Sasha.143's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
47648 | -23 | SlackerG | 193,194 | ||||
47649 | -23 | SimmondsRanch | 193,183 | ||||
47650 | -23 | l0lp0p | 193,182 | ||||
47651 | -23 | Elena.dafnou | 193,180 | ||||
47652 | -23 | Austin91.1 | 193,179 | ||||
47653 | -23 | SkibidiRizzlerPL | 193,177 | ||||
47654 | -23 | Soularia | 193,174 | ||||
47655 | -23 | Alve | 193,171 | ||||
47656 | -23 | Am1y | 193,168 | ||||
47657 | -23 | Sasha.143 | 193,166 | ||||
47658 | -23 | Lunar~Girl | 193,165 | ||||
47659 | -23 | julian2000 | 193,163 | ||||
47660 | -23 | Roxane.250324 | 193,161 | ||||
47661 | -23 | Emma_Simpson2 | 193,160 | ||||
47662 | -23 | Bojack Horseman | 193,156 | ||||
47663 | -23 | Dum_Dum_05 | 193,153 | ||||
47664 | -23 | BirdBean | 193,150 | ||||
47665 | -23 | rosmariini | 193,133 | ||||
47666 | -23 | D3vilsDaught3r97 | 193,132 | ||||
47667 | -23 | Aria_Mystril | 193,132 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
68249 | -7 | l.j.1417 | 7 | ||||
68250 | -7 | hyekyo | 7 | ||||
68251 | -7 | Bella88! | 7 | ||||
68252 | -7 | catina | 7 | ||||
68253 | -7 | hallunications | 7 | ||||
68254 | -7 | macattack123 | 7 | ||||
68255 | -7 | CourtAnela | 7 | ||||
68256 | -7 | Sem | 7 | ||||
68257 | -7 | aimiix | 7 | ||||
68258 | -7 | Sasha.143 | 7 | ||||
68259 | -7 | rissbliss11 | 7 | ||||
68260 | -7 | SageB | 7 | ||||
68261 | -7 | calidreams | 7 | ||||
68262 | -7 | charlie_w | 7 | ||||
68263 | -7 | Bobeana | 7 | ||||
68264 | +2100 | SilverPetP | 7 | ||||
68265 | -8 | midnightink | 7 | ||||
68266 | -8 | Rosa Del Niro | 7 | ||||
68267 | -8 | randompersonH2O | 7 | ||||
68268 | -8 | jordanthehorsegod | 7 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
65885 | -46 | amcann | 12,801 | ||||
65886 | -45 | StarBorn | 12,801 | ||||
65887 | -45 | SunnyAlice | 12,797 | ||||
65888 | -45 | lovelyfaelyn | 12,796 | ||||
65889 | -45 | lillypetron | 12,795 | ||||
65890 | -45 | dunkinduo | 12,793 | ||||
65891 | -45 | jaemulan | 12,787 | ||||
65892 | +53479 | I love Donnie | 12,785 | ||||
65893 | +156 | FresianFrenzie | 12,779 | ||||
65894 | -46 | Sasha.143 | 12,779 | ||||
65895 | -46 | ingweheart94 | 12,778 | ||||
65896 | -46 | | 12,778 | ||||
65897 | -46 | luciecapk | 12,776 | ||||
65898 | -46 | kindsey | 12,774 | ||||
65899 | -45 | zhuvyte | 12,768 | ||||
65900 | -45 | Insomniac Gayming | 12,768 | ||||
65901 | -45 | Haunthid | 12,765 | ||||
65902 | -45 | wren0530 | 12,765 | ||||
65903 | -45 | BellaJasper2020 | 12,764 | ||||
65904 | -45 | JLamm | 12,763 |
Player | Days | ||||||
65370 | = | 6ver66 | 11 | ||||
65371 | = | haters302 | 11 | ||||
65372 | = | rmllutz12 | 11 | ||||
65373 | = | Cherry710 | 11 | ||||
65374 | = | Sezzan | 11 | ||||
65375 | = | Sumer2425 | 11 | ||||
65376 | = | horsecrazzzedchik | 11 | ||||
65377 | = | buller | 11 | ||||
65378 | = | Samalander | 11 | ||||
65379 | = | Sasha.143 | 11 | ||||
65380 | = | Mort3 | 11 | ||||
65381 | = | tegenrose_ | 11 | ||||
65382 | = | wrin | 11 | ||||
65383 | = | Rosefe1214 | 11 | ||||
65384 | = | alvyole | 11 | ||||
65385 | = | AxelTopaz23 | 11 | ||||
65386 | = | JRockLavi | 11 | ||||
65387 | = | Koko-Kouture | 11 | ||||
65388 | = | Brat | 11 | ||||
65389 | = | kking | 11 |