KelpieRose's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
40789 | -27 | ky7919 | 239,874 | ||||
40790 | -27 | rstewy13 | 239,859 | ||||
40791 | -27 | Jade90 | 239,853 | ||||
40792 | -27 | dreamer123 | 239,850 | ||||
40793 | -27 | myke1_5 | 239,849 | ||||
40794 | -27 | KaliSomething | 239,843 | ||||
40795 | -27 | Horselover3981 | 239,838 | ||||
40796 | -27 | mmb2002 | 239,835 | ||||
40797 | -26 | Mykayla Clifford | 239,821 | ||||
40798 | -26 | KelpieRose | 239,820 | ||||
40799 | -26 | tiya329 | 239,811 | ||||
40800 | -26 | Asara | 239,803 | ||||
40801 | -26 | alysalynn1416 | 239,791 | ||||
40802 | -26 | Arihnda | 239,778 | ||||
40803 | -26 | marissamango | 239,746 | ||||
40804 | -26 | Snowleopard0002 | 239,738 | ||||
40805 | -26 | Talsh | 239,736 | ||||
40806 | +2 | tamer9898 | 239,731 | ||||
40807 | -27 | chincoteague | 239,718 | ||||
40808 | -27 | carson3074 | 239,718 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
61987 | -5 | blossom42 | 12 | ||||
61988 | -5 | Void_06 | 12 | ||||
61989 | -5 | CottonCandyCrAzY | 12 | ||||
61990 | -5 | Dezibear162 | 12 | ||||
61991 | -5 | ratfiend | 12 | ||||
61992 | -5 | ColeSanguineWolf24 | 12 | ||||
61993 | -5 | Juke | 12 | ||||
61994 | -5 | Dragon sea | 12 | ||||
61995 | -5 | that.trans.fireman | 12 | ||||
61996 | -5 | KelpieRose | 12 | ||||
61997 | -5 | fenway.jones | 12 | ||||
61998 | -5 | Kyelin | 12 | ||||
61999 | -5 | Lunawolf | 12 | ||||
62000 | -5 | the order | 12 | ||||
62001 | -5 | Ellaheartzharry | 12 | ||||
62002 | -5 | tallin | 12 | ||||
62003 | -5 | Cooperist78 | 12 | ||||
62004 | -5 | Ellis22200 | 12 | ||||
62005 | -5 | GreekBar | 12 | ||||
62006 | -5 | Marauder | 12 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
58662 | +26 | howrsemads | 27,570 | ||||
58663 | +27422 | Fheubel | 27,569 | ||||
58664 | +54 | Duskrose | 27,565 | ||||
58665 | +24 | Art3mis_Trot | 27,564 | ||||
58666 | +24 | Celestial | 27,559 | ||||
58667 | +24 | Hansku 1 | 27,555 | ||||
58668 | +24 | Pumkin1 | 27,554 | ||||
58669 | +25 | cazcrybaby | 27,553 | ||||
58670 | +25 | FaeFarms96 | 27,550 | ||||
58671 | +25 | KelpieRose | 27,549 | ||||
58672 | +25 | keeksxxx | 27,549 | ||||
58673 | -3969 | CaitsBruce98 | 27,548 | ||||
58674 | +25 | toxic_taser | 27,540 | ||||
58675 | +25 | Thakid39 | 27,537 | ||||
58676 | +25 | urdaddyalec | 27,535 | ||||
58677 | +25 | GreyDolls | 27,534 | ||||
58678 | +25 | Bee1 | 27,534 | ||||
58679 | +25 | Wolferkitty | 27,534 | ||||
58680 | +25 | JessHope | 27,530 | ||||
58681 | +25 | Duchy424! | 27,526 |
Player | Days | ||||||
68037 | -13 | Andy29 | 9 | ||||
68038 | -13 | hokansonhannah9 | 9 | ||||
68039 | -13 | Chilliepepper | 9 | ||||
68040 | -13 | GalaxyWashere | 9 | ||||
68041 | -13 | Harrytrotter | 9 | ||||
68042 | -13 | YouAreTheAddict | 9 | ||||
68043 | -13 | kandi1983 | 9 | ||||
68044 | -13 | BreeT828 | 9 | ||||
68045 | -13 | Hermione42 | 9 | ||||
68046 | -13 | KelpieRose | 9 | ||||
68047 | -13 | Amy 1234 | 9 | ||||
68048 | -13 | syrax21 | 9 | ||||
68049 | -13 | Horselover1989! | 9 | ||||
68050 | -13 | G-Dub | 9 | ||||
68051 | -13 | Amelia13579 | 9 | ||||
68052 | -13 | Whitefang | 9 | ||||
68053 | -13 | Gracie_C | 9 | ||||
68054 | -13 | tasha123 | 9 | ||||
68055 | -13 | Sera233 | 9 | ||||
68056 | -13 | SilverWolfie | 9 |