juliamate's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 3rd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
27867 | +3 | irunwiththewolves | 438,604 | ||||
27868 | +3 | M5ordecai | 438,595 | ||||
27869 | +3 | elliemae | 438,558 | ||||
27870 | +3 | Repsndoll13 | 438,548 | ||||
27871 | +3 | Shehukolpec | 438,537 | ||||
27872 | +3 | joeylikesgoldfish | 438,477 | ||||
27873 | +3 | trixiedog12 | 438,475 | ||||
27874 | +3 | Cynosure | 438,445 | ||||
27875 | +3 | jodhpursandoxers | 438,416 | ||||
27876 | +3 | juliamate | 438,378 | ||||
27877 | +3 | WingedSoul2001 | 438,376 | ||||
27878 | +3 | OutsideHU | 438,358 | ||||
27879 | -51 | Fletcher | 438,330 | ||||
27880 | +209 | Jokerswild | 438,329 | ||||
27881 | +1 | aimeelina | 438,328 | ||||
27882 | +1 | Michelleee | 438,324 | ||||
27883 | +1 | Han1998 | 438,287 | ||||
27884 | -621 | Arabesque | 438,278 | ||||
27885 | = | shakrii | 438,268 | ||||
27886 | = | KatieRuth1447 | 438,240 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
28856 | -8 | racecakes_EQ2 | 45 | ||||
28857 | -8 | MistyWhisper | 45 | ||||
28858 | -8 | firegirl7 | 45 | ||||
28859 | -8 | sydneynorman | 45 | ||||
28860 | -8 | Silverfeathery | 45 | ||||
28861 | -8 | crazy_queen | 45 | ||||
28862 | -8 | jjaayynnee | 45 | ||||
28863 | -8 | Meowlson | 45 | ||||
28864 | -8 | sjr787 | 45 | ||||
28865 | -8 | juliamate | 45 | ||||
28866 | -8 | Nic00 | 45 | ||||
28867 | -8 | xxrikkatikkaxx | 45 | ||||
28868 | -8 | Shardai91$ | 45 | ||||
28869 | -8 | Dreamer3624 | 45 | ||||
28870 | -8 | jeap | 45 | ||||
28871 | -8 | Pipahippa3 | 45 | ||||
28872 | +1683 | snowbelly12 | 45 | ||||
28873 | -9 | Wiidaa | 45 | ||||
28874 | -9 | thatlameredhead | 45 | ||||
28875 | -9 | rjl | 45 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
45440 | -39 | pretzels4lt | 82,842 | ||||
45441 | +11 | rosedust | 82,842 | ||||
45442 | -40 | Sally ab | 82,838 | ||||
45443 | -127 | luke201 | 82,834 | ||||
45444 | -41 | mrough1272 | 82,833 | ||||
45445 | -41 | Gravity3Beauty | 82,830 | ||||
45446 | -41 | HallieHay1311 | 82,828 | ||||
45447 | -41 | SiriuslyDA | 82,823 | ||||
45448 | -41 | Aulynn_ | 82,816 | ||||
45449 | -41 | juliamate | 82,793 | ||||
45450 | -41 | Tvmyran1 | 82,793 | ||||
45451 | -225 | Reckless.Heart | 82,786 | ||||
45452 | -41 | tinyfriends | 82,785 | ||||
45453 | -41 | TeamTuna | 82,764 | ||||
45454 | +298 | Ruthieg97 | 82,761 | ||||
45455 | -42 | eldridgej509 | 82,758 | ||||
45456 | -42 | Boonethecatdog | 82,751 | ||||
45457 | +22 | dsw108 | 82,743 | ||||
45458 | -43 | AussieLvr | 82,743 | ||||
45459 | +549 | creamsodaplease | 82,732 |
Player | Days | ||||||
52657 | = | hannahw1012 | 32 | ||||
52658 | = | EMIOU | 32 | ||||
52659 | = | Maddie.2455 | 32 | ||||
52660 | = | AP-Farmer | 32 | ||||
52661 | = | oliviacwells | 32 | ||||
52662 | = | Chipsy0 | 32 | ||||
52663 | = | Perrie | 32 | ||||
52664 | = | youreverydayrabbit | 32 | ||||
52665 | = | Luckyz | 32 | ||||
52666 | = | juliamate | 32 | ||||
52667 | = | GhostlyxSouls | 32 | ||||
52668 | = | theresabirdinhere | 32 | ||||
52669 | = | 0SafeHaven0 | 32 | ||||
52670 | = | Story_king | 32 | ||||
52671 | = | Szniok | 32 | ||||
52672 | = | horse king | 32 | ||||
52673 | = | Lexinadine | 32 | ||||
52674 | = | breon.and.costa | 32 | ||||
52675 | = | whoppit | 32 | ||||
52676 | = | IKIDI | 32 |