starnova1017's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 21st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
128712 | -26 | Horse dancer123 | 5 | ||||
128713 | -26 | HiraethHeretic | 5 | ||||
128714 | -26 | darkprincesslove | 5 | ||||
128715 | -26 | ChristieGarza | 5 | ||||
128716 | -26 | Smoozie | 5 | ||||
128717 | -26 | clairehowse | 5 | ||||
128718 | -26 | PiperSmith_08 | 5 | ||||
128719 | -26 | Hemanthredy | 5 | ||||
128720 | -26 | Luna Keisha | 5 | ||||
128721 | -60214 | starnova1017 | 5 | ||||
128722 | -27 | urFavoirte_gurl13 | 5 | ||||
128723 | -27 | AWederq | 5 | ||||
128724 | -27 | LavenderLiv | 5 | ||||
128725 | -27 | Isabe11e_s1 | 5 | ||||
128726 | -27 | ashley_m0777 | 5 | ||||
128727 | -27 | TimberWolf664 | 5 | ||||
128728 | -27 | HahaUsagi | 5 | ||||
128729 | -27 | arianat2024 | 5 | ||||
128730 | -27 | lostalaskan | 5 | ||||
128731 | -27 | mayytrixx | 5 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
105765 | -46 | Killercoyote126 | 3 | ||||
105766 | -46 | RatEater | 3 | ||||
105767 | -46 | taylormarie04! | 3 | ||||
105768 | -46 | Hawkins | 3 | ||||
105769 | -46 | lilgem | 3 | ||||
105770 | -45 | Queenapdo16 | 3 | ||||
105771 | -45 | Aleea | 3 | ||||
105772 | -45 | Keyairxoxo | 3 | ||||
105773 | -45 | Luv1ng_lexi | 3 | ||||
105774 | -45 | starnova1017 | 3 | ||||
105775 | -44 | WildRose20 | 3 | ||||
105776 | -44 | Jcollins84 | 3 | ||||
105777 | -44 | Echo_B | 3 | ||||
105778 | -44 | 24neverse | 3 | ||||
105779 | - | Aaron | 3 | ||||
105780 | - | SallowLark | 3 | ||||
105781 | - | kimba1 | 3 | ||||
105782 | - | Noah Mne | 3 | ||||
105783 | +8482 | Claudia1986 | 3 | ||||
105784 | - | BARBIE | 3 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
79180 | +41 | chichiii | 5,332 | ||||
79181 | +41 | cami_lle | 5,332 | ||||
79182 | +41 | I'm a bomber | 5,332 | ||||
79183 | +41 | preparedgal | 5,332 | ||||
79184 | +41 | shaybaby34 | 5,332 | ||||
79185 | +41 | mamabear112313 | 5,332 | ||||
79186 | +41 | Thebeast1998 | 5,331 | ||||
79187 | +41 | Fairydust725 | 5,331 | ||||
79188 | +41 | jesspress | 5,331 | ||||
79189 | +41 | starnova1017 | 5,331 | ||||
79190 | +41 | VoidedCarousel | 5,331 | ||||
79191 | +41 | Drakcon | 5,331 | ||||
79192 | +41 | Gilgamesh_Astarion | 5,331 | ||||
79193 | +41 | itskat3001 | 5,331 | ||||
79194 | +41 | celinask | 5,331 | ||||
79195 | +41 | Joanna wise | 5,331 | ||||
79196 | +41 | Leadmare94 | 5,331 | ||||
79197 | +41 | tap | 5,331 | ||||
79198 | +42 | Ellen Hopkins | 5,331 | ||||
79199 | +42 | Ellie16 | 5,331 |
Player | Days | ||||||
135919 | +245 | EponasSong | 2 | ||||
135920 | +245 | koko | 2 | ||||
135921 | +245 | Lacie13 | 2 | ||||
135922 | +246 | Daisy. | 2 | ||||
135923 | +246 | Oregungirl541 | 2 | ||||
135924 | +246 | Bean7722 | 2 | ||||
135925 | +246 | Kiloski_zed | 2 | ||||
135926 | +248 | AresBastet | 2 | ||||
135927 | +248 | hope. | 2 | ||||
135928 | +248 | starnova1017 | 2 | ||||
135929 | +248 | wytee.sunray | 2 | ||||
135930 | +248 | ahudso45 | 2 | ||||
135931 | +248 | Valor1Gal | 2 | ||||
135932 | +248 | LilyLurid | 2 | ||||
135933 | +248 | GHXSTED | 2 | ||||
135934 | +248 | CelticBee15! | 2 | ||||
135935 | +250 | Tidal | 2 | ||||
135936 | +250 | Tink8-907 | 2 | ||||
135937 | +252 | Chanteloupe | 2 | ||||
135938 | +252 | Quackers | 2 |