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dressage: +15
stamina: +1, speed: +1, dressage: +1, gallop: +1, trot: +1, jumping: +1
stamina: +2, speed: +2, dressage: +2, gallop: +2, trot: +2, jumping: +2
stamina: +9, dressage: +8, jumping: +7
dressage: +9, gallop: +7, trot: +8
Macaron is one of the Pastry Horses.Thanks to him, your Pastry mares will produce 0.5 extra sugar pearls every day.You will get Macaron when you are the breeder of a horse of each pastry type, male or female.You cannot breed more than one of a Macaron horse
Macaron cannot be sold.
You can increase his skills by using your Passes.
See a list of everyone who owns Macaron