AlexisDavis's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 26th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
39649 | -23 | jumala | 252,077 | ||||
39650 | -23 | delms | 252,075 | ||||
39651 | -4 | Rigengar | 252,053 | ||||
39652 | -83 | Mercury_ | 252,050 | ||||
39653 | -25 | ellamacdonald | 252,029 | ||||
39654 | -25 | owo_owo | 252,029 | ||||
39655 | -25 | AsilAnom | 252,023 | ||||
39656 | -25 | Tris2901 | 252,012 | ||||
39657 | -25 | rosas | 251,990 | ||||
39658 | +55470 | AlexisDavis | 251,982 | ||||
39659 | -25 | rubz25672 | 251,979 | ||||
39660 | -25 | kdog | 251,979 | ||||
39661 | -25 | skrocks | 251,978 | ||||
39662 | -25 | PomPomRider09 | 251,970 | ||||
39663 | -25 | NUGGET | 251,958 | ||||
39664 | +512 | shannlynn.r92 | 251,954 | ||||
39665 | -26 | NeverlandsArmy | 251,950 | ||||
39666 | -26 | silj3ksa | 251,949 | ||||
39667 | +235 | Tomothy | 251,935 | ||||
39668 | -27 | lauren999 | 251,930 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
65291 | -18 | Firefly2728 | 9 | ||||
65292 | -18 | Ardyra | 9 | ||||
65293 | -18 | clock | 9 | ||||
65294 | -17 | Blueberryfrost! | 9 | ||||
65295 | -17 | GwentheLeprechaun | 9 | ||||
65296 | -16 | Astew103 | 9 | ||||
65297 | -16 | Nessima | 9 | ||||
65298 | -16 | amber123jkhgfdsazX | 9 | ||||
65299 | +1526 | bob2727 | 9 | ||||
65300 | +8285 | AlexisDavis | 9 | ||||
65301 | -18 | Krystalith | 9 | ||||
65302 | -18 | 25crowder | 9 | ||||
65303 | -18 | Azariyah | 9 | ||||
65304 | -18 | clairamus | 9 | ||||
65305 | -18 | CassBHunt97 | 9 | ||||
65306 | -18 | eq_frame | 9 | ||||
65307 | -18 | MissFanceypants | 9 | ||||
65308 | -18 | pegsgrl | 9 | ||||
65309 | -18 | Hannah Hutson | 9 | ||||
65310 | -18 | Sigrit | 9 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
78357 | -17 | mm_4ever2003 | 5,460 | ||||
78358 | -17 | AmieD | 5,460 | ||||
78359 | -17 | kariecoutley1 | 5,460 | ||||
78360 | -17 | Zoozoo563 | 5,460 | ||||
78361 | -17 | Metilda | 5,459 | ||||
78362 | -17 | Asmi | 5,459 | ||||
78363 | -17 | shadyx123 | 5,459 | ||||
78364 | -17 | Horseyhorse24 | 5,459 | ||||
78365 | -17 | calliafun100 | 5,459 | ||||
78366 | -6729 | AlexisDavis | 5,458 | ||||
78367 | -18 | JustPeachyyx | 5,458 | ||||
78368 | -18 | dynxm | 5,458 | ||||
78369 | -18 | codysgirl101 | 5,458 | ||||
78370 | -18 | Whispers0 | 5,458 | ||||
78371 | -18 | DaydreamingDez | 5,457 | ||||
78372 | -18 | 7GhostWolf! | 5,457 | ||||
78373 | -18 | mustangwild | 5,457 | ||||
78374 | -18 | hellyeah | 5,457 | ||||
78375 | -18 | MisterEd | 5,457 | ||||
78376 | -18 | Kat94 | 5,457 |
Player | Days | ||||||
78608 | +5536 | Bac1997 | 5 | ||||
78609 | +5539 | RyRoo97! | 5 | ||||
78610 | +5541 | rackri84 | 5 | ||||
78611 | +5541 | DashkaBoss | 5 | ||||
78612 | +5541 | Effera | 5 | ||||
78613 | +5541 | lizparks92 | 5 | ||||
78614 | +5541 | katy_roo | 5 | ||||
78615 | +5541 | AnneSan23 | 5 | ||||
78616 | +5541 | shannlynn.r92 | 5 | ||||
78617 | +5541 | AlexisDavis | 5 | ||||
78618 | +5542 | asiagocheerios | 5 | ||||
78619 | +5542 | Riverrunner1 | 5 | ||||
78620 | +5542 | GraceKellie | 5 | ||||
78621 | +5542 | Cayl | 5 | ||||
78622 | +5543 | stark_serenity | 5 | ||||
78623 | -9 | chocky97 | 4 | ||||
78624 | -9 | Aranel Faelivrin | 4 | ||||
78625 | -9 | missj | 4 | ||||
78626 | -9 | Libbyjean | 4 | ||||
78627 | -9 | misskaylafrost | 4 |
Player | Visits | ||||||
2879 | - | BlackSymphony | 1 | ||||
2880 | - | MADDY06 | 1 | ||||
2881 | -1047 | NotSoWild | 1 | ||||
2882 | +64 | Pieck | 1 | ||||
2883 | +64 | Mega211 | 1 | ||||
2884 | -1497 | grtmore | 1 | ||||
2885 | +67 | Bean7722 | 1 | ||||
2886 | +67 | Jötunheimr | 1 | ||||
2887 | -1051 | Ayla0509 | 1 | ||||
2888 | - | AlexisDavis | 1 | ||||
2889 | +70 | | 1 | ||||
2890 | - | tpopwell | 1 | ||||
2891 | -1054 | minnie | 1 | ||||
2892 | - | Hellsing | 1 | ||||
2893 | - | Maé | 1 | ||||
2894 | - | AslanA | 1 | ||||
2895 | - | Elliebird | 1 | ||||
2896 | - | RilesMarie0312 | 1 | ||||
2897 | - | thoroughbred02 | 1 | ||||
2898 | -1933 | CowgirlK | 1 |