NoraG's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
101083 | -71 | thisagain?? | 10,296 | ||||
101084 | -71 | Castletown | 10,296 | ||||
101085 | -71 | Robcolbie | 10,296 | ||||
101086 | -71 | ninniec4 | 10,296 | ||||
101087 | -71 | vroyale5215 | 10,296 | ||||
101088 | -71 | Lillystallion | 10,296 | ||||
101089 | -71 | westernfront030825 | 10,296 | ||||
101090 | -71 | ♡︎ ᥕіᥒᥒіᥱ ♡︎ | 10,295 | ||||
101091 | -71 | SweatyTractor | 10,295 | ||||
101092 | -71 | NoraG | 10,295 | ||||
101093 | -71 | lizzie.grace0803 | 10,294 | ||||
101094 | -71 | freddurst | 10,294 | ||||
101095 | -71 | Fictionist | 10,294 | ||||
101096 | -71 | Jun | 10,294 | ||||
101097 | -71 | HBHowrse | 10,294 | ||||
101098 | -71 | star1966 | 10,293 | ||||
101099 | -71 | brandiortiz2021 | 10,293 | ||||
101100 | -71 | Twink676 | 10,293 | ||||
101101 | -71 | R9C21 | 10,293 | ||||
101102 | -71 | Remithetraveler | 10,293 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
78207 | -21 | qquuexn | 4 | ||||
78208 | -21 | TahliChevyDolly | 4 | ||||
78209 | -21 | clara-008 | 4 | ||||
78210 | -21 | Kazumi Hakashi | 4 | ||||
78211 | -21 | LadyGolden | 4 | ||||
78212 | -21 | bribby1988 | 4 | ||||
78213 | +12557 | Johnson15 | 4 | ||||
78214 | -22 | SprungL642 | 4 | ||||
78215 | -22 | JCR REBORN | 4 | ||||
78216 | -21 | NoraG | 4 | ||||
78217 | -21 | DovePawz | 4 | ||||
78218 | -21 | Godisgood | 4 | ||||
78219 | -21 | Toxiccpup | 4 | ||||
78220 | -21 | Sophia zach | 4 | ||||
78221 | -21 | dhshidga | 4 | ||||
78222 | -20 | kwold2005 | 4 | ||||
78223 | -20 | Blueberryfrost! | 4 | ||||
78224 | -20 | Sarah42 | 4 | ||||
78225 | -20 | sh0rtc4k3 | 4 | ||||
78226 | -20 | stvrlightt* | 4 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
78294 | -12 | Izzles | 5,464 | ||||
78295 | -12 | giggles | 5,464 | ||||
78296 | -12 | faejuni1234 | 5,464 | ||||
78297 | -12 | Cycy | 5,464 | ||||
78298 | -12 | MomoOcean240 | 5,464 | ||||
78299 | -12 | cc1136913 | 5,464 | ||||
78300 | -12 | autopahin | 5,464 | ||||
78301 | -12 | Elizabeth5305 | 5,464 | ||||
78302 | -12 | equestian | 5,464 | ||||
78303 | -12 | NoraG | 5,464 | ||||
78304 | -12 | FloralFox | 5,464 | ||||
78305 | -12 | itznotangiefr | 5,464 | ||||
78306 | -12 | jddjeiwjsbdbej | 5,463 | ||||
78307 | -11 | linthinia | 5,463 | ||||
78308 | -11 | cass421 | 5,463 | ||||
78309 | -11 | rowanzoe3 | 5,463 | ||||
78310 | -11 | loveshorsesforever | 5,463 | ||||
78311 | -11 | Ponytigers | 5,462 | ||||
78312 | -11 | Elfie2017 | 5,462 | ||||
78313 | -11 | shaytm11 | 5,462 |
Player | Days | ||||||
95001 | -14 | Hope4545 | 3 | ||||
95002 | -14 | misty2024 | 3 | ||||
95003 | -14 | NightSpark44 | 3 | ||||
95004 | -14 | JCR REBORN | 3 | ||||
95005 | -14 | jahpretty | 3 | ||||
95006 | -13 | FaeForrest | 3 | ||||
95007 | -13 | jjdjfjfbfvvtxy y | 3 | ||||
95008 | -13 | ARLhorselogin | 3 | ||||
95009 | -13 | sfdobbins13 | 3 | ||||
95010 | -13 | NoraG | 3 | ||||
95011 | -13 | Rorax | 3 | ||||
95012 | -13 | LegoshiWolf | 3 | ||||
95013 | -13 | LunarPaintedDog | 3 | ||||
95014 | -13 | Heartland fan | 3 | ||||
95015 | -13 | roblox | 3 | ||||
95016 | -13 | Juliette123 | 3 | ||||
95017 | -13 | Kittinzz123 | 3 | ||||
95018 | -13 | christiem | 3 | ||||
95019 | -13 | rexhound | 3 | ||||
95020 | -13 | tigger | 3 |