Truujillfan21's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
30354 | -11 | הילה2 | 385,711 | ||||
30355 | -11 | L33 | 385,708 | ||||
30356 | -11 | Faruthea | 385,660 | ||||
30357 | -10 | lovehorses2552 | 385,636 | ||||
30358 | -10 | | 385,605 | ||||
30359 | +387 | RedWoods | 385,569 | ||||
30360 | -11 | Monoceros | 385,557 | ||||
30361 | -11 | 333_Birdie_888 | 385,481 | ||||
30362 | -11 | bubby1000 | 385,449 | ||||
30363 | -11 | Truujillfan21 | 385,434 | ||||
30364 | -11 | Different0 | 385,410 | ||||
30365 | -11 | Xiaohui | 385,362 | ||||
30366 | -11 | akimbobadger | 385,354 | ||||
30367 | -11 | MistyMaker | 385,347 | ||||
30368 | -11 | Sunimage Stables | 385,347 | ||||
30369 | -11 | 205ges | 385,346 | ||||
30370 | -11 | Divadanny | 385,344 | ||||
30371 | -11 | bryana123 | 385,314 | ||||
30372 | -11 | The Night's Spell | 385,313 | ||||
30373 | -11 | Lythira | 385,311 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
41437 | -16 | dingo02 | 31 | ||||
41438 | -16 | mmmmkkkkkkk | 31 | ||||
41439 | -16 | Abin | 31 | ||||
41440 | -16 | oliviacwells | 31 | ||||
41441 | -16 | Banana369 | 31 | ||||
41442 | -16 | Horsecrazy Elcey | 31 | ||||
41443 | -16 | Furina de Fontaine | 31 | ||||
41444 | -16 | hanroids | 31 | ||||
41445 | -16 | gabbystewartpierce | 31 | ||||
41446 | -16 | Truujillfan21 | 31 | ||||
41447 | -16 | aegn123 | 31 | ||||
41448 | -16 | CaitsBruce98 | 31 | ||||
41449 | -16 | SweetPegasus08 | 31 | ||||
41450 | +975 | Darksolarsystem | 31 | ||||
41451 | +5176 | Mira! | 31 | ||||
41452 | +974 | silvermia | 31 | ||||
41453 | +1899 | vmannah | 31 | ||||
41454 | -19 | Scarlet1120 | 31 | ||||
41455 | -19 | Aspen Stables AAA | 31 | ||||
41456 | -19 | Iltani | 31 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
45115 | -82 | Endycat17 | 84,910 | ||||
45116 | -82 | haileydurst | 84,908 | ||||
45117 | -82 | ASongOfIceAndFire! | 84,906 | ||||
45118 | -81 | hongye | 84,902 | ||||
45119 | -81 | milen.ju | 84,900 | ||||
45120 | -81 | steele_magnolias | 84,875 | ||||
45121 | -73 | jmeuth | 84,871 | ||||
45122 | -82 | ArtisticFocus | 84,868 | ||||
45123 | -82 | HoltheEa04 | 84,865 | ||||
45124 | -82 | Truujillfan21 | 84,858 | ||||
45125 | -82 | pushypony28 | 84,852 | ||||
45126 | -82 | aquarise | 84,852 | ||||
45127 | -124 | paulabrooke08 | 84,846 | ||||
45128 | -423 | Mary Louise | 84,836 | ||||
45129 | -84 | neascar11 | 84,834 | ||||
45130 | -84 | satern | 84,816 | ||||
45131 | +58 | BambiDdraig | 84,815 | ||||
45132 | -85 | anxiouskumquat | 84,812 | ||||
45133 | -84 | EmmaAnn | 84,806 | ||||
45134 | -84 | 2Ollys | 84,793 |
Player | Days | ||||||
49609 | -20 | lyrical | 40 | ||||
49610 | -20 | smorgan23! | 40 | ||||
49611 | -20 | Dragons123 | 40 | ||||
49612 | +370 | Lυɳα | 40 | ||||
49613 | +373 | zara16 | 40 | ||||
49614 | -22 | furygal | 40 | ||||
49615 | -22 | laikenj0723 | 40 | ||||
49616 | -21 | lorenolivia96 | 40 | ||||
49617 | -21 | indruluc | 40 | ||||
49618 | -21 | Truujillfan21 | 40 | ||||
49619 | -21 | Ceranna | 40 | ||||
49620 | -21 | FreyaMegan | 40 | ||||
49621 | -21 | jrpegasus4life | 40 | ||||
49622 | -21 | RiverDaisy | 40 | ||||
49623 | -21 | xnessa97 | 40 | ||||
49624 | -21 | TDSporthorse | 40 | ||||
49625 | -19 | jellyque11 | 40 | ||||
49626 | +378 | Cinderella33 | 40 | ||||
49627 | -18 | Gems | 40 | ||||
49628 | +377 | SammyJ | 40 |