LunaWolf1978's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 15th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
91028 | -30 | THEFRIESIANLOVER | 24,118 | ||||
91029 | -30 | AutismMom09 | 24,116 | ||||
91030 | -30 | Midnight2016 | 24,109 | ||||
91031 | -30 | haymorri | 24,104 | ||||
91032 | -30 | Amber Neal | 24,104 | ||||
91033 | -30 | grayyy | 24,103 | ||||
91034 | -30 | ResidentialEvil | 24,102 | ||||
91035 | -30 | tdelgadillo35 | 24,101 | ||||
91036 | -30 | Amit Revach | 24,099 | ||||
91037 | - | LunaWolf1978 | 24,092 | ||||
91038 | - | Mallory06 | 24,092 | ||||
91039 | -30 | Meow | 24,089 | ||||
91040 | -30 | skies | 24,076 | ||||
91041 | -30 | stacysarah | 24,072 | ||||
91042 | -30 | AUMzaFANTAZY | 24,072 | ||||
91043 | -30 | aristyping | 24,072 | ||||
91044 | -30 | Luna14 | 24,072 | ||||
91045 | -30 | fattiepattie | 24,072 | ||||
91046 | -30 | smoulicek | 24,072 | ||||
91047 | -30 | Coltonbaby123 | 24,072 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
100737 | -18 | Ays | 3 | ||||
100738 | -18 | ElectricRed | 3 | ||||
100739 | -18 | kjr20 | 3 | ||||
100740 | -18 | PanicAttack | 3 | ||||
100741 | -18 | emma jones | 3 | ||||
100742 | -18 | beccabales3 | 3 | ||||
100743 | -18 | haybails425 | 3 | ||||
100744 | -17 | EmeraldArtemis | 3 | ||||
100745 | -17 | Caylex | 3 | ||||
100746 | -17 | LunaWolf1978 | 3 | ||||
100747 | - | raelynnruss | 3 | ||||
100748 | - | TruffleBandit | 3 | ||||
100749 | - | sect | 3 | ||||
100750 | - | Pearl_jam1993 | 3 | ||||
100751 | - | chickababe | 3 | ||||
100752 | - | BoredBoy | 3 | ||||
100753 | - | RedneckMama | 3 | ||||
100754 | - | caglchan | 3 | ||||
100755 | - | Didobido | 3 | ||||
100756 | - | YeenTeeth | 3 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
86668 | +1 | vivianrose | 5,028 | ||||
86669 | +1 | Twitch | 5,028 | ||||
86670 | +1 | Horselover123489 | 5,028 | ||||
86671 | +1 | koolkidkitty | 5,028 | ||||
86672 | +1 | Chloedontcare99 | 5,028 | ||||
86673 | +1 | Gramala's | 5,028 | ||||
86674 | +1 | idcshutup | 5,028 | ||||
86675 | +1 | EternalCyn | 5,028 | ||||
86676 | +1 | Stephaniestaton991 | 5,028 | ||||
86677 | +8572 | LunaWolf1978 | 5,028 | ||||
86678 | - | BoredBoy | 5,028 | ||||
86679 | -1 | Benz | 5,028 | ||||
86680 | -1 | Boodyzina | 5,028 | ||||
86681 | -1 | daimy | 5,028 | ||||
86682 | -1 | TundraSwan | 5,028 | ||||
86683 | -1 | kfletch95 | 5,028 | ||||
86684 | -1 | Harriet_ | 5,028 | ||||
86685 | -1 | Dorothy Deamer | 5,028 | ||||
86686 | -1 | slashmariam | 5,028 | ||||
86687 | -1 | Charlie2010! | 5,028 |
Player | Days | ||||||
135548 | +254 | Sasa1 | 2 | ||||
135549 | +254 | CopperPawz | 2 | ||||
135550 | +254 | majesty Lyra | 2 | ||||
135551 | +254 | Dizzle723 | 2 | ||||
135552 | +254 | Ksenya | 2 | ||||
135553 | +256 | HeatherB | 2 | ||||
135554 | +256 | jazzoliver | 2 | ||||
135555 | +256 | kassidy | 2 | ||||
135556 | +256 | Savannah2005 | 2 | ||||
135557 | +256 | LunaWolf1978 | 2 | ||||
135558 | +257 | Hemanthredy | 2 | ||||
135559 | +257 | harristaylor27 | 2 | ||||
135560 | +257 | Sierrarodrig2005 | 2 | ||||
135561 | +257 | Lynnv | 2 | ||||
135562 | +257 | chahow | 2 | ||||
135563 | +257 | BeanPole | 2 | ||||
135564 | +257 | AdrianaRT | 2 | ||||
135565 | +257 | familyline2010 | 2 | ||||
135566 | +257 | irkaotic | 2 | ||||
135567 | +257 | kamadean | 2 |