[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Retired breeder wrote:

Did they? I can't remember that it must have been ages agodefault smiley (lol)

It was a looong time ago. I was still in elementary school [in high school now]. 0.o
Wolf of the North
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By Retired breeder, 6th March 2015 02:38:13
Wolf of the North wrote:

It was a looong time ago. I was still in elementary school [in high school now]. 0.o

Before 2009?
Retired breeder wrote:

Before 2009?

I think so...
Wolf of the North
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By Retired breeder, 6th March 2015 02:59:39
Oh that would make sense then, I wasn't really on horse before then. Well I had an account but my horse died and back then if your only horse died your account pretty much died with it default smiley (lol)
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh that would make sense then, I wasn't really on horse before then. Well I had an account but my horse died and back then if your only horse died your account pretty much died with it default smiley (lol)

Yeah, I had an account back then, then I think it was deleted for inactivity. Several years later, I created another, that was deleted as well and I was kinda bored with [this was the latest update before this newest one] and then now I have this account.

Anyone have more news on the
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GC and Rainbow Divines?
Wolf of the North
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I heard someone say
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that we aren't going to be able to resell fodder anymore soon? Is this true?
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@RascallPeanutt - no more news that I can find.

To everyone who was asking about Cards and how they work:

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The way they work is like this. You get cards for doing various things:

Logging in (2 per day if memory serves)
Winning Competitions (2 per day)
Buying them in the Flash Sales
*you can win cards of all rarities from the above methods

You can also - once a day - trade a duplicate card for one of the same rarity that you don't have yet (You do not get to choose. If you have all the cards of a rarity, you can not trade it)
The trades are made by paying equus - the rates are;
10,000 for bronze
20,000 for silver
50,000 for gold
100,000 for diamond

You scratch off your card to reveal either a Prize OR a Puzzle Piece. If it's a prize, when you hit activate - you'll get that item (you can win a Prize more than once unless the card itself states that it can not be cumulated (meaning won more than once))

If it's a Puzzle card - it will count for whatever set it is apart of. When you have all Five Puzzle Cards of a set - you'll win the Prize shown for that Puzzle.

If you complete all the Puzzles - you'll win the Divine shown at the top of the Cards page.

Also, during this event - Howrse offers packs of Cards to purchase for 1 pass/10 Diamonds. Each pack gives you:

3 Bronze cards - one of which will be a card you do not yet have (if you have all Bronze cards, they will all be duplicates)
2 cards of a higher rarity (silver, gold, or diamond)

Also, with this promotion - it seems we will be having a return of the Wild or Joker card. If memory serves - getting one of these cards allows you the option to fill in any card you do not yet have (so prize or puzzle (though I could have sworn that it does not allow you fill in Diamond cards - only gold, silver, or bronze))
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MANATEE11 wrote:

I heard someone say
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that we aren't going to be able to resell fodder anymore soon? Is this true?

Where did you see that?

As far as I know - that is something that will not be removed (as that might hurt a lot of new players and older players as well when it comes to making money (I know I occasionally sell excess fodder to help make money)
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By Retired breeder, 6th March 2015 04:22:23
λzeroth wrote:

wow... the name for the

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MA card...

It's just the French word for it, if you think about it like that, then the word for the shower is awkward too, but it's not.
Bringing this forward again for those who might not have seen it:

Card related:
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The following seems to be the entire list of what card contains what (apologies that the labels on them are in French):

Prize Cards

*For those laughing at the Morpheus' Arms card:
The word Bras is French for Arm - the full French name of that item is: Bras de Morphée (Arm of Morpheus)

Puzzle Cards

Really hoping they change the names of these Divines to just Red, Orange, and so on so forth if we get other colors.
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By Retired breeder, 6th March 2015 04:32:24
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I am so glad the cards are back! It seems like an event where everyone has an equal chance of winning a divine! Plus, I love Charming Red!
By Retired breeder, 6th March 2015 04:33:13
Ooops sorry, meant for that to have the spoiler tag!
@smonick95 - easy enough fix default smiley (m)
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ShorahNagi wrote:

@RascallPeanutt - no more news that I can find.

Well, I can only hope that some of these colors Divines are a good bit away so I can start hoarding passes. XD Thank you.
Wolf of the North
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By Retired breeder, 6th March 2015 05:04:12
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what does red look like?
not sure if that should be in spoilers or not default smiley :s
@ShorahNagi I thought I saw someone say it in this topic a couple dozen pages back.
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Any english severs got cards already?
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By Retired breeder, 6th March 2015 06:30:39
876slh wrote:

Any english severs got cards already?

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The promo is supposed to start on the 20th
By Retired breeder, 6th March 2015 06:48:08
I don't have the promo yet like everyone its comes 20th march by my country we are only on the 6th today. so just be patient
But...i don't know if I can be so patient when I am so excited!default smiley :p well, guess I am going to have to force myself.
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By Retired breeder, 6th March 2015 06:56:21
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

That is a bit unnecessary Please be nice
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Retired breeder wrote:

I don't have the promo yet like everyone its comes 20th march by my country we are only on the 6th today. so just be patient

Lol i cant be iv waited a month already i need it, O well guess ill just save passes and diamonds till then that will help with the time right haha
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By Retired breeder, 6th March 2015 07:23:12

I suppose we were just having a laugh and there is nothing wrong with that ...
Does anyone know if the
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great challenge and card promo
will clash?
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