Crazywacky12345's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 21st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
41265 | -8 | hunty__baby | 235,445 | ||||
41266 | -8 | Blackrose440 | 235,440 | ||||
41267 | +2 | Opulens | 235,419 | ||||
41268 | +474 | Andrea L. Batte | 235,402 | ||||
41269 | -10 | jazz4t6 | 235,396 | ||||
41270 | -10 | Zeographic907 | 235,391 | ||||
41271 | -10 | Shurla | 235,378 | ||||
41272 | -10 | yasjas | 235,339 | ||||
41273 | -10 | Nightingale33 | 235,311 | ||||
41274 | -3422 | Crazywacky12345 | 235,310 | ||||
41275 | -11 | Asuna Hamada | 235,309 | ||||
41276 | -11 | ThiccMicc | 235,309 | ||||
41277 | -10 | natulu123 | 235,281 | ||||
41278 | -10 | novamowgli | 235,272 | ||||
41279 | -9 | Rozi | 235,268 | ||||
41280 | -9 | halestorm_34 | 235,252 | ||||
41281 | -9 | HaleyApplin | 235,248 | ||||
41282 | -9 | Not-me1o1 | 235,244 | ||||
41283 | -9 | SteakandChips | 235,223 | ||||
41284 | -9 | Ravenranch08 | 235,221 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
63776 | -17 | Horse24:life | 10 | ||||
63777 | -17 | Booknerdchelcie | 10 | ||||
63778 | -17 | KiraLight | 10 | ||||
63779 | -17 | jordanthehorsegod | 10 | ||||
63780 | -17 | Lalaluv143! | 10 | ||||
63781 | -17 | Willowfox0220 | 10 | ||||
63782 | -17 | Nanka | 10 | ||||
63783 | -16 | lil.bits | 10 | ||||
63784 | +1411 | Lights | 10 | ||||
63785 | -17 | Crazywacky12345 | 10 | ||||
63786 | +4720 | Briiighteyes | 10 | ||||
63787 | -18 | KimoKitten | 10 | ||||
63788 | -18 | Kastrina110Gurl | 10 | ||||
63789 | -18 | Elsa.. | 10 | ||||
63790 | -18 | Oxy | 10 | ||||
63791 | -18 | queendreamer | 10 | ||||
63792 | -18 | sruss | 10 | ||||
63793 | -18 | CalicoLavely | 10 | ||||
63794 | -18 | Redrufuschick | 10 | ||||
63795 | -18 | harleyyy | 10 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
59441 | = | Melsje | 25,804 | ||||
59442 | = | Mentyboo | 25,803 | ||||
59443 | = | jujeemarie | 25,802 | ||||
59444 | = | Lunarose829 | 25,802 | ||||
59445 | = | paintedoats | 25,801 | ||||
59446 | = | jessibear95 | 25,801 | ||||
59447 | = | cowboy003 | 25,798 | ||||
59448 | = | cuceallaigh | 25,796 | ||||
59449 | = | Saron | 25,793 | ||||
59450 | +165 | Crazywacky12345 | 25,792 | ||||
59451 | -1 | Solweig | 25,791 | ||||
59452 | -1 | inspeksjon | 25,791 | ||||
59453 | -1 | AMiller14 | 25,790 | ||||
59454 | -1 | Kezzibell | 25,787 | ||||
59455 | -1 | Lusitsnia | 25,786 | ||||
59456 | -1 | mwebb | 25,781 | ||||
59457 | -1 | cooheart | 25,778 | ||||
59458 | -1 | NekoWolfAlice | 25,777 | ||||
59459 | -1 | desassy812 | 25,775 | ||||
59460 | = | emeliavanwyk | 25,775 |
Player | Days | ||||||
95599 | +40500 | GoldenSun333 | 3 | ||||
95600 | +40500 | summerthundersun | 3 | ||||
95601 | +40505 | sophieprest06 | 3 | ||||
95602 | +40505 | Swiftee420 | 3 | ||||
95603 | +40507 | GalaxyStar | 3 | ||||
95604 | +40508 | Rat1! | 3 | ||||
95605 | +40510 | amber2025 | 3 | ||||
95606 | +40515 | GraveyardGhost | 3 | ||||
95607 | +40515 | big_blueballs | 3 | ||||
95608 | +40521 | Crazywacky12345 | 3 | ||||
95609 | +40521 | Martyna | 3 | ||||
95610 | +40523 | 59Natsha50 | 3 | ||||
95611 | +40529 | Urlocalbaddie! | 3 | ||||
95612 | +40531 | Kaya Cloud | 3 | ||||
95613 | +40537 | Nina J | 3 | ||||
95614 | +40537 | Becca wise | 3 | ||||
95615 | +40546 | LaineyWilson | 3 | ||||
95616 | +40551 | Julianna up | 3 | ||||
95617 | +40555 | Riverlovesducks | 3 | ||||
95618 | +40555 | StarKarma | 3 |
Player | Visits | ||||||
1923 | +811 | eggtooth | 2 | ||||
1924 | - | sewpanda | 2 | ||||
1925 | - | amschmeck | 2 | ||||
1926 | +815 | slt1976 | 2 | ||||
1927 | - | powerhorse | 2 | ||||
1928 | - | sc7677 | 2 | ||||
1929 | -141 | Nohrtje | 2 | ||||
1930 | - | Agwenda | 2 | ||||
1931 | - | GRaCiE | 2 | ||||
1932 | - | Crazywacky12345 | 2 | ||||
1933 | - | Abigailla | 2 | ||||
1934 | +823 | horsebuckskin | 2 | ||||
1935 | - | Lady Andarta | 2 | ||||
1936 | - | _xXxlyssaxXx_ | 2 | ||||
1937 | -144 | Diamond 49 | 2 | ||||
1938 | +827 | Aphaea | 2 | ||||
1939 | - | Lynn96 | 2 | ||||
1940 | +829 | wolfnerfoxes | 2 | ||||
1941 | - | HisN00bness | 2 | ||||
1942 | -144 | catcrazy81 | 2 |