Cinna's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
110493 | -87 | reedpriscilla92 | 5,298 | ||||
110494 | -87 | avvava | 5,298 | ||||
110495 | -87 | marlie0912 | 5,298 | ||||
110496 | -87 | ljandben | 5,297 | ||||
110497 | -87 | lspencer | 5,296 | ||||
110498 | -86 | Vanta0 | 5,291 | ||||
110499 | -86 | broganhorses23 | 5,288 | ||||
110500 | -86 | rustyypipe | 5,284 | ||||
110501 | -86 | Amyrocks12! | 5,283 | ||||
110502 | -86 | Cinna | 5,282 | ||||
110503 | -86 | chestnut254 | 5,280 | ||||
110504 | -86 | Mistresskitty | 5,277 | ||||
110505 | -86 | Illyrica | 5,277 | ||||
110506 | -86 | Anna Trotter | 5,277 | ||||
110507 | -86 | cad3n | 5,274 | ||||
110508 | -86 | Chinyere | 5,273 | ||||
110509 | -86 | Shadowlycker | 5,272 | ||||
110510 | -86 | chinchillafan | 5,270 | ||||
110511 | -86 | kwanlilies | 5,268 | ||||
110512 | -86 | able | 5,268 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
75646 | -26 | jack_daw | 5 | ||||
75647 | -26 | swiftie | 5 | ||||
75648 | -26 | howrwr | 5 | ||||
75649 | -26 | Captain Carrot | 5 | ||||
75650 | -26 | RaggedyRizzler | 5 | ||||
75651 | -26 | Pretzel | 5 | ||||
75652 | -26 | musicnote | 5 | ||||
75653 | -26 | LEONIE | 5 | ||||
75654 | -26 | emilys | 5 | ||||
75655 | -26 | Cinna | 5 | ||||
75656 | -26 | tabithia | 5 | ||||
75657 | -26 | Thelma Maria | 5 | ||||
75658 | -26 | Sukuna004 | 5 | ||||
75659 | -26 | .Tiger. | 5 | ||||
75660 | -26 | KodiakSerendipity | 5 | ||||
75661 | -26 | Bae | 5 | ||||
75662 | -26 | Codyspocomontana | 5 | ||||
75663 | -26 | kk162013 | 5 | ||||
75664 | -26 | Hemlow | 5 | ||||
75665 | -26 | peppe.r108 | 5 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
134730 | -79 | Milliemae11111 | 220 | ||||
134731 | -79 | WiseGirl | 220 | ||||
134732 | -79 | Saeshore | 219 | ||||
134733 | -79 | jasminadams9 | 219 | ||||
134734 | -79 | Huskerfan313 | 219 | ||||
134735 | -79 | BourbonIkri | 219 | ||||
134736 | -79 | tinytrotters | 219 | ||||
134737 | +394 | awilsonthe12 | 219 | ||||
134738 | -80 | polastawna | 219 | ||||
134739 | -80 | Cinna | 218 | ||||
134740 | -80 | Krish_sindhal08 | 218 | ||||
134741 | -80 | BarrelChick91 | 218 | ||||
134742 | -80 | MoonBeamRules | 218 | ||||
134743 | -80 | kayp23 | 217 | ||||
134744 | -80 | Snake discovery | 217 | ||||
134745 | -79 | snxwflake | 217 | ||||
134746 | -79 | Dunja Janković | 216 | ||||
134747 | -6220 | Aceofspades1776 | 216 | ||||
134748 | -80 | Cupcake123456789 | 216 | ||||
134749 | -80 | Kelynn | 216 |
Player | Days | ||||||
71347 | -34 | MYBreedsaretheGoat | 7 | ||||
71348 | -34 | ganikalionworth | 7 | ||||
71349 | -34 | Horselover12345 | 7 | ||||
71350 | -34 | DarkDen | 7 | ||||
71351 | -34 | meow246 | 7 | ||||
71352 | -34 | gloenjoy | 7 | ||||
71353 | -34 | youooh123 | 7 | ||||
71354 | -34 | AnXrchy | 7 | ||||
71355 | -34 | Thekir | 7 | ||||
71356 | -33 | Cinna | 7 | ||||
71357 | -33 | catsfan1998 | 7 | ||||
71358 | -33 | Meghan | 7 | ||||
71359 | -33 | Harlan | 7 | ||||
71360 | -33 | asasd | 7 | ||||
71361 | -33 | ShadyMar18 | 7 | ||||
71362 | -33 | LillyLoves05 | 7 | ||||
71363 | -33 | Minorukee | 7 | ||||
71364 | -33 | Enderia | 7 | ||||
71365 | -33 | tractorsarecool | 7 | ||||
71366 | -33 | KarmenDaddario45 | 7 |