Greyfell 9 is one of the mythological horses.
Greyfell is a divine horse who can be reborn from the ashes like a phoenix.
However, he isn't immortal, so every day he loses a little health.
If he has lived for at least 30 days since his birth or rebirth, he will give you 20
and 20,000
on the day he passes away.
You bring him back to life using Pandora's Box or revitalize him with Black Orchids.
There are 12 different Greyfell, including 2 females.
Once during your game, if you have at least one of each alive on the first day of the month, you will be able to turn one of them into Palomino Sleipnir from their personal page.
Females can breed once with a Greyfell male.
They give birth to another Greyfell.
Greyfell 9 cannot be sold.
You can increase his skills by using your Passes.
See a list of everyone who owns Greyfell 9