collidingstars143's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 17th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
23154 | -2 | Sydonai | 572,302 | ||||
23155 | -2 | LadyTeacupisBack | 572,290 | ||||
23156 | -1 | joetwister | 572,224 | ||||
23157 | -1 | poniesRbeastlyrthanU | 572,172 | ||||
23158 | -1 | SilverFireStar | 572,111 | ||||
23159 | = | LuBaby17 | 572,047 | ||||
23160 | +1 | Briel | 572,005 | ||||
23161 | +1 | mattsweeney | 571,998 | ||||
23162 | +2 | dragonkittenread | 571,926 | ||||
23163 | = | collidingstars143 | 571,920 | ||||
23164 | +1 | kmm0603 | 571,900 | ||||
23165 | +1 | CowboyCasanova | 571,896 | ||||
23166 | +1 | hannah152 | 571,816 | ||||
23167 | +1 | JackieBlue10 | 571,800 | ||||
23168 | +1 | Emabreu22 | 571,790 | ||||
23169 | +2 | Desertcat | 571,769 | ||||
23170 | +2 | LadyTex | 571,753 | ||||
23171 | +2 | PunxPony | 571,743 | ||||
23172 | +3 | Yunique | 571,559 | ||||
23173 | +3 | appolusasrule1 | 571,552 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
8705 | -10 | GirlHorseLove | 93 | ||||
8706 | -10 | chinesehorse | 93 | ||||
8707 | -10 | COUNTRYGIRLWHIT | 93 | ||||
8708 | -10 | nostalgiacore | 93 | ||||
8709 | -10 | scrat4ever | 93 | ||||
8710 | -10 | zeeanna | 93 | ||||
8711 | -9 | Crestwood Farm | 93 | ||||
8712 | -9 | Candara | 93 | ||||
8713 | -9 | linni | 93 | ||||
8714 | -9 | collidingstars143 | 93 | ||||
8715 | -9 | Seattle | 93 | ||||
8716 | -9 | CheekyBerry404 | 93 | ||||
8717 | -9 | WildOwl | 93 | ||||
8718 | -9 | kowgirl101 | 93 | ||||
8719 | -9 | EffieRan | 93 | ||||
8720 | -9 | prettybones | 93 | ||||
8721 | -9 | Mighty Mouse | 93 | ||||
8722 | -9 | The Deck | 93 | ||||
8723 | -9 | DorisW | 93 | ||||
8724 | -9 | ellebelleh | 93 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
51465 | +30 | elphio | 49,760 | ||||
51466 | +30 | ScarletEq | 49,759 | ||||
51467 | +30 | almizzeenn | 49,749 | ||||
51468 | +30 | Nicte | 49,747 | ||||
51469 | +30 | SkyGrade | 49,738 | ||||
51470 | +30 | reidaimee7 | 49,738 | ||||
51471 | -1276 | MichWithHorses:) | 49,735 | ||||
51472 | +29 | gertrudeforever | 49,722 | ||||
51473 | +29 | angelzilla | 49,715 | ||||
51474 | +29 | collidingstars143 | 49,715 | ||||
51475 | +29 | FloiBalach | 49,711 | ||||
51476 | +29 | CheeseburgerRex | 49,710 | ||||
51477 | +29 | RoCoco | 49,700 | ||||
51478 | +29 | Sushee | 49,699 | ||||
51479 | -583 | SheriffNike | 49,699 | ||||
51480 | +28 | lepelael | 49,695 | ||||
51481 | +28 | Unknownxx | 49,687 | ||||
51482 | +28 | OTgirl | 49,686 | ||||
51483 | +28 | BigJax | 49,685 | ||||
51484 | +28 | Haylieo9 | 49,677 |
Player | Days | ||||||
43378 | -6 | cptbarker | 60 | ||||
43379 | +259 | Soaringsky44 | 60 | ||||
43380 | +260 | Fiona* | 60 | ||||
43381 | -8 | Lost_Fawn | 60 | ||||
43382 | -8 | Rachael-62899 | 60 | ||||
43383 | -7 | kleeeee23 | 60 | ||||
43384 | -7 | Kassiopeia | 60 | ||||
43385 | -7 | AltSpook | 60 | ||||
43386 | -7 | kaylanorman | 60 | ||||
43387 | -7 | collidingstars143 | 60 | ||||
43388 | -7 | ThorMcCue | 60 | ||||
43389 | -7 | TP Stables | 60 | ||||
43390 | -7 | PalindromeGrace | 60 | ||||
43391 | -7 | King Percheron | 60 | ||||
43392 | -7 | Starfire | 60 | ||||
43393 | -7 | Horse1030 | 60 | ||||
43394 | -7 | cloverfarm | 60 | ||||
43395 | -7 | ronnieegg | 60 | ||||
43396 | +274 | bournn | 60 | ||||
43397 | +274 | jespws | 60 |