rancher's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
100641 | -46 | kittygaming | 10,468 | ||||
100642 | -46 | HttpsSpring | 10,468 | ||||
100643 | -46 | NitraOK | 10,468 | ||||
100644 | -46 | ClapMyCondor | 10,468 | ||||
100645 | -46 | fruitloop01 | 10,467 | ||||
100646 | -46 | ZEboy | 10,467 | ||||
100647 | -46 | grimnecessity | 10,467 | ||||
100648 | -46 | bexiboo91 | 10,467 | ||||
100649 | -46 | Lizzy_G355 | 10,467 | ||||
100650 | -46 | rancher | 10,467 | ||||
100651 | -46 | ilovehorses4ever27 | 10,467 | ||||
100652 | -46 | Lainie22 | 10,466 | ||||
100653 | -46 | Deuce_Gorgon | 10,466 | ||||
100654 | -46 | Hatshepsut | 10,466 | ||||
100655 | +47 | Chunky Spirt | 10,466 | ||||
100656 | -47 | romppe | 10,465 | ||||
100657 | -47 | nanaisover | 10,464 | ||||
100658 | -47 | Haybella | 10,464 | ||||
100659 | -47 | Horsey19284Howrse | 10,463 | ||||
100660 | -47 | Zuzie | 10,463 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
64706 | -13 | doneandover | 10 | ||||
64707 | -13 | Tristangoebel | 10 | ||||
64708 | -13 | Tejukasss | 10 | ||||
64709 | -13 | PhoenixOfFire | 10 | ||||
64710 | -13 | bArrelr-c3r | 10 | ||||
64711 | -13 | homespunia | 10 | ||||
64712 | -12 | smorgasbord | 10 | ||||
64713 | -12 | haske2 | 10 | ||||
64714 | -12 | Gearyjay | 10 | ||||
64715 | -12 | rancher | 10 | ||||
64716 | -12 | Dispair | 10 | ||||
64717 | -12 | Firewings98 | 10 | ||||
64718 | -12 | hesham | 10 | ||||
64719 | -12 | Black Beauty 1885 | 10 | ||||
64720 | -12 | HIIIIIIII | 10 | ||||
64721 | -12 | jk18xxx | 10 | ||||
64722 | -12 | DataDragon | 10 | ||||
64723 | -12 | Morgan Elliott | 10 | ||||
64724 | -12 | melancholipush | 10 | ||||
64725 | -12 | Summersun8 | 10 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
136078 | -55 | Melanie2003 | 100 | ||||
136079 | -55 | maggiesue19 | 97 | ||||
136080 | -55 | Horse Girl123 | 97 | ||||
136081 | -55 | Lynnydragon1234 | 95 | ||||
136082 | -55 | blrowe02 | 94 | ||||
136083 | -55 | vaughnsims | 85 | ||||
136084 | -55 | sfreeman | 83 | ||||
136085 | -55 | Spiritfarer | 82 | ||||
136086 | -55 | Mustang_Lover | 79 | ||||
136087 | -55 | rancher | 78 | ||||
136088 | -55 | sophie9293 | 77 | ||||
136089 | -55 | Aurorablood | 76 | ||||
136090 | -55 | bloodmoon | 75 | ||||
136091 | -55 | Finn Powell | 75 | ||||
136092 | -55 | Kinziebear | 75 | ||||
136093 | -55 | hayleey | 74 | ||||
136094 | -55 | SummerX123 | 73 | ||||
136095 | -55 | Blingus | 73 | ||||
136096 | -55 | Vienna2502 | 73 | ||||
136097 | -55 | Dakotap96 | 72 |
Player | Days | ||||||
69662 | -11 | Phoenixgoesmeow | 8 | ||||
69663 | -11 | EmiIy | 8 | ||||
69664 | -11 | anniehunter | 8 | ||||
69665 | -11 | Haleybaby | 8 | ||||
69666 | -11 | Nate_thePastaman | 8 | ||||
69667 | -11 | ThatGirlVTS | 8 | ||||
69668 | -11 | DragonTrickster | 8 | ||||
69669 | -11 | applenbanana | 8 | ||||
69670 | -11 | Eveeweevee | 8 | ||||
69671 | -11 | rancher | 8 | ||||
69672 | -11 | sea bunny | 8 | ||||
69673 | -11 | Pitur18 | 8 | ||||
69674 | -11 | Blueeyez | 8 | ||||
69675 | -11 | husksksksk | 8 | ||||
69676 | -11 | camelia rainsmith | 8 | ||||
69677 | -11 | mpenn | 8 | ||||
69678 | -11 | Sashi | 8 | ||||
69679 | -11 | bs581974 | 8 | ||||
69680 | -11 | Silver Hooves | 8 | ||||
69681 | -11 | Lawless1468 | 8 |