gelelican8m's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
131111 | -46 | selim25 | 5 | ||||
131112 | -46 | phudrey | 5 | ||||
131113 | -46 | kat971 | 5 | ||||
131114 | -46 | Highlandcow | 5 | ||||
131115 | -46 | ineedsomething | 5 | ||||
131116 | -46 | Skylar1245 | 5 | ||||
131117 | -46 | Kizzy_jay94 | 5 | ||||
131118 | -46 | 621492 | 5 | ||||
131119 | -46 | SASCustomTack | 5 | ||||
131120 | -46 | gelelican8m | 5 | ||||
131121 | -46 | jane_8888 | 5 | ||||
131122 | -46 | theatrxcal | 5 | ||||
131123 | -46 | ilovecorgissomuch | 5 | ||||
131124 | -46 | cassielynn | 5 | ||||
131125 | -46 | rachel0506 | 5 | ||||
131126 | -46 | pops22 | 5 | ||||
131127 | -46 | lunawinter | 5 | ||||
131128 | -46 | A331 | 5 | ||||
131129 | -46 | Shanyagreen | 5 | ||||
131130 | -46 | geckomom | 5 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
110644 | -59 | kat971 | 2 | ||||
110645 | -59 | parkerisreallycool | 2 | ||||
110646 | -59 | DeedaBug33 | 2 | ||||
110647 | -59 | DSTCi | 2 | ||||
110648 | -59 | TheChild | 2 | ||||
110649 | -59 | Shannon189 | 2 | ||||
110650 | -59 | Bonita92 | 2 | ||||
110651 | -59 | missmeow1996 | 2 | ||||
110652 | -59 | 621492 | 2 | ||||
110653 | -59 | gelelican8m | 2 | ||||
110654 | -59 | beeboopi | 2 | ||||
110655 | -59 | hmrudolph04 | 2 | ||||
110656 | -59 | kayybakes | 2 | ||||
110657 | -59 | pandafox | 2 | ||||
110658 | -59 | ilovecorgissomuch | 2 | ||||
110659 | -59 | paraxenos | 2 | ||||
110660 | -59 | tina01 | 2 | ||||
110661 | -59 | kay86 | 2 | ||||
110662 | -59 | KyloFinn | 2 | ||||
110663 | -59 | rachel0506 | 2 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
93462 | -25 | Adeema | 4,988 | ||||
93463 | -25 | CorvideaPica | 4,988 | ||||
93464 | -25 | KingOmar | 4,988 | ||||
93465 | -25 | jonesjamarius0 | 4,988 | ||||
93466 | -25 | PoNyGiRl | 4,988 | ||||
93467 | -25 | tempiewjean | 4,988 | ||||
93468 | -25 | bnw1413_2010 | 4,988 | ||||
93469 | -25 | Anthony17 | 4,988 | ||||
93470 | -25 | stars-Lena | 4,988 | ||||
93471 | -25 | gelelican8m | 4,988 | ||||
93472 | -25 | horsegirl223 | 4,988 | ||||
93473 | -25 | mapuce42 | 4,988 | ||||
93474 | -25 | BreannaJ | 4,988 | ||||
93475 | -25 | Chellay91 | 4,988 | ||||
93476 | -25 | kupsztalos | 4,988 | ||||
93477 | -25 | Apatchy | 4,988 | ||||
93478 | -25 | JJ_JANA | 4,988 | ||||
93479 | -25 | wasup1300! | 4,988 | ||||
93480 | -25 | yorkey17 | 4,988 | ||||
93481 | -25 | BigRed710 | 4,988 |
Player | Days | ||||||
122754 | +76 | jjackson | 2 | ||||
122755 | +76 | baby2802 | 2 | ||||
122756 | +76 | Rebyyy.loves.u | 2 | ||||
122757 | +76 | Sanneke | 2 | ||||
122758 | +76 | rubyxx | 2 | ||||
122759 | +76 | 333.julli | 2 | ||||
122760 | +76 | Noorve2011 | 2 | ||||
122761 | +76 | Flavia-123Go | 2 | ||||
122762 | +76 | smj2342 | 2 | ||||
122763 | +76 | gelelican8m | 2 | ||||
122764 | +76 | schorselady | 2 | ||||
122765 | +76 | Katianajazz | 2 | ||||
122766 | +76 | budseyboo | 2 | ||||
122767 | +76 | Bekley | 2 | ||||
122768 | +76 | LeylandCypress | 2 | ||||
122769 | +76 | Kaykay.161211 | 2 | ||||
122770 | +76 | Rosie3709 | 2 | ||||
122771 | +76 | HRoku | 2 | ||||
122772 | +76 | suDisdain | 2 | ||||
122773 | +76 | puppiebruises | 2 |