jul.sal's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
42921 | +16 | kayboard | 218,168 | ||||
42922 | +16 | bubblesT | 218,150 | ||||
42923 | +16 | Inn_07 | 218,147 | ||||
42924 | +16 | Lady Dressage | 218,141 | ||||
42925 | +16 | popupar | 218,134 | ||||
42926 | +16 | Songbird23 | 218,133 | ||||
42927 | +16 | Honbo | 218,132 | ||||
42928 | +16 | Katie96397 | 218,130 | ||||
42929 | +16 | peach909 | 218,127 | ||||
42930 | +16 | jul.sal | 218,121 | ||||
42931 | +16 | AzureArtemis | 218,117 | ||||
42932 | +16 | Dragonkin | 218,117 | ||||
42933 | +19 | Xifofo | 218,088 | ||||
42934 | +19 | Anna and star | 218,086 | ||||
42935 | +24 | arcornejo | 218,079 | ||||
42936 | +18 | 321pem | 218,077 | ||||
42937 | +18 | scorpiostables | 218,075 | ||||
42938 | +18 | bananalena | 218,045 | ||||
42939 | +18 | khuberthebest | 218,044 | ||||
42940 | +18 | shelby_12 | 218,028 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
61174 | -1 | Horselove848 | 12 | ||||
61175 | -1 | Chamelon | 12 | ||||
61176 | -1 | emmadancer24 | 12 | ||||
61177 | -1 | mileydalton2580 | 12 | ||||
61178 | -1 | Lyra Belacqua | 12 | ||||
61179 | -1 | Beauty of sunset | 12 | ||||
61180 | -1 | Niamh | 12 | ||||
61181 | -1 | Lotta00 | 12 | ||||
61182 | -1 | TurtleWrastler | 12 | ||||
61183 | -1 | jul.sal | 12 | ||||
61184 | -1 | RavenCP95 | 12 | ||||
61185 | -1 | schristinetrip | 12 | ||||
61186 | -1 | Kiangaroo | 12 | ||||
61187 | -1 | KellB81 | 12 | ||||
61188 | -1 | Datrino Caio | 12 | ||||
61189 | -1 | Lazari_Bites | 12 | ||||
61190 | -1 | moneybaby200101 | 12 | ||||
61191 | -1 | horsey.barngirl | 12 | ||||
61192 | -1 | charrr27 | 12 | ||||
61193 | -1 | JessicaTaylor | 12 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
61928 | -3 | Horselover2002 | 20,672 | ||||
61929 | -3 | game1E | 20,671 | ||||
61930 | -3 | chloemay123 | 20,668 | ||||
61931 | -3 | Glob | 20,667 | ||||
61932 | -3 | Johnnyrider2023 | 20,664 | ||||
61933 | -3 | tstephanie | 20,661 | ||||
61934 | -3 | Nick Black | 20,655 | ||||
61935 | -3 | ErmaGersh | 20,655 | ||||
61936 | +2027 | alor | 20,651 | ||||
61937 | -4 | jul.sal | 20,651 | ||||
61938 | -4 | SamiSosa | 20,649 | ||||
61939 | -4 | powerplant | 20,647 | ||||
61940 | -14410 | aurora09009 | 20,645 | ||||
61941 | -5 | Andy29 | 20,643 | ||||
61942 | -5 | BillieJean15720 | 20,641 | ||||
61943 | -5 | В очередь | 20,636 | ||||
61944 | -5 | Chemaine123 | 20,635 | ||||
61945 | -5 | cbogen22 | 20,635 | ||||
61946 | -5 | 1DDMDrafts | 20,633 | ||||
61947 | -5 | hpeanut1965 | 20,629 |
Player | Days | ||||||
68078 | +9 | liefie | 9 | ||||
68079 | +9 | isgeorgis | 9 | ||||
68080 | +9 | LilahH | 9 | ||||
68081 | +9 | caz0402 | 9 | ||||
68082 | +9 | EqBehaviour | 9 | ||||
68083 | +9 | Dillpickleb | 9 | ||||
68084 | +9 | Blue phoenix | 9 | ||||
68085 | +9 | Weeaboo | 9 | ||||
68086 | +9 | waffles2080714 | 9 | ||||
68087 | +9 | jul.sal | 9 | ||||
68088 | +9 | carlees123456789 | 9 | ||||
68089 | +9 | Morgankylene | 9 | ||||
68090 | +9 | EverydayxRage | 9 | ||||
68091 | +9 | GoatCrazy | 9 | ||||
68092 | +9 | natwilli96 | 9 | ||||
68093 | +9 | TheLadyRhibee | 9 | ||||
68094 | +9 | MRivera18 | 9 | ||||
68095 | +9 | cheyennerose879558 | 9 | ||||
68096 | +9 | Piggeh1 | 9 | ||||
68097 | +9 | זאב | 9 |