RubyJem718's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 20th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
37923 | -6 | 4LL4M3NTS | 271,666 | ||||
37924 | -6 | Shroomies | 271,659 | ||||
37925 | -5 | mayaviikinsalo | 271,654 | ||||
37926 | -5 | QueensGambit | 271,647 | ||||
37927 | -5 | Kharmin09 | 271,632 | ||||
37928 | -5 | Killerthewolf | 271,628 | ||||
37929 | -5 | RedMatriarch | 271,625 | ||||
37930 | -5 | tezreza | 271,608 | ||||
37931 | +240 | Choko | 271,590 | ||||
37932 | -6 | RubyJem718 | 271,587 | ||||
37933 | -6 | kitty999 | 271,584 | ||||
37934 | -6 | DarkLilith | 271,583 | ||||
37935 | -6 | enilecks | 271,581 | ||||
37936 | -6 | S.H.I.E.L.D | 271,565 | ||||
37937 | -6 | GoodSoup | 271,524 | ||||
37938 | -6 | ksanderson | 271,521 | ||||
37939 | -5 | monchichi | 271,509 | ||||
37940 | -5 | AFrequentCosplayer | 271,509 | ||||
37941 | -5 | ma_ram12679 | 271,492 | ||||
37942 | -5 | Mona Mia | 271,491 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
48694 | -7 | Le Drakkar | 25 | ||||
48695 | -7 | Dream Journey | 25 | ||||
48696 | -7 | Magic Tori | 25 | ||||
48697 | -7 | WeepingPiano | 25 | ||||
48698 | -7 | Crimson Flame | 25 | ||||
48699 | -7 | MyMelody | 25 | ||||
48700 | +1173 | Lildudes4life | 25 | ||||
48701 | -8 | Junipar | 25 | ||||
48702 | -8 | Vanderz41 | 25 | ||||
48703 | -8 | RubyJem718 | 25 | ||||
48704 | +2415 | Qrow | 25 | ||||
48705 | -9 | admontanez | 25 | ||||
48706 | -9 | hclaudia10 | 25 | ||||
48707 | -9 | vanihorselove | 25 | ||||
48708 | -9 | Diahne94 | 25 | ||||
48709 | -9 | StephanG | 25 | ||||
48710 | -9 | dinojoar | 25 | ||||
48711 | -9 | ChromeFox | 25 | ||||
48712 | -9 | SarahTommo | 25 | ||||
48713 | -9 | Jacks_Cowgirl | 25 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
49882 | +42 | Ggg2000 | 56,041 | ||||
49883 | +42 | miccyp | 56,038 | ||||
49884 | +42 | gennygoodtimes | 56,035 | ||||
49885 | +42 | tragicunicorn | 56,031 | ||||
49886 | +42 | Andrea Flynn | 56,022 | ||||
49887 | +42 | MafiaQueen | 56,018 | ||||
49888 | +42 | CharliesAngel | 56,014 | ||||
49889 | +42 | Flippyarmy | 56,010 | ||||
49890 | +42 | candiegirl | 56,009 | ||||
49891 | +47 | RubyJem718 | 56,007 | ||||
49892 | +41 | Saimitar | 56,006 | ||||
49893 | +41 | baratio | 55,994 | ||||
49894 | +41 | AFrequentCosplayer | 55,992 | ||||
49895 | +42 | kylielk | 55,986 | ||||
49896 | +43 | rissa360 | 55,973 | ||||
49897 | +43 | BriarRoseStables | 55,965 | ||||
49898 | +43 | Kiriperi88 | 55,956 | ||||
49899 | +44 | ghost22 | 55,946 | ||||
49900 | +44 | Deannalouise8 | 55,941 | ||||
49901 | +44 | Lavender Haze | 55,941 |
Player | Days | ||||||
56792 | +1 | annabelloydjones | 23 | ||||
56793 | +490 | sky.schade | 23 | ||||
56794 | +491 | ticketyboo | 23 | ||||
56795 | +491 | Tana0401 | 23 | ||||
56796 | -1 | Kimena | 23 | ||||
56797 | +490 | YuKoHa | 23 | ||||
56798 | +490 | Charlize_ | 23 | ||||
56799 | +490 | Echo DragonQueen | 23 | ||||
56800 | +490 | Aceofspades1776 | 23 | ||||
56801 | -2 | RubyJem718 | 23 | ||||
56802 | +489 | gorishjordan | 23 | ||||
56803 | +489 | Neekoinu | 23 | ||||
56804 | +489 | mlekc | 23 | ||||
56805 | +489 | Saturn_ | 23 | ||||
56806 | +489 | Mercury_ | 23 | ||||
56807 | +489 | Saturnus | 23 | ||||
56808 | +489 | Marsus | 23 | ||||
56809 | -7 | Hotspot1 | 22 | ||||
56810 | -7 | Chickadea | 22 | ||||
56811 | -7 | toboldlygo | 22 |