victoria40820's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 28th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
131672 | -54 | destiny1027 | 5 | ||||
131673 | -54 | Patrick13 | 5 | ||||
131674 | -54 | danny11 | 5 | ||||
131675 | -54 | payneisdead | 5 | ||||
131676 | -54 | SummerEclypse | 5 | ||||
131677 | -54 | nat | 5 | ||||
131678 | -54 | kiki_eq | 5 | ||||
131679 | -54 | Missyselene | 5 | ||||
131680 | -54 | pinkmilk | 5 | ||||
131681 | -54 | victoria40820 | 5 | ||||
131682 | -54 | gracefulnote200 | 5 | ||||
131683 | -54 | KerriB | 5 | ||||
131684 | -54 | alexjames | 5 | ||||
131685 | -54 | Allaryce | 5 | ||||
131686 | -54 | Jeffrey2023! | 5 | ||||
131687 | -54 | Ailie | 5 | ||||
131688 | -54 | celinask | 5 | ||||
131689 | -54 | littlepanda0114 | 5 | ||||
131690 | -54 | Anastasia wynne | 5 | ||||
131691 | -54 | Dorothea | 5 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
103650 | -23 | gerwantthewitcher | 3 | ||||
103651 | -23 | coralloj | 3 | ||||
103652 | -23 | White_rose8 | 3 | ||||
103653 | -23 | hlbekb | 3 | ||||
103654 | -23 | Schaanzlee | 3 | ||||
103655 | -23 | miramira | 3 | ||||
103656 | -23 | BeetleTheDragon04 | 3 | ||||
103657 | -23 | anna14 | 3 | ||||
103658 | -23 | acarlson5 | 3 | ||||
103659 | -23 | victoria40820 | 3 | ||||
103660 | -23 | Nash21 | 3 | ||||
103661 | -23 | Slverfox104 | 3 | ||||
103662 | -23 | grumpslilgirl | 3 | ||||
103663 | -23 | Delilah_Jean | 3 | ||||
103664 | -23 | Poughkeepsie | 3 | ||||
103665 | -23 | ElderflowerElixir | 3 | ||||
103666 | -23 | nascar | 3 | ||||
103667 | -23 | Sahara Light Star | 3 | ||||
103668 | -23 | angelcausey94 | 3 | ||||
103669 | -23 | Bread God | 3 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
85348 | -27 | Lazerkela | 5,032 | ||||
85349 | -27 | brinlly | 5,032 | ||||
85350 | -27 | Febù0aý | 5,032 | ||||
85351 | -27 | rachy91 | 5,032 | ||||
85352 | -27 | keelyg21 | 5,032 | ||||
85353 | - | sheri.richard | 5,032 | ||||
85354 | -28 | kuvira | 5,032 | ||||
85355 | -28 | HORSEYHANNAH123 | 5,032 | ||||
85356 | -28 | bibifatima | 5,032 | ||||
85357 | -28 | victoria40820 | 5,032 | ||||
85358 | -28 | gracefulnote200 | 5,032 | ||||
85359 | -28 | Bread God | 5,032 | ||||
85360 | -28 | Tobemm132 | 5,032 | ||||
85361 | -28 | LaurenLou | 5,032 | ||||
85362 | -28 | Jorja_Raver | 5,032 | ||||
85363 | - | pandaa90 | 5,032 | ||||
85364 | -29 | Parish | 5,032 | ||||
85365 | -29 | equinoxxii | 5,032 | ||||
85366 | -29 | cheybvdjae43234 | 5,032 | ||||
85367 | -29 | Chonk | 5,032 |
Player | Days | ||||||
135950 | +136 | Cach1234 | 2 | ||||
135951 | +136 | faithypoo | 2 | ||||
135952 | +136 | DizzyLizzy | 2 | ||||
135953 | +136 | connorduncan09 | 2 | ||||
135954 | +136 | Bazinga | 2 | ||||
135955 | +136 | Coolhorse | 2 | ||||
135956 | +136 | äninka | 2 | ||||
135957 | +136 | SadieJane | 2 | ||||
135958 | +136 | brooklyn_99 | 2 | ||||
135959 | +136 | victoria40820 | 2 | ||||
135960 | +136 | wiktoria5 | 2 | ||||
135961 | +136 | Taiyō | 2 | ||||
135962 | +137 | Naru10125 | 2 | ||||
135963 | +137 | swift39 | 2 | ||||
135964 | +137 | ivy river | 2 | ||||
135965 | +137 | Smoke Wolf | 2 | ||||
135966 | +137 | sokol | 2 | ||||
135967 | +137 | emerson | 2 | ||||
135968 | +137 | Eleo07 | 2 | ||||
135969 | +137 | Merlin1 | 2 |