Capuccino's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
66664 | -14 | Kat Peterson | 38,072 | ||||
66665 | -14 | jankyjolteon | 38,068 | ||||
66666 | -14 | cowcow | 38,068 | ||||
66667 | -14 | mollysue262 | 38,066 | ||||
66668 | -14 | mollyboundd | 38,063 | ||||
66669 | -7061 | Johnchristopher26 | 38,059 | ||||
66670 | -15 | Moonplay | 38,052 | ||||
66671 | -15 | MiahBaby_02 | 38,050 | ||||
66672 | -15 | 74quinn74 | 38,049 | ||||
66673 | -15 | Capuccino | 38,049 | ||||
66674 | +14 | Lil Miss | 38,039 | ||||
66675 | -16 | randomkittykat | 38,034 | ||||
66676 | -16 | Havenn | 38,030 | ||||
66677 | -16 | AnitaN | 38,029 | ||||
66678 | -15 | Nazisho93 | 38,027 | ||||
66679 | -17 | jvest89 | 38,025 | ||||
66680 | -16 | Piph | 38,016 | ||||
66681 | -16 | horserider9 | 38,013 | ||||
66682 | -16 | Kate Orr | 38,012 | ||||
66683 | -16 | MissRenva | 38,006 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
74599 | -9 | Ccowon | 5 | ||||
74600 | -9 | BellaBW | 5 | ||||
74601 | -9 | BubbaOG | 5 | ||||
74602 | -9 | UhhRocel | 5 | ||||
74603 | -9 | Siphonophore | 5 | ||||
74604 | -9 | sams2323 | 5 | ||||
74605 | -9 | mamanpoule6 | 5 | ||||
74606 | -9 | raquaelle | 5 | ||||
74607 | -9 | sonicgames | 5 | ||||
74608 | -9 | Capuccino | 5 | ||||
74609 | -9 | DiamondLake | 5 | ||||
74610 | -9 | trixiemattel69 | 5 | ||||
74611 | -9 | Kendyle | 5 | ||||
74612 | -9 | Ghoul4You | 5 | ||||
74613 | -9 | emuller | 5 | ||||
74614 | -9 | TBpurebreds | 5 | ||||
74615 | -9 | Kongen | 5 | ||||
74616 | -9 | FuyuSupport | 5 | ||||
74617 | -9 | Maonise_9 | 5 | ||||
74618 | -9 | Eva 12 | 5 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
69246 | = | antigrace22 | 8,113 | ||||
69247 | = | AbigailFloyd1 | 8,112 | ||||
69248 | = | ShaeToomey-9 | 8,112 | ||||
69249 | -24734 | Corvus Aves | 8,111 | ||||
69250 | -1 | kazutokirigaya | 8,111 | ||||
69251 | -1 | horselover55 | 8,110 | ||||
69252 | -1 | kiry | 8,109 | ||||
69253 | -1 | OceanBeliever | 8,108 | ||||
69254 | -1 | vampii | 8,107 | ||||
69255 | -1 | Capuccino | 8,104 | ||||
69256 | -1 | Taravali | 8,104 | ||||
69257 | = | Nemlin | 8,103 | ||||
69258 | = | shallbeck07 | 8,100 | ||||
69259 | = | dapple6808 | 8,099 | ||||
69260 | = | Dimas | 8,099 | ||||
69261 | = | bellaspook | 8,097 | ||||
69262 | = | Laika_M1ndsane | 8,094 | ||||
69263 | = | hotairballoons | 8,094 | ||||
69264 | = | doglovermel | 8,092 | ||||
69265 | -3165 | Fenton10148 | 8,090 |
Player | Days | ||||||
83040 | -9 | LillyElwood | 4 | ||||
83041 | -9 | prowl | 4 | ||||
83042 | -9 | puppysandhorses! | 4 | ||||
83043 | -9 | Iicloundmyflorian5 | 4 | ||||
83044 | -9 | ashleyct | 4 | ||||
83045 | -9 | AlphaGheist | 4 | ||||
83046 | -9 | horses me | 4 | ||||
83047 | -9 | Sheena99 | 4 | ||||
83048 | -9 | GhostCloud | 4 | ||||
83049 | -9 | Capuccino | 4 | ||||
83050 | -9 | Eira | 4 | ||||
83051 | -9 | Emmatje01 | 4 | ||||
83052 | -9 | Jojenki1? | 4 | ||||
83053 | -9 | Isica_9 | 4 | ||||
83054 | -9 | mollieee | 4 | ||||
83055 | -9 | Fiaria | 4 | ||||
83056 | -9 | violetmoon92 | 4 | ||||
83057 | -9 | LULU | 4 | ||||
83058 | -9 | WarXxdogsXx | 4 | ||||
83059 | -9 | AKKudas | 4 |