Karalinez90's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
69053 | -21 | rinman | 29,357 | ||||
69054 | -21 | cheyy26 | 29,357 | ||||
69055 | -21 | Savanah Rose | 29,356 | ||||
69056 | -21 | madmelody05 | 29,354 | ||||
69057 | -21 | KingKoda | 29,353 | ||||
69058 | +5217 | Diamond Thunder | 29,350 | ||||
69059 | -22 | Lunakind | 29,349 | ||||
69060 | -22 | Blackbear | 29,343 | ||||
69061 | -22 | Lyrric | 29,339 | ||||
69062 | -20 | Karalinez90 | 29,336 | ||||
69063 | -23 | emmarose03 | 29,336 | ||||
69064 | -23 | sandyandsky123 | 29,335 | ||||
69065 | -22 | AmberLily | 29,331 | ||||
69066 | -22 | Tasha21108 | 29,330 | ||||
69067 | -22 | baethiccc | 29,327 | ||||
69068 | -22 | CassieCan | 29,327 | ||||
69069 | -22 | Berrysage | 29,326 | ||||
69070 | -22 | LadyLexington19 | 29,324 | ||||
69071 | -22 | ryleighrue | 29,320 | ||||
69072 | -22 | StormchasersFolly | 29,319 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
48129 | -7 | cstrick8557 | 25 | ||||
48130 | -7 | Syd_the._.sloth | 25 | ||||
48131 | -7 | miraclew | 25 | ||||
48132 | -7 | Explosssive | 25 | ||||
48133 | -7 | HorseyesEater | 25 | ||||
48134 | -7 | Kealaz53 | 25 | ||||
48135 | -7 | Walt62 | 25 | ||||
48136 | -7 | BeetleBee | 25 | ||||
48137 | -7 | stal-mejvliet | 25 | ||||
48138 | -7 | Karalinez90 | 25 | ||||
48139 | -7 | Marita56 | 25 | ||||
48140 | -7 | CaesarJ | 25 | ||||
48141 | -7 | DawnedAva | 25 | ||||
48142 | -7 | Zephyr Bay | 25 | ||||
48143 | -7 | Hauptrolle | 25 | ||||
48144 | -7 | Crystal Boyd | 25 | ||||
48145 | -7 | Nanami | 25 | ||||
48146 | -7 | Scar Girl | 25 | ||||
48147 | -7 | Pak Bun Bay | 25 | ||||
48148 | -7 | Shadai Hamanasu | 25 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
24106 | +16 | lilhorsey | 537,600 | ||||
24107 | +17 | liatoto101 | 537,563 | ||||
24108 | +17 | midniterider | 537,515 | ||||
24109 | +17 | philnunya6420 | 537,424 | ||||
24110 | +17 | carissaealum | 537,402 | ||||
24111 | +17 | Danielle Iceycold | 537,377 | ||||
24112 | +30 | Kit Kat n Tim Tam | 537,355 | ||||
24113 | +16 | ChampagneRoan | 537,321 | ||||
24114 | +16 | Omnix266 | 537,295 | ||||
24115 | +20 | Karalinez90 | 537,223 | ||||
24116 | +69 | swannymcswanerson | 537,208 | ||||
24117 | +15 | Randomblonde | 537,201 | ||||
24118 | +19 | Phineasy | 537,197 | ||||
24119 | +19 | ROLAZ | 537,172 | ||||
24120 | +14 | sierrahendrix18 | 537,128 | ||||
24121 | +18 | halfpass12 | 537,046 | ||||
24122 | +18 | Jadeylou01 | 536,997 | ||||
24123 | +18 | Calton | 536,951 | ||||
24124 | +20 | Leeahz40 | 536,925 | ||||
24125 | +18 | ButterBeer | 536,851 |
Player | Days | ||||||
29503 | -14 | adelis | 147 | ||||
29504 | +79 | Isabel.G.F. | 147 | ||||
29505 | -15 | Alliymachit | 147 | ||||
29506 | -15 | Heim | 147 | ||||
29507 | -15 | naoko | 147 | ||||
29508 | +81 | rarijack0900 | 147 | ||||
29509 | +82 | Star/Angel21$ | 147 | ||||
29510 | +85 | SoniaJq | 147 | ||||
29511 | +85 | Storks | 147 | ||||
29512 | +85 | Karalinez90 | 147 | ||||
29513 | +85 | CARLISO9 | 147 | ||||
29514 | +86 | Cregz34 | 147 | ||||
29515 | -11 | polopony2468 | 146 | ||||
29516 | -11 | Swaza | 146 | ||||
29517 | -11 | rschultz | 146 | ||||
29518 | -11 | kmccccccc | 146 | ||||
29519 | -11 | Cantering123 | 146 | ||||
29520 | -11 | Mariushka | 146 | ||||
29521 | -11 | ohromeo17 | 146 | ||||
29522 | -11 | jaxeventing | 146 |