raydeowaves's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
65942 | -16 | DaQueenz | 41,048 | ||||
65943 | -16 | Armathia | 41,047 | ||||
65944 | -16 | ꪖ᥊ỉꪶꪮᡶỉ | 41,038 | ||||
65945 | -16 | fitz0939 | 41,026 | ||||
65946 | -16 | BowGirl | 41,024 | ||||
65947 | -16 | Timber2525 | 41,022 | ||||
65948 | -16 | timesdeath | 41,017 | ||||
65949 | -15 | Fizlo | 41,013 | ||||
65950 | +64 | phönix | 41,006 | ||||
65951 | -16 | raydeowaves | 41,000 | ||||
65952 | -31 | KATERIAZ85 | 40,997 | ||||
65953 | -17 | Tazza44 | 40,996 | ||||
65954 | -17 | dreamcheve | 40,996 | ||||
65955 | -17 | scottybutty | 40,978 | ||||
65956 | -17 | Inoira003 | 40,975 | ||||
65957 | -17 | Allieshaw0425 | 40,973 | ||||
65958 | -17 | Keyonda2 | 40,970 | ||||
65959 | -17 | Zombiegrrl | 40,966 | ||||
65960 | -16 | Susettei90 | 40,963 | ||||
65961 | -18 | lilplushie | 40,962 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
75713 | -16 | Clcs | 5 | ||||
75714 | -16 | BluePhoenix | 5 | ||||
75715 | -16 | possumsnot | 5 | ||||
75716 | -16 | danefes | 5 | ||||
75717 | -16 | Dragonfly86 | 5 | ||||
75718 | -16 | LilahH | 5 | ||||
75719 | -16 | Calebfarrish99 | 5 | ||||
75720 | -16 | Kimlulu12 | 5 | ||||
75721 | -16 | emily99 | 5 | ||||
75722 | -16 | raydeowaves | 5 | ||||
75723 | -16 | Salma | 5 | ||||
75724 | -16 | Zoey99 | 5 | ||||
75725 | -16 | Nora20 | 5 | ||||
75726 | -16 | Leeroy1993. | 5 | ||||
75727 | -16 | Apple1991! | 5 | ||||
75728 | -16 | Muriel125 | 5 | ||||
75729 | -16 | spooky1925 | 5 | ||||
75730 | -16 | Death-Ranch | 5 | ||||
75731 | -16 | gingergirl | 5 | ||||
75732 | -16 | picklewedding:) | 5 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
58531 | +21 | danielnova | 27,872 | ||||
58532 | +22 | blueunicorn9 | 27,871 | ||||
58533 | +22 | ZeroFighterUnit | 27,869 | ||||
58534 | +22 | Mintbreather | 27,868 | ||||
58535 | +22 | Kitiara | 27,867 | ||||
58536 | +22 | LilOne | 27,867 | ||||
58537 | +22 | coley012 | 27,865 | ||||
58538 | +23 | Kayla Mae Arthur | 27,864 | ||||
58539 | +23 | ArtemisiaSophia | 27,863 | ||||
58540 | +23 | raydeowaves | 27,863 | ||||
58541 | +23 | Princess2132010 | 27,860 | ||||
58542 | +23 | SpikedCocoa | 27,858 | ||||
58543 | +23 | p♥︎kerface | 27,846 | ||||
58544 | +23 | Blossom1234 | 27,845 | ||||
58545 | +24 | Ellaphatray | 27,839 | ||||
58546 | +24 | HoldThePhone | 27,835 | ||||
58547 | +24 | xxxxx | 27,833 | ||||
58548 | +24 | TroubledMindsX | 27,832 | ||||
58549 | +24 | ewka | 27,832 | ||||
58550 | +248 | Meraki | 27,829 |
Player | Days | ||||||
77485 | +2 | Monte111 | 5 | ||||
77486 | +2 | cynaaras | 5 | ||||
77487 | +2 | Oliviad34 | 5 | ||||
77488 | +2 | Savy24 | 5 | ||||
77489 | +2 | Vlfgrim | 5 | ||||
77490 | +2 | Phypai | 5 | ||||
77491 | +2 | Katz1982 | 5 | ||||
77492 | +2 | PassionPeaches | 5 | ||||
77493 | +2 | Haybella | 5 | ||||
77494 | +2 | raydeowaves | 5 | ||||
77495 | +2 | Snow-Lilly | 5 | ||||
77496 | +2 | keekeye | 5 | ||||
77497 | +2 | nicola | 5 | ||||
77498 | +2 | JessicaLovesHorses | 5 | ||||
77499 | +2 | eep123 | 5 | ||||
77500 | +2 | D3vilsDaught3r97 | 5 | ||||
77501 | +2 | moli | 5 | ||||
77502 | +2 | addisoncutie | 5 | ||||
77503 | +2 | Willgruver0126 | 5 | ||||
77504 | +2 | UnholyCobert | 5 |