lexixx14's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 30th November 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
15850 | -3 | Deadlybones47 | 895,328 | ||||
15851 | -22 | Rhyz | 894,933 | ||||
15852 | -2 | Bobbievet43 | 894,839 | ||||
15853 | -2 | ShadowBunny | 894,799 | ||||
15854 | -2 | MasterYoda | 894,774 | ||||
15855 | -2 | Lemon Crisis | 894,745 | ||||
15856 | -2 | Satara | 894,711 | ||||
15857 | +148 | nedizion6 | 894,576 | ||||
15858 | -2 | ArtfulDodger1837 | 894,540 | ||||
15859 | -4 | lexixx14 | 894,520 | ||||
15860 | -3 | MariaDaisy | 894,486 | ||||
15861 | -3 | Garpie64 | 894,458 | ||||
15862 | -3 | bowie1998 | 894,454 | ||||
15863 | +11 | annmarie42 | 894,445 | ||||
15864 | +220 | Woojin | 894,442 | ||||
15865 | -5 | ashleyruns | 894,392 | ||||
15866 | -5 | shetlandsymphony | 894,311 | ||||
15867 | +22 | AGS-95 | 894,298 | ||||
15868 | -6 | Rainight | 894,124 | ||||
15869 | -6 | TheDevil | 894,115 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
18788 | -3 | Christine828 | 60 | ||||
18789 | -3 | tmcdaniel313 | 60 | ||||
18790 | -3 | Kary-rei | 60 | ||||
18791 | -3 | xLovelynx | 60 | ||||
18792 | -3 | AME | 60 | ||||
18793 | -3 | Vampirya | 60 | ||||
18794 | -3 | fumelett | 60 | ||||
18795 | -3 | Oakley Sapphire | 60 | ||||
18796 | -3 | nuriteshchar | 60 | ||||
18797 | -3 | lexixx14 | 60 | ||||
18798 | -3 | Sparklejo5 | 60 | ||||
18799 | -3 | Nаrin | 60 | ||||
18800 | -3 | Ashley Bates | 60 | ||||
18801 | -3 | Paterson2001 | 60 | ||||
18802 | -3 | Picsesalg | 60 | ||||
18803 | -3 | Ruyilong | 60 | ||||
18804 | -3 | crisal | 60 | ||||
18805 | -3 | Em_Del | 60 | ||||
18806 | -3 | Horsegirl8963 | 60 | ||||
18807 | -3 | krzyasstb | 60 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
37888 | -6 | nederland23 | 161,299 | ||||
37889 | -6 | Amethyst15 | 161,296 | ||||
37890 | -3 | callieloveshorses | 161,218 | ||||
37891 | +95 | yepol | 161,198 | ||||
37892 | -3 | Bonechka | 161,151 | ||||
37893 | -3 | hellu | 161,136 | ||||
37894 | -3 | Kfowler | 161,129 | ||||
37895 | -3 | taco21 | 161,096 | ||||
37896 | -3 | Jeudette | 161,081 | ||||
37897 | -3 | lexixx14 | 161,062 | ||||
37898 | -3 | Vellard21 | 161,003 | ||||
37899 | -3 | smilelove20 | 160,992 | ||||
37900 | -3 | Misken5778 | 160,947 | ||||
37901 | +35 | XxAwakingDawnxX | 160,912 | ||||
37902 | -4 | haley3k1 | 160,906 | ||||
37903 | +21 | americanangel23 | 160,905 | ||||
37904 | +292 | Lakes | 160,904 | ||||
37905 | -6 | mwdog | 160,890 | ||||
37906 | -6 | chabacon77 | 160,882 | ||||
37907 | -1 | Morrow | 160,865 |
Player | Days | ||||||
26685 | -24 | AvenThornkiller | 175 | ||||
26686 | -24 | Froppin666 | 175 | ||||
26687 | -24 | Rimfaxe96 | 175 | ||||
26688 | -24 | quirah | 175 | ||||
26689 | -24 | Muganne | 175 | ||||
26690 | -22 | Yo-rro | 175 | ||||
26691 | -22 | ᴘᴇᴀɴᴜᴛ | 175 | ||||
26692 | -21 | keyofnoir | 175 | ||||
26693 | -21 | seitzgrace | 175 | ||||
26694 | -21 | lexixx14 | 175 | ||||
26695 | -21 | Flytrap | 175 | ||||
26696 | -21 | gierok1215 | 175 | ||||
26697 | +70 | xYuni | 175 | ||||
26698 | +70 | Bulletheart | 175 | ||||
26699 | +70 | Janiquaz82 | 175 | ||||
26700 | +70 | chidii74 | 175 | ||||
26701 | +70 | sandriai2 | 175 | ||||
26702 | +70 | Lacia99 | 175 | ||||
26703 | +70 | Matthews84 | 175 | ||||
26704 | +70 | Dyannaz90 | 175 |