Juultje's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
92376 | -24 | תהילה 789 | 21,436 | ||||
92377 | -24 | ronipony | 21,433 | ||||
92378 | -24 | pillpen | 21,429 | ||||
92379 | -24 | hamilton | 21,429 | ||||
92380 | -24 | eeh1397 | 21,424 | ||||
92381 | -24 | Sterling23 | 21,421 | ||||
92382 | -24 | Quaza | 21,419 | ||||
92383 | -23 | crazyginger | 21,417 | ||||
92384 | -23 | Danny_loves_Kenny | 21,415 | ||||
92385 | -23 | Juultje | 21,415 | ||||
92386 | -23 | carthune | 21,411 | ||||
92387 | -23 | Hanohorsegirl | 21,406 | ||||
92388 | -23 | Chace | 21,403 | ||||
92389 | -23 | horseeh20 | 21,402 | ||||
92390 | -23 | Juliet24 | 21,399 | ||||
92391 | -23 | KastielAgrotera | 21,396 | ||||
92392 | -23 | honeyhorses | 21,394 | ||||
92393 | -23 | NullAndVoid | 21,387 | ||||
92394 | -23 | Eirian | 21,386 | ||||
92395 | -23 | lemonzestii | 21,386 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
81158 | -27 | CruzanConfuzion | 4 | ||||
81159 | -27 | Rekt | 4 | ||||
81160 | -27 | Stxrdxw³³³³ | 4 | ||||
81161 | -27 | SimiJo | 4 | ||||
81162 | -27 | teyahdawne123 | 4 | ||||
81163 | -27 | blakelyn | 4 | ||||
81164 | -27 | mariezxx | 4 | ||||
81165 | -27 | snailzo | 4 | ||||
81166 | -27 | FREECARRIES | 4 | ||||
81167 | -27 | Juultje | 4 | ||||
81168 | -27 | Nebula | 4 | ||||
81169 | -27 | Megrock05 | 4 | ||||
81170 | -27 | azul1 | 4 | ||||
81171 | -27 | Dylan_Riley18 | 4 | ||||
81172 | -27 | nozobee | 4 | ||||
81173 | -27 | lily's horses | 4 | ||||
81174 | -27 | abrager | 4 | ||||
81175 | -27 | lavender128 | 4 | ||||
81176 | -27 | Indiah05 | 4 | ||||
81177 | -27 | phoebxlv | 4 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
131036 | -8 | AshCartwright | 1,316 | ||||
131037 | -8 | justen | 1,315 | ||||
131038 | -8 | Amaryllis1447 | 1,314 | ||||
131039 | -8 | V0idCh3ms | 1,314 | ||||
131040 | -8 | pancake | 1,314 | ||||
131041 | -8 | Burnedboy | 1,313 | ||||
131042 | -8 | harleen423 | 1,313 | ||||
131043 | -8 | SMorgan | 1,313 | ||||
131044 | -8 | GhostKing64 | 1,313 | ||||
131045 | -8 | Juultje | 1,313 | ||||
131046 | -8 | Barn Owl | 1,312 | ||||
131047 | -8 | Zara18 | 1,312 | ||||
131048 | -8 | trashbin777 | 1,312 | ||||
131049 | -8 | horus | 1,312 | ||||
131050 | -8 | carlybish | 1,311 | ||||
131051 | -8 | Fathom_theGlitch | 1,311 | ||||
131052 | -8 | Bingous | 1,311 | ||||
131053 | -8 | mavywavy | 1,311 | ||||
131054 | -8 | Bubbless | 1,311 | ||||
131055 | -8 | Nagisun | 1,311 |
Player | Days | ||||||
91696 | +24 | Amzq87 | 3 | ||||
91697 | +24 | llamabeanprincess | 3 | ||||
91698 | +24 | charliej | 3 | ||||
91699 | +24 | oyodan | 3 | ||||
91700 | +24 | martibartu | 3 | ||||
91701 | +24 | Kdreamer89 | 3 | ||||
91702 | +24 | Horses3life | 3 | ||||
91703 | +24 | Dracusor | 3 | ||||
91704 | +24 | sophiec | 3 | ||||
91705 | +24 | Juultje | 3 | ||||
91706 | +24 | SummerAlkaline | 3 | ||||
91707 | +24 | K1ngLucas | 3 | ||||
91708 | +24 | Karie | 3 | ||||
91709 | +24 | gade7492 | 3 | ||||
91710 | +24 | BittyBat | 3 | ||||
91711 | +24 | ItsLucky | 3 | ||||
91712 | +24 | liam12345 | 3 | ||||
91713 | +24 | Katanalebby17 | 3 | ||||
91714 | +24 | Megrock05 | 3 | ||||
91715 | +24 | yellowpines | 3 |