judz30's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 12th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
122775 | -61 | Little Alien | 403 | ||||
122776 | -61 | autxmn | 402 | ||||
122777 | -61 | maleahg4 | 402 | ||||
122778 | -61 | cosmic23 | 402 | ||||
122779 | -61 | kaylee12345 | 402 | ||||
122780 | -61 | uhmyhhh | 402 | ||||
122781 | -61 | Kristina wright | 402 | ||||
122782 | -61 | xoEmziRosexo | 402 | ||||
122783 | -61 | Octavia.16 | 402 | ||||
122784 | -61 | judz30 | 402 | ||||
122785 | -61 | Christa93 | 402 | ||||
122786 | -61 | robryan420 | 402 | ||||
122787 | -61 | silverspec | 402 | ||||
122788 | -61 | rilynn2311311 | 402 | ||||
122789 | -61 | wierdoginger | 401 | ||||
122790 | -61 | myeager | 401 | ||||
122791 | -61 | Blackmoon 781 | 401 | ||||
122792 | -61 | Sarafraley16 | 401 | ||||
122793 | -61 | Neptune | 401 | ||||
122794 | -61 | kplatre123 | 401 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
93412 | -51 | T0rmentedS0ulz | 3 | ||||
93413 | -51 | whirly | 3 | ||||
93414 | -51 | adinges32 | 3 | ||||
93415 | -51 | kimmykins91 | 3 | ||||
93416 | -51 | HorseManiac | 3 | ||||
93417 | -51 | fisseche000 | 3 | ||||
93418 | -51 | lollypopums | 3 | ||||
93419 | -51 | Monca | 3 | ||||
93420 | -51 | SummeAdkins | 3 | ||||
93421 | -51 | judz30 | 3 | ||||
93422 | -51 | Purityangel9799 | 3 | ||||
93423 | -51 | Lily Liv | 3 | ||||
93424 | -51 | abales | 3 | ||||
93425 | -51 | sdezelin | 3 | ||||
93426 | -51 | mossy | 3 | ||||
93427 | -51 | KKSCRAPS | 3 | ||||
93428 | -51 | Ladychaoticdark89 | 3 | ||||
93429 | -51 | fallenangel95 | 3 | ||||
93430 | -51 | HungryHorse | 3 | ||||
93431 | -51 | Splootin' | 3 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
94815 | -12 | rose horse | 4,974 | ||||
94816 | -12 | marinnnara | 4,973 | ||||
94817 | -12 | Isabell123 | 4,973 | ||||
94818 | -12 | eraltilis | 4,973 | ||||
94819 | -12 | Sashi | 4,973 | ||||
94820 | -12 | Cierraj | 4,973 | ||||
94821 | -12 | wishTm12 | 4,973 | ||||
94822 | -12 | elena.joan | 4,973 | ||||
94823 | -12 | Melissa Grier | 4,973 | ||||
94824 | -12 | judz30 | 4,973 | ||||
94825 | -12 | chardenedb | 4,972 | ||||
94826 | -12 | Shelbyr | 4,972 | ||||
94827 | -12 | kjjamison | 4,972 | ||||
94828 | -12 | Adaline | 4,972 | ||||
94829 | -12 | Alondrax | 4,972 | ||||
94830 | -12 | OneUp | 4,972 | ||||
94831 | -12 | Abbie89 | 4,972 | ||||
94832 | -12 | Avery1234 | 4,972 | ||||
94833 | -12 | Barbiegirl628 | 4,972 | ||||
94834 | -12 | Kat7445 | 4,972 |
Player | Days | ||||||
95118 | +13 | Yoshizuki | 3 | ||||
95119 | +13 | lacue mae | 3 | ||||
95120 | +13 | saintsquid | 3 | ||||
95121 | +13 | Neuromoth | 3 | ||||
95122 | +13 | charleyjacks12 | 3 | ||||
95123 | +13 | clayre | 3 | ||||
95124 | +13 | Tdoe | 3 | ||||
95125 | +13 | ilov6986A $ | 3 | ||||
95126 | +13 | Witlof | 3 | ||||
95127 | +13 | judz30 | 3 | ||||
95128 | +13 | Avitry | 3 | ||||
95129 | +39343 | Lacey-242- | 3 | ||||
95130 | +12 | 12Harper | 3 | ||||
95131 | +12 | hannahrose | 3 | ||||
95132 | +12 | Horselover53 | 3 | ||||
95133 | +12 | athyn 321 | 3 | ||||
95134 | +13 | mystic_memory | 3 | ||||
95135 | +13 | LaughsALOT | 3 | ||||
95136 | +14 | ruthle$$ | 3 | ||||
95137 | +14 | Melissa227 | 3 |