However - other than these three images showing the three colors it comes in - Nothing else is known about this particular Draft at this time:

This means we don't know how it will be released, its skills, etc.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Can somebody explain the upcoming promo to me? I don't understand all this about using horses. It sounds pretty cool though. Just a brief explanation would be great. default smiley (ow)

Retired breeder wrote:

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About the Maze, I heard that there are horses you use for it. How do you use horses for the maze?

For everyone wondering about the upcoming M Promo. Here's all the information on it:

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The Maze
progress inside the Maze and stock up on goodies !

Treats and spyglasses will help you find your way out of the Maze!

How to move inside the Maze?

Move by clicking on the direction you wish to explore.

A Move costs either:
*A Treat
*20% of energy

You will need to choose a horse to follow you inside the Maze to go and rescue Lovely Blue who is kept prisoner on the island.

Depending on the skills of the horse you chose to follow you, you get between 2 and 5% of energy back per hour.

You can change horse along the way but when your horse is registered to help you in the Maze you cannot do anything with him outside.

Big Prize :
Find the Maze’s exit and win Lovely Blue

So when the promotion starts - you will choose which of your horses you want to use in the Maze. By default - it will show you those with the highest energy recovery rate per hour - but you can search for and use a different one (for best results - use one who recovers 5% per hour).

*Notice the recovery rate is posted under the horse's picture

This is how the maze looks when you start;

*Note the energy bar underneath my horse's picture. This is a Separate energy bar than the one on his page (so once it is empty - switching horses won't refill it)

As you make moves in the Maze - you'll notice that the mini-map updates as well;

Along the way you can find Treats (which give you additional moves without using Energy), Spyglasses (which reveal 10 spots on your map so you can better find your way), and Gifts (which give you items) - note you MUST click on these items to receive them/the benefit they offer.

Here are two fully revealed Maps. The maze is the same for everyone, as is the location of gifts, spyglasses, and treats. However, what gift you find at a gift location will be random (so you might find a Fertility wand, I might find a Helios' Ray, etc). Note that Gift spaces are rumored to be moving slightly since these images were taken!

The Red line is the Shortest route through the maze in terms of how many spaces you move.
The White Dot line is longer, but a bit faster as you pick up more treats along the way for free moves.

As for the Prizes you can win - this is the complete list and how many of each are in the maze (remember - everyone has the same prizes, just not in the same spots, so no one will have more than 1 Seal of the Apocalypse in their maze for example:


Note that once you reach the end and exit to find Lovely Blue - you can NOT re-enter the Maze! So if you want the Divine - be prepared to give up some extra gifts (though by my calculations - you'll still find at least 30 gifts in the Maze if you follow the Red line route so it's not a total sacrifice to go directly for the divine.


Additional moves will be given for this promotion in the form of Treats being found on Level 3 of the Titan's Challenge. You will find between 6 to 10 treats - like any other item in the TC, you must stop and claim your gifts to get them.
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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Retired breeder wrote:

The higher the GP and skills the better??

For the M? In a way - yes.

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Regeneration is based on skills...I think someone figured out that you could get the max. regeneration rate with a horse with around 3000 skills total (roughly half of the highest current skill level) - but this calculation could be wrong

And woo! *breathes a sigh of relief* I think I got all the questions covered...
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By Retired breeder, 18th May 2015 02:35:21
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Can you get the horse you use back after the Maze promo?
By Retired breeder, 18th May 2015 02:36:16
Nope not quite default smiley (lol)

Will 4550 definitely be enough for max regen? Even if that is wrong?
JoHorseLover725... it should work without a problem...
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Can you get the horse you use back after the Maze promo?


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The horse is perfectly fine - you get it back at the end no matter what.
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Like donkeys the draught horses:
- Can only be bred with another draught horse
- Cannot breed more than three times during his life
- When a draught horse is put up for sale any issued but unused coverings are cancelled

Hello, my question is on the following statement
When a draught horse is put up for sale any issued but unused coverings are cancelled

What does that mean? If you sell one and it still has 2 breedings left, are they still there
for the next buyer? Or is the horse Steriile? Can it still have foals after being sold if it
has breedings left?
Thank you for your help.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Nope not quite default smiley (lol)

Will 4550 definitely be enough for max regen? Even if that is wrong?

More than enough if that's the horse's total skills.

The horse I used during testing;

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has a current skill level of 3944.23 total. He had the max. 5% regeneration rate during the whole thing...which is why I think that the figure someone had of one's horse being at at least 50% of the max. skill level gives the 5% gain (as right now, the highest skill level is around 6500 or more)
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@VickyTexas - this is what it means;

*this does not need a Spoiler - as the info about Drafts being like Donkeys with breeding was in the EC Time Line which was available for all to see:

If you sell a Draft Stallion with 2 coverings unused - the buyer will be able to use those coverings as they wish (either offer them public or private (in the case of a mare, either use Public or Private covers to breed her)

If you offer those 2 coverings publicly - then sell the Stallion, they will be 'canceled' (that is, be unable to be accepted by anyone). When the new owner gets the horse - those coverings will be 'available' again for people to see and use (But the new owner won't have control over them - they will simply get the money. (in the case of a Mare - there is no issue as you either need to sell the mare pregnant, or with coverings left, or all coverings used)
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By Retired breeder, 18th May 2015 05:28:11
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Can someone explain the upcoming maze to me? I wasn't here for the sands thing so I have no clue what is going to happen....
By Retired breeder, 18th May 2015 05:40:56
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Ir you have 4 moves And you get a candy can you keep it for when you need it? Or hoyyou ve to use the candy when you gt it?
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If you use a horse to regain energy, will it so still have "normal" energy when you change horses? ex: if my horse has 96% and i use it to the M*se and get 2-5% energy pr. hour, will it still have 96% left when i change him with another horse? default smiley :)
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Ir you have 4 moves And you get a candy can you keep it for when you need it? Or hoyyou ve to use the candy when you gt it?

They are used right away - you can't hold on to them for later use

sandrasmk wrote:

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If you use a horse to regain energy, will it so still have "normal" energy when you change horses? ex: if my horse has 96% and i use it to the M*se and get 2-5% energy pr. hour, will it still have 96% left when i change him with another horse? default smiley :)

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The energy bar used is different than the one on the Horse's page - so yes, the horse will still have 96% energy if you change him out.

Note however that changing horses will NOT refill the Maze energy bar - that only happens every hour.

Retired breeder wrote:

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Can someone explain the upcoming maze to me? I wasn't here for the sands thing so I have no clue what is going to happen....

Suzycu - a few of my posts above yours explain both the upcoming M promo - as well as the future U promo.
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And they STILL aren't here!!!!!!! *sob*
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When are the draft horses going to be realist ??????default smiley :@default smiley :@
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