jessicaduplessis's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 17th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
64083 | -59 | Almashooqa | 49,249 | ||||
64084 | - | Lucca-Grimm | 49,248 | ||||
64085 | -64 | ShootingStarRanch | 49,242 | ||||
64086 | -64 | xxboukjegxx | 49,236 | ||||
64087 | -64 | Panic | 49,229 | ||||
64088 | -63 | KonekoTheKatt | 49,228 | ||||
64089 | -63 | Izabella27 | 49,226 | ||||
64090 | -63 | Fence | 49,223 | ||||
64091 | -63 | Howrsegirlz344 | 49,222 | ||||
64092 | -63 | jessicaduplessis | 49,218 | ||||
64093 | -62 | mel1123 | 49,215 | ||||
64094 | -62 | fefun | 49,201 | ||||
64095 | -62 | Banditgirl14 | 49,189 | ||||
64096 | -62 | howrse108 | 49,184 | ||||
64097 | -62 | eldridgej509 | 49,177 | ||||
64098 | -62 | DarkAngels2 | 49,177 | ||||
64099 | -62 | Butterfly Farrier | 49,174 | ||||
64100 | -62 | RPIrvin | 49,160 | ||||
64101 | -62 | wirico99 | 49,159 | ||||
64102 | -62 | ashroo | 49,158 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
60767 | -1 | Rachnado | 13 | ||||
60768 | -1 | cookieswirl24 | 13 | ||||
60769 | -1 | pumpkin17 | 13 | ||||
60770 | -1 | Sasuki | 13 | ||||
60771 | -1 | Miley Dalton 2580 | 13 | ||||
60772 | -1 | BarrelBombShell | 13 | ||||
60773 | -1 | symess | 13 | ||||
60774 | -1 | Pawcake | 13 | ||||
60775 | -1 | Dunnittwice01 | 13 | ||||
60776 | -1 | jessicaduplessis | 13 | ||||
60777 | -1 | TNValkyrie | 13 | ||||
60778 | -1 | Poft | 13 | ||||
60779 | -1 | KricketCrazy | 13 | ||||
60780 | -1 | opheliadrifting | 13 | ||||
60781 | -1 | kindsey | 13 | ||||
60782 | -1 | BernardBallMan | 13 | ||||
60783 | -1 | Keely_B96 | 13 | ||||
60784 | -1 | abbie:) | 13 | ||||
60785 | -1 | McKlunkey | 13 | ||||
60786 | -1 | SierraBelleC | 13 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
54863 | +15 | Ilzia | 36,817 | ||||
54864 | +15 | kelsoyikes | 36,816 | ||||
54865 | +15 | bibo | 36,814 | ||||
54866 | -5053 | Falabella | 36,813 | ||||
54867 | +14 | rocketterrier | 36,810 | ||||
54868 | +14 | yllibsti | 36,808 | ||||
54869 | +14 | LilVix | 36,808 | ||||
54870 | +15 | avacmason | 36,802 | ||||
54871 | +15 | peachyg | 36,801 | ||||
54872 | +15 | jessicaduplessis | 36,794 | ||||
54873 | -2129 | keanbean | 36,792 | ||||
54874 | +15 | אריאל123 | 36,790 | ||||
54875 | +1461 | cheese_toastie | 36,784 | ||||
54876 | +14 | dinkymay93 | 36,780 | ||||
54877 | +14 | maya1 | 36,779 | ||||
54878 | +14 | Firefly Fan | 36,769 | ||||
54879 | +14 | russianannie | 36,766 | ||||
54880 | +14 | AshelyWitch | 36,763 | ||||
54881 | +14 | skekrik | 36,755 | ||||
54882 | +14 | v.thompson99 | 36,753 |
Player | Days | ||||||
57221 | -7 | Howrsehello | 22 | ||||
57222 | -7 | JCDuffey75 | 22 | ||||
57223 | -7 | Ibis | 22 | ||||
57224 | -7 | blurmindy | 22 | ||||
57225 | -7 | Deanna | 22 | ||||
57226 | -7 | Bluegreensloth | 22 | ||||
57227 | -7 | Nikko | 22 | ||||
57228 | +534 | billy | 22 | ||||
57229 | -8 | GoldenApplez | 22 | ||||
57230 | -8 | jessicaduplessis | 22 | ||||
57231 | -8 | ARAYOFSUN35 | 22 | ||||
57232 | -8 | greysea13 | 22 | ||||
57233 | -8 | agothfurby | 22 | ||||
57234 | -8 | Katiekat0098 | 22 | ||||
57235 | -8 | _The.Alley.Cat_ | 22 | ||||
57236 | -8 | Aleeah_86 | 22 | ||||
57237 | -8 | MaggieAnn16 | 22 | ||||
57238 | -8 | Painthorse25 | 22 | ||||
57239 | -8 | Colton34 | 22 | ||||
57240 | -8 | halmai | 22 |