TacoBurrito's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 3rd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
39392 | -20 | sila95 | 252,557 | ||||
39393 | -20 | shusi_sigrid | 252,554 | ||||
39394 | -20 | RocketQueen | 252,545 | ||||
39395 | -20 | king_bear | 252,542 | ||||
39396 | -20 | GanjaQu33n | 252,524 | ||||
39397 | -20 | Snowin | 252,512 | ||||
39398 | -20 | emosam | 252,502 | ||||
39399 | -20 | ohheyyouitsme | 252,493 | ||||
39400 | -20 | Jegulija | 252,481 | ||||
39401 | -19 | TacoBurrito | 252,477 | ||||
39402 | -21 | why... | 252,477 | ||||
39403 | +22 | Breaker.barrels | 252,456 | ||||
39404 | -21 | CowgirlUp | 252,436 | ||||
39405 | -14 | Cisco314* | 252,435 | ||||
39406 | -22 | MarineManor | 252,431 | ||||
39407 | -22 | Natalia02 | 252,424 | ||||
39408 | -22 | Shinska | 252,420 | ||||
39409 | +6774 | anne_we26 | 252,416 | ||||
39410 | -22 | Sea of Horses | 252,383 | ||||
39411 | -22 | Bushygump | 252,373 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
42353 | -8 | nyxstyx | 30 | ||||
42354 | -8 | Emi100 | 30 | ||||
42355 | -8 | CheshireGirl13 | 30 | ||||
42356 | -8 | RockStar | 30 | ||||
42357 | -8 | BlackBird00 | 30 | ||||
42358 | -8 | 4LL4M3NTS | 30 | ||||
42359 | -8 | AuntyGeo | 30 | ||||
42360 | -8 | Rainy | 30 | ||||
42361 | -8 | Maomi808 | 30 | ||||
42362 | -8 | TacoBurrito | 30 | ||||
42363 | -8 | megnoggxd | 30 | ||||
42364 | -8 | magi64 | 30 | ||||
42365 | -8 | xestiny | 30 | ||||
42366 | -8 | Zanx | 30 | ||||
42367 | -8 | HystericalGhouls | 30 | ||||
42368 | -8 | AngelMaddox | 30 | ||||
42369 | -8 | Great Selection | 30 | ||||
42370 | -8 | zorro.o | 30 | ||||
42371 | -8 | fang | 30 | ||||
42372 | -8 | cinnamongirl | 30 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
54696 | -31 | redyume | 37,674 | ||||
54697 | -31 | Boo | 37,663 | ||||
54698 | -31 | nikilynn1 | 37,663 | ||||
54699 | -31 | Ozzelie | 37,648 | ||||
54700 | -31 | Bolutop799 | 37,646 | ||||
54701 | -31 | athelynwen | 37,644 | ||||
54702 | -31 | MystChaos | 37,643 | ||||
54703 | -31 | Mine Dreams | 37,634 | ||||
54704 | -31 | Dratana | 37,634 | ||||
54705 | +40 | TacoBurrito | 37,630 | ||||
54706 | -31 | Archeuus | 37,630 | ||||
54707 | -31 | Paige and Cj | 37,627 | ||||
54708 | -31 | Clarew22 | 37,626 | ||||
54709 | -31 | UnicornLemonade20 | 37,626 | ||||
54710 | -31 | Djsnabaha | 37,626 | ||||
54711 | -31 | Just_Me | 37,624 | ||||
54712 | -31 | Cbug15 | 37,622 | ||||
54713 | -31 | Senkenny | 37,622 | ||||
54714 | -31 | Danaya | 37,616 | ||||
54715 | -31 | kait | 37,613 |
Player | Days | ||||||
38100 | +191 | rangeers | 80 | ||||
38101 | +191 | masmelow | 80 | ||||
38102 | -11 | klassic | 80 | ||||
38103 | +191 | Gracie33867 | 80 | ||||
38104 | -12 | aellis9369 | 80 | ||||
38105 | -12 | Stormy Rider881 | 80 | ||||
38106 | -12 | CosmicShiloh | 80 | ||||
38107 | -12 | billabongbillie | 80 | ||||
38108 | -12 | Roonheart | 80 | ||||
38109 | +194 | TacoBurrito | 80 | ||||
38110 | -13 | babygurl6902 | 80 | ||||
38111 | +194 | Har13y | 80 | ||||
38112 | -9 | Coolblue45 | 80 | ||||
38113 | -9 | SunShine0sc1 | 80 | ||||
38114 | +198 | Lupiini | 80 | ||||
38115 | +198 | Al3xis | 80 | ||||
38116 | -11 | missc | 80 | ||||
38117 | +199 | knbryant | 80 | ||||
38118 | +200 | 911Blondiie.girll | 80 | ||||
38119 | +200 | Kaiawhisper | 80 |