fjord75's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 19th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
48602 | -6 | Danimmh_2006 | 189,785 | ||||
48603 | -6 | hoos | 189,781 | ||||
48604 | -6 | qhicweruosa | 189,781 | ||||
48605 | -6 | HiddenHowrses | 189,777 | ||||
48606 | -6 | t6hutch | 189,777 | ||||
48607 | -6 | BloodMoon_Star | 189,774 | ||||
48608 | -6 | Amy_24 | 189,770 | ||||
48609 | -6 | veno_mae | 189,769 | ||||
48610 | -6 | franc0rn | 189,761 | ||||
48611 | -6 | fjord75 | 189,760 | ||||
48612 | -6 | domma00 | 189,753 | ||||
48613 | -6 | preparedgal | 189,753 | ||||
48614 | -6 | QUARTERHORSE | 189,753 | ||||
48615 | -6 | Peepee1 | 189,746 | ||||
48616 | -6 | Nora Appelgren | 189,737 | ||||
48617 | -6 | Rakizna | 189,732 | ||||
48618 | -6 | lullabylindsay | 189,726 | ||||
48619 | -6 | juju$coco | 189,723 | ||||
48620 | -6 | Celaena | 189,715 | ||||
48621 | -6 | VoidBornVixen | 189,705 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
67142 | -13 | equestrian4ever | 8 | ||||
67143 | -13 | westernhorse | 8 | ||||
67144 | -13 | Sophia bigfoot | 8 | ||||
67145 | -13 | Eva_S7 | 8 | ||||
67146 | -13 | neesun | 8 | ||||
67147 | -13 | arthurmorganshat | 8 | ||||
67148 | -13 | ~DaisyMae~ | 8 | ||||
67149 | -13 | Horseloversdream | 8 | ||||
67150 | -13 | d3monomania | 8 | ||||
67151 | -13 | fjord75 | 8 | ||||
67152 | -13 | QoDok | 8 | ||||
67153 | -13 | windy.flower | 8 | ||||
67154 | -13 | AquariusAquarium | 8 | ||||
67155 | -13 | ulciiiii | 8 | ||||
67156 | -13 | MiniatureSugar21 | 8 | ||||
67157 | -13 | Indicate370 | 8 | ||||
67158 | -13 | Aleeah_86 | 8 | ||||
67159 | -13 | Wickedzangel | 8 | ||||
67160 | -13 | Valérie225 | 8 | ||||
67161 | -13 | GreyFox | 8 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
119331 | -22 | Squìd | 2,648 | ||||
119332 | -22 | The_Witcher | 2,648 | ||||
119333 | -22 | picklewedding:) | 2,647 | ||||
119334 | -22 | karrie09 | 2,647 | ||||
119335 | -22 | Foxwolf1800 | 2,647 | ||||
119336 | -22 | sealgair an ridire | 2,647 | ||||
119337 | -22 | Hami7/ | 2,647 | ||||
119338 | -22 | JaylinThorne | 2,646 | ||||
119339 | -21 | ilovebarrels | 2,646 | ||||
119340 | -20 | fjord75 | 2,645 | ||||
119341 | -20 | hannapannaaa | 2,645 | ||||
119342 | -20 | visiv | 2,645 | ||||
119343 | -20 | AloraBora | 2,645 | ||||
119344 | -20 | MiniatureSugar21 | 2,644 | ||||
119345 | -20 | dschelby | 2,644 | ||||
119346 | -20 | warmjellyhead | 2,644 | ||||
119347 | -20 | bennyboy378 | 2,643 | ||||
119348 | -20 | ethan vvvv | 2,643 | ||||
119349 | -20 | Kerathewolf | 2,643 | ||||
119350 | -20 | Harper1124 | 2,642 |
Player | Days | ||||||
109546 | +119 | WelcomeBDogg | 2 | ||||
109547 | +119 | hayden | 2 | ||||
109548 | +119 | yair425899 | 2 | ||||
109549 | +119 | afaf | 2 | ||||
109550 | +119 | Aleksandva | 2 | ||||
109551 | +119 | ZaddyDaddy24 | 2 | ||||
109552 | +119 | delulufox | 2 | ||||
109553 | +119 | rose pope | 2 | ||||
109554 | +119 | sudipto jana | 2 | ||||
109555 | +119 | fjord75 | 2 | ||||
109556 | +119 | lance | 2 | ||||
109557 | +119 | Wally9927 | 2 | ||||
109558 | +119 | gamewnr14 | 2 | ||||
109559 | +119 | Lillypop_22 | 2 | ||||
109560 | +119 | Remyisthebest | 2 | ||||
109561 | +119 | jazz_horse_lover2 | 2 | ||||
109562 | +119 | Hinata | 2 | ||||
109563 | +119 | Ebony66phantom | 2 | ||||
109564 | +119 | AmberSkye | 2 | ||||
109565 | +119 | keeks | 2 |