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wait is it cards then pinata
  • Posted messages: 3,819
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JadedHunter wrote:

wait is it cards then pinata

Seems to be that way as;

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We tested cards in the most recent session - and now shots and information has surfaced from Equideow about Piñatas...so the chance is high that we'll have the cards - then a break - then the Piñatas.
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By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 03:09:09
I'm assuming yes..
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just because usually red and orange come earlier in the rainbow than yellow :P
By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 08:13:16
Retired breeder wrote:

I'm assuming yes..

Also because
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red and orange give stuff on monday and tuesday, and yellow on wednesday. So it would make sense to release the divines in order of the week days right? ^^
Retired breeder wrote:

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I'm hoping that I can at least get to the Greyfell piñata. @timbeaux2 I just looked at that one... oh wow. Maybe it's something to do with a donkey? Let's just hope it's that. Probably is that. default smiley xd

Same here.
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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I was just wondering if anyone who knows about upcoming features might have seen anything about that painting game returning to howrse? I don't think this needs a spoiler banner since I don't have inside info (correct me if I'm wrong), just curious as to whether or not that game may resurface. I really enjoyed the creativity aspect of it!!
  • Posted messages: 401
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Seems to be that way as;

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We tested cards in the most recent session - and now shots and information has surfaced from Equideow about Piñatas...so the chance is high that we'll have the cards - then a break - then the Piñatas.

Aww I really hope sooo!
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does anyone have any idea what this coat color is for the piñata objective?
"horse chestnut dress burned hairs can be washed" default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 7,883
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tropicanaoj1 wrote:

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does anyone have any idea what this coat color is for the piñata objective?
"horse chestnut dress burned hairs can be washed" default smiley (lol)

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I could tell if I knew the original sentence (I know a little french). But the translation makes me think maybe flaxen liver chestnut..
  • Posted messages: 332
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Alwarion wrote:

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I could tell if I knew the original sentence (I know a little french). But the translation makes me think maybe flaxen liver chestnut..

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unfortunately I don't know what the original text said default smiley :$
But the objectives don't seem to be too bad this time around they seem mostly doable
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By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 13:43:41
@ tropicanaoj1
Most of them don't seem to bad, but unless the translations were incredibly off, some looked a little hard for some players. But that's how most go.
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I found the original text and yes, it's a flaxen liver chestnut coat för that objective.

"caresser un cheval de robe alezan brulé crins lavés"

"stroke a horse with a flaxen liver chestnut coat"
  • Posted messages: 332
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@ Alwarion thank you! default smiley (y)

@ Horsieg, I agree they're certainly not easy, but not as earth-shatteringly impossible as I was expecting default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 14:19:16
tropicanaoj1 wrote:

@ Horsieg, I agree they're certainly not easy, but not as earth-shatteringly impossible as I was expecting

That's true. I almost think it's funny how the piñata objectives seem to be way more specific than any other objectives for promos, or at least for promos that I have been a part of.
By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 17:28:13
So if you do all of the objectives do you get

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Shiny Yellow?

Or is there something else you have to do? I've never been here when that promo was on before. Seems too easy default smiley (o)
So do the clicks accumulate? Or are they going to force us to be on every two hours towards the end?
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By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 17:40:19
Retired breeder wrote:

So if you do all of the objectives do you get

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Shiny Yellow?

Or is there something else you have to do? I've never been here when that promo was on before. Seems too easy default smiley (o)

Sort of. You have to open all the piñatas, including
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Shiny Yellow's
to get him. But doing the obj. help you to complete your piñatas faster.

Aoife wrote:

So do the clicks accumulate? Or are they going to force us to be on every two hours towards the end?

If I remember correctly, the clicks do /not/ accumulate.
By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 17:43:02
Ah, I see. So do passes come into it? Can you spend a pass to get more clicks or something?
Retired breeder wrote:

So if you do all of the objectives do you get

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Shiny Yellow?

Or is there something else you have to do? I've never been here when that promo was on before. Seems too easy default smiley (o)

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you don't need to do all the objectives, you just need to break all the piñatas. However, the objectives give you rewards to help you to click your piñatas more often so they are very useful for getting the divine default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 7,883
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Retired breeder wrote:

Ah, I see. So do passes come into it? Can you spend a pass to get more clicks or something?

[spolier] you can spend passes normally to open hops which will give you bonus clicks [/spoiler]
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whoops I'm sorry I messed up the spoiler banner default smiley :$
  • Posted messages: 7,883
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By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 17:46:04
Retired breeder wrote:

Ah, I see. So do passes come into it? Can you spend a pass to get more clicks or something?

Again, if I remember correctly, there are times throughout the promo where you can find piñata points (which is how you open your piñata, each one has a set number of points that you reach by clicking it when it's time and each click is worth one point until you complete obj. that allow you to get more points per click) and they are automatically applied to your piñata, without having to wait for your next click. At least, that's how I remember it. Maybe if a mod is on right about now, like ShorahNagi, they can explain it better. LOL
By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 17:46:58
tropicanaoj1 wrote:

whoops I'm sorry I messed up the spoiler banner default smiley :$

I don't think it needs to be in a spoiler, because this promo has happened before and we are just saying how to "play" it.
By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 17:51:18
Okay that's confusing default smiley xd I'm sure it'll make more sense when I see it.

Ooh I've been stockpiling my HoPs for a promo where they can be used. It's so hard not to open them default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 27th March 2015 17:53:45
Retired breeder wrote:

Okay that's confusing default smiley xd I'm sure it'll make more sense when I see it.

Ooh I've been stockpiling my HoPs for a promo where they can be used. It's so hard not to open them default smiley :(

Sorry!!! It always does. LOL

If I had known that the piñatas were coming, I would've saved the HoP I won from the lottery. Oh well...
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