StarShine23's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
133179 | -46 | khang | 5 | ||||
133180 | -46 | gracey.001 | 5 | ||||
133181 | -46 | Toshafarley87 | 5 | ||||
133182 | -46 | CarteesCritters | 5 | ||||
133183 | -46 | cashcircus | 5 | ||||
133184 | -46 | meme18750 | 5 | ||||
133185 | -46 | NightSpark44 | 5 | ||||
133186 | -46 | FaeForrest | 5 | ||||
133187 | -46 | mistyhollowpro | 5 | ||||
133188 | -46 | StarShine23 | 5 | ||||
133189 | -68483 | dleija | 5 | ||||
133190 | -47 | Cow1370 | 5 | ||||
133191 | -47 | Lolabell751 | 5 | ||||
133192 | -46 | Dina | 5 | ||||
133193 | -46 | gyoza | 5 | ||||
133194 | -46 | erin-austin | 5 | ||||
133195 | -46 | Emcsi | 5 | ||||
133196 | -46 | baba | 5 | ||||
133197 | -46 | friesian_Lover0609 | 5 | ||||
133198 | -46 | kenadiestone09 | 5 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
113587 | -59 | Karissa_b33 | 2 | ||||
113588 | -59 | xenor05 | 2 | ||||
113589 | -59 | Suuuuuusie | 2 | ||||
113590 | -59 | haley_robinson1 | 2 | ||||
113591 | -59 | cashcircus | 2 | ||||
113592 | -59 | ButterflySystem | 2 | ||||
113593 | -59 | Raeliana | 2 | ||||
113594 | -59 | RainbowNoir | 2 | ||||
113595 | -59 | mamajalapeno72 | 2 | ||||
113596 | -59 | StarShine23 | 2 | ||||
113597 | -59 | Horse dancer123 | 2 | ||||
113598 | -59 | staceysumner46753 | 2 | ||||
113599 | -59 | jana | 2 | ||||
113600 | -59 | ButterflyBlades | 2 | ||||
113601 | - | At120622 | 2 | ||||
113602 | -60 | Morgan Howrse | 2 | ||||
113603 | -60 | julez262 | 2 | ||||
113604 | -60 | PNWchelsea | 2 | ||||
113605 | -60 | queenanxiety | 2 | ||||
113606 | -60 | crissynicole | 2 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
93105 | -30 | Leslie.juarez | 4,992 | ||||
93106 | -30 | Ryleemonkeyshine | 4,992 | ||||
93107 | -30 | DiamondCrystal_9 | 4,992 | ||||
93108 | -30 | Justhorse | 4,992 | ||||
93109 | -30 | Victoriaht123 | 4,992 | ||||
93110 | -30 | BrittyBoop | 4,992 | ||||
93111 | -30 | horse_.girl_. | 4,992 | ||||
93112 | -30 | AGC | 4,992 | ||||
93113 | -30 | astarr1096 | 4,992 | ||||
93114 | -30 | StarShine23 | 4,992 | ||||
93115 | -30 | fraticus | 4,992 | ||||
93116 | -30 | MasterC | 4,991 | ||||
93117 | -30 | tiarah Spellenberg | 4,991 | ||||
93118 | -30 | lizurps | 4,991 | ||||
93119 | -30 | ali009 | 4,991 | ||||
93120 | -30 | Noah_Imp | 4,991 | ||||
93121 | -30 | Drakaina | 4,991 | ||||
93122 | -30 | ישי123 | 4,991 | ||||
93123 | -30 | genz | 4,991 | ||||
93124 | -30 | Breezybri97 | 4,991 |
Player | Days | ||||||
134883 | +93 | hisforever | 2 | ||||
134884 | +93 | godschild | 2 | ||||
134885 | +93 | Kenn | 2 | ||||
134886 | +93 | Sinlo1514 | 2 | ||||
134887 | +93 | RSS | 2 | ||||
134888 | +93 | Weazy64 | 2 | ||||
134889 | +93 | yursako | 2 | ||||
134890 | +93 | Octavia.16 | 2 | ||||
134891 | +93 | sophieHs1_ | 2 | ||||
134892 | +93 | StarShine23 | 2 | ||||
134893 | +94 | Gillian | 2 | ||||
134894 | +94 | Rhagle88 | 2 | ||||
134895 | +94 | Sloth008 | 2 | ||||
134896 | +94 | i love horses fr | 2 | ||||
134897 | +94 | beppaburns | 2 | ||||
134898 | +94 | kiraequine | 2 | ||||
134899 | +94 | cjjr | 2 | ||||
134900 | +94 | Love1$ | 2 | ||||
134901 | +94 | CaitlynCupcake | 2 | ||||
134902 | +94 | Evangeline_Isaiah | 2 |