DualityDove's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 30th November 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
38230 | -20 | UrsulaBlossom | 265,361 | ||||
38231 | -20 | maple.leaf | 265,358 | ||||
38232 | -20 | autumnrain_books | 265,347 | ||||
38233 | -20 | Gemstone101 | 265,329 | ||||
38234 | -20 | EMIOU | 265,315 | ||||
38235 | -20 | DragonsReach | 265,307 | ||||
38236 | -20 | rocha | 265,292 | ||||
38237 | -20 | mjoportis | 265,290 | ||||
38238 | -20 | IrishWillow | 265,289 | ||||
38239 | -20 | DualityDove | 265,282 | ||||
38240 | -20 | MoofeCat | 265,280 | ||||
38241 | -20 | babyargos | 265,279 | ||||
38242 | -20 | MsSum41 | 265,277 | ||||
38243 | -20 | Naoh | 265,258 | ||||
38244 | -20 | GreenOlive | 265,231 | ||||
38245 | -20 | tashton20 | 265,228 | ||||
38246 | -20 | Zecora | 265,225 | ||||
38247 | -20 | Sumie | 265,216 | ||||
38248 | -20 | eltonjohn | 265,215 | ||||
38249 | -20 | taldrich2k18 | 265,204 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
42410 | = | Kaileen | 30 | ||||
42411 | = | Potaho | 30 | ||||
42412 | = | blueberrycedar | 30 | ||||
42413 | = | urfriendsquid | 30 | ||||
42414 | = | KatieAsparagus | 30 | ||||
42415 | = | meowmeow2009 | 30 | ||||
42416 | = | Marshawni97 | 30 | ||||
42417 | = | Brendalis52 | 30 | ||||
42418 | = | Laquanz51 | 30 | ||||
42419 | = | DualityDove | 30 | ||||
42420 | = | Tannettea | 30 | ||||
42421 | = | BasilPesto2013 | 30 | ||||
42422 | = | est-rv-9 | 30 | ||||
42423 | = | trucowgrl | 30 | ||||
42424 | = | A.ShadowDancer | 30 | ||||
42425 | +1957 | Darksolarsystem | 30 | ||||
42426 | +920 | silvermia | 30 | ||||
42427 | -1 | Raizel | 30 | ||||
42428 | -1 | PhantomWar317 | 30 | ||||
42429 | -1 | EmAlice4 | 30 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
52725 | -18 | pixelpixie | 44,305 | ||||
52726 | -18 | sindija | 44,301 | ||||
52727 | -18 | keota | 44,294 | ||||
52728 | -18 | katie.neldie | 44,291 | ||||
52729 | -18 | soysosaucy | 44,288 | ||||
52730 | -18 | rajasockmonster | 44,280 | ||||
52731 | +104 | Zitha | 44,277 | ||||
52732 | -19 | Kuada93 | 44,276 | ||||
52733 | -19 | Ashe27 | 44,275 | ||||
52734 | -19 | DualityDove | 44,270 | ||||
52735 | -4 | 6700 | 44,262 | ||||
52736 | +4232 | hunterr | 44,259 | ||||
52737 | -21 | elfistair | 44,253 | ||||
52738 | -21 | crazyacres | 44,251 | ||||
52739 | -21 | 1025914 | 44,250 | ||||
52740 | -21 | CrazyAngel | 44,248 | ||||
52741 | -21 | Sdraeger | 44,231 | ||||
52742 | -21 | MJM Stables | 44,229 | ||||
52743 | +66 | lamberta | 44,227 | ||||
52744 | -22 | Orchidoleander | 44,227 |
Player | Days | ||||||
45142 | -11 | SquirrelBait | 52 | ||||
45143 | -11 | Riverdawn | 52 | ||||
45144 | -11 | Isadorei | 52 | ||||
45145 | +337 | Denysa15 | 52 | ||||
45146 | +337 | Candreaz | 52 | ||||
45147 | -12 | EmmieN40 | 52 | ||||
45148 | -12 | StormsKiwi | 52 | ||||
45149 | -12 | babygirlliz420Eg | 52 | ||||
45150 | -11 | maryukens | 52 | ||||
45151 | -10 | DualityDove | 52 | ||||
45152 | -10 | deserthorselover | 52 | ||||
45153 | -10 | iliketurtles | 52 | ||||
45154 | -10 | runners mare' | 52 | ||||
45155 | -10 | Payback_1 | 52 | ||||
45156 | -10 | sophiaaa7203 | 52 | ||||
45157 | -10 | Dark_Thief12 | 52 | ||||
45158 | -10 | Wr3nTh3Cat | 52 | ||||
45159 | -10 | Zekyu | 52 | ||||
45160 | -10 | Maddie238 | 52 | ||||
45161 | -10 | Marco | 52 |