[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 7th March 2015 16:34:01
Lol. Yeah translation can be misleading!default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 7th March 2015 20:07:55
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
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By Retired breeder, 7th March 2015 23:10:17
JadedHunter wrote:

is prep open?

How many more days until the promo starts?
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By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 03:17:24
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 03:17:43
XD Fail.
Well, at least I tried.
By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 03:24:05
SoulOfSalt wrote:

How many more days until the promo starts?

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13 days to be exact...don't mind me just counting down until Insurgent comes out as a movie since 125 days..happens that they come out on the same day so I'll be quite excited for that daydefault smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 04:15:43
Can anybody update me on possible divines and such.? I've been searching back pages, I can find images, but not specific details.. I'd like to know ahead of time to decide if I want to save up passes.
By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 04:16:43
13 days? Ugh. Wait wait wait wait
By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 07:48:49
Waiting for the lottery event
What's the next event? default smiley :) Is there an events calendar anywhere?
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Retired breeder wrote:

Can anybody update me on possible divines and such.? I've been searching back pages, I can find images, but not specific details.. I'd like to know ahead of time to decide if I want to save up passes.

On the page before this, ShorahNagi posted about the next divines.

amalia_x wrote:

What's the next event? default smiley :) Is there an events calendar anywhere?

There is no events calendar.
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The next even will be the cards. You get some when you log in and also in other ways. On some cards, there will be an item that you get right away. Other cards are part of a set and when you complete the set, you get the price for that set. The price for one set will be a new divine and the price for completing all sets will be another new divine. Those are the ones that ShorahNagi talked about. default smiley :d
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λzeroth wrote:

@ShorahNagi -

is the name really gonna be
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Cool Carrot


nope. in fact,
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if you take a look at the url, it's name is just gonna be orange
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By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 16:03:04
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Does anyone know if Isis is going to be released during the GC?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know if Isis is going to be released during the GC?

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I believe that is what everyone is assuming as the Rainbow Divines are coming in the Cards Promo next week
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By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 16:10:08
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That makes sense. I can't wait for the card promo. c:
lukey800 wrote:

nope. in fact,
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if you take a look at the url, it's name is just gonna be orange

That's not always a true indication - look at Brook for example:

the URL of his image:


We all thought the final name for him was going to be Source based on the URL (as well as the original mention of this as a name)...So you never know (though all spoilers and info I am finding are pointing at:

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Cool Carrot and Charming Red (and Secret Rainbow for the Final one) being the real names of these Divines. Personally, though they are childish - I kind of like the fact that Howrse is taking a moment to step away from the Mythological and other names for Divines and giving us some easier names (as in recent months, I've seen many questions pop up about to pronounce the names of some Divines).
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By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 17:33:36
Does anyone know that if one point in time we will be able to use our 2* tack (ear bonnet, saddle cloth, polo wraps) on the horses in our ec or be able to be sold for that matter? I have 50+ of each of those and I rather use them over the 1* stuff you can buy for your boarders.
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Again, we will be able to get the Hermes Winged Staff
  • Posted messages: 2,083
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know that if one point in time we will be able to use our 2* tack (ear bonnet, saddle cloth, polo wraps) on the horses in our ec or be able to be sold for that matter? I have 50+ of each of those and I rather use them over the 1* stuff you can buy for your boarders.

There has not yet been any announcement or information on that. It is possible that it may not happen until we can craft those items in our workshops, and there is no indication as to when that might be.
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 18:25:10
Does anyone think that Themis Scales will be available? They are by far the most useful BM in the game.
By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 18:27:59
Ah... I want the Cool Carrot. default smiley xd I only have 4 passes, but I have 15 HoPs ready to spring on a new divine.
I don,t know if I am going to have luck getting any divines. But, I guess I can start sg Xanthos more often to see if I can gwt any HOP's. I really want Red.
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By Retired breeder, 8th March 2015 18:45:15
How do I do the spoiler banner?
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