shea_butters24's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
46181 | +12 | MollyAnn0920 | 199,313 | ||||
46182 | +12 | Logan Rule | 199,304 | ||||
46183 | - | anne_we26 | 199,304 | ||||
46184 | +11 | NavyBlueWho | 199,302 | ||||
46185 | +11 | krector | 199,300 | ||||
46186 | +11 | bk13896 | 199,297 | ||||
46187 | +11 | Maverick01 | 199,295 | ||||
46188 | +11 | FawnEyes24 | 199,293 | ||||
46189 | +11 | little.bear.queen | 199,287 | ||||
46190 | +11 | shea_butters24 | 199,287 | ||||
46191 | +11 | MelodyReinette | 199,286 | ||||
46192 | +11 | ana45788 | 199,282 | ||||
46193 | +11 | CelticLuna | 199,281 | ||||
46194 | +11 | lwish | 199,278 | ||||
46195 | +38 | AlaskaGirl40! | 199,272 | ||||
46196 | +10 | pewpewpeww | 199,270 | ||||
46197 | +10 | Iulia44 | 199,269 | ||||
46198 | +10 | Caribou | 199,265 | ||||
46199 | +10 | sufiya | 199,260 | ||||
46200 | +10 | asem | 199,245 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
74155 | -25 | AvaBear26 | 5 | ||||
74156 | -25 | MordecaiE2 | 5 | ||||
74157 | -25 | Trashcan | 5 | ||||
74158 | -25 | Archeuus | 5 | ||||
74159 | -25 | edog | 5 | ||||
74160 | -25 | Quaver | 5 | ||||
74161 | -25 | Tr0tt3r$8 | 5 | ||||
74162 | -25 | no name | 5 | ||||
74163 | -25 | picturethis521 | 5 | ||||
74164 | -25 | shea_butters24 | 5 | ||||
74165 | -25 | Emma Nikole | 5 | ||||
74166 | -25 | keithwa09 | 5 | ||||
74167 | -25 | BuzzyG | 5 | ||||
74168 | -25 | katyb2311 | 5 | ||||
74169 | -25 | lowkeyidk22 | 5 | ||||
74170 | -25 | StardustDaTherian | 5 | ||||
74171 | -25 | Horseygirley | 5 | ||||
74172 | -25 | ElliesFarm | 5 | ||||
74173 | -25 | redrose123 | 5 | ||||
74174 | -25 | Farmerboy101 | 5 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
84508 | -39 | horsegirl760 | 5,041 | ||||
84509 | -39 | buzzkiller | 5,041 | ||||
84510 | -39 | ConcreteBoxer | 5,041 | ||||
84511 | -39 | ErraMay | 5,041 | ||||
84512 | -39 | RustyFirelord | 5,041 | ||||
84513 | -39 | AZSCH | 5,041 | ||||
84514 | -39 | Treese42 | 5,041 | ||||
84515 | -39 | NaomiRivers | 5,041 | ||||
84516 | -39 | MissVixey | 5,041 | ||||
84517 | -39 | shea_butters24 | 5,041 | ||||
84518 | - | horselover3204 | 5,041 | ||||
84519 | -40 | RodeoQueenWonder | 5,041 | ||||
84520 | - | carman | 5,041 | ||||
84521 | -41 | ArtemisLove22 | 5,041 | ||||
84522 | -41 | Nado | 5,040 | ||||
84523 | -41 | Amber Heard | 5,040 | ||||
84524 | -41 | rachyroo | 5,040 | ||||
84525 | -41 | סוס ספרדי | 5,040 | ||||
84526 | -41 | KirstyJWhiteoak | 5,040 | ||||
84527 | -41 | Aphr0dit3 | 5,040 |
Player | Days | ||||||
76144 | = | TatumDucky | 5 | ||||
76145 | = | lenabbq | 5 | ||||
76146 | = | Faitheart | 5 | ||||
76147 | = | mxdiii06 | 5 | ||||
76148 | = | Star123 | 5 | ||||
76149 | = | Bertita | 5 | ||||
76150 | = | beans195 | 5 | ||||
76151 | = | kat06 | 5 | ||||
76152 | = | Lilymoon16 | 5 | ||||
76153 | = | shea_butters24 | 5 | ||||
76154 | = | lauradoesart | 5 | ||||
76155 | = | Demonicwitch2024 | 5 | ||||
76156 | = | lilsxxrty33 | 5 | ||||
76157 | = | Jjokerbabyy | 5 | ||||
76158 | = | ActualAthena | 5 | ||||
76159 | = | Gabssggs | 5 | ||||
76160 | = | Ice_Rose | 5 | ||||
76161 | = | Absinth | 5 | ||||
76162 | = | 1316 | 5 | ||||
76163 | = | SabbaticalJester | 5 |