Kelsthomas199's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
66751 | -15 | Ahlivianne | 37,703 | ||||
66752 | -14 | hayleybob43 | 37,701 | ||||
66753 | -14 | Quiet_Person | 37,701 | ||||
66754 | -14 | KESHONDAZ | 37,700 | ||||
66755 | -14 | wolvespk | 37,698 | ||||
66756 | -14 | Xellliah | 37,695 | ||||
66757 | -14 | camell | 37,694 | ||||
66758 | -14 | drunkasaskunk | 37,690 | ||||
66759 | -14 | wRaith2022 | 37,689 | ||||
66760 | -14 | Kelsthomas199 | 37,686 | ||||
66761 | -14 | aspen4 | 37,685 | ||||
66762 | -14 | kayo2x | 37,685 | ||||
66763 | -14 | Sarlesa | 37,684 | ||||
66764 | -14 | GlossyBlossy | 37,678 | ||||
66765 | -14 | Shatteredice9 | 37,676 | ||||
66766 | -14 | LauraG | 37,664 | ||||
66767 | -14 | Ryu89 | 37,659 | ||||
66768 | -14 | Lakeland Spring | 37,657 | ||||
66769 | -14 | charlotterush | 37,656 | ||||
66770 | -14 | jngriffith | 37,655 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
81644 | -30 | acooke | 4 | ||||
81645 | -30 | October | 4 | ||||
81646 | -30 | SLHodges | 4 | ||||
81647 | -30 | Therealemma | 4 | ||||
81648 | -30 | horsegirl34491 | 4 | ||||
81649 | -30 | Aurora123 | 4 | ||||
81650 | -30 | loulou13 | 4 | ||||
81651 | -30 | aertle13 | 4 | ||||
81652 | -30 | Myjake28$ | 4 | ||||
81653 | -30 | Kelsthomas199 | 4 | ||||
81654 | -30 | Melvin | 4 | ||||
81655 | -30 | Leighla2016! | 4 | ||||
81656 | -30 | anmgingell | 4 | ||||
81657 | -30 | CrowsDreaming | 4 | ||||
81658 | -30 | RogueZero | 4 | ||||
81659 | -30 | Megyntron | 4 | ||||
81660 | -30 | Kaitein13 | 4 | ||||
81661 | -30 | riana1233 | 4 | ||||
81662 | -30 | Neridaa | 4 | ||||
81663 | -30 | Scyfir | 4 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
59160 | +23 | raza125 | 26,462 | ||||
59161 | +23 | Solstice Fuyuko | 26,460 | ||||
59162 | +23 | Argent1001 | 26,457 | ||||
59163 | +23 | lizzy12312 | 26,454 | ||||
59164 | +23 | SuklaaHippu | 26,452 | ||||
59165 | +23 | hpeppyyy | 26,451 | ||||
59166 | +23 | lhandley | 26,448 | ||||
59167 | +23 | Jamie5511 | 26,448 | ||||
59168 | +23 | kwahl456 | 26,440 | ||||
59169 | +23 | Kelsthomas199 | 26,438 | ||||
59170 | +23 | vix3n2011 | 26,436 | ||||
59171 | +23 | brantone078 | 26,435 | ||||
59172 | +23 | RestlessGypsy | 26,433 | ||||
59173 | -4501 | Ciri | 26,433 | ||||
59174 | +22 | peachy | 26,432 | ||||
59175 | +22 | Mystala | 26,432 | ||||
59176 | +270 | CrossfireFam09 | 26,432 | ||||
59177 | +21 | csb | 26,430 | ||||
59178 | +21 | iona | 26,429 | ||||
59179 | +22 | 25crowder | 26,426 |
Player | Days | ||||||
85339 | -4 | PoisonPlatypus20 | 3 | ||||
85340 | -4 | GTPidge | 3 | ||||
85341 | -4 | aoitachibana | 3 | ||||
85342 | -4 | amiii | 3 | ||||
85343 | -4 | araniram | 3 | ||||
85344 | -4 | River_Talavassi | 3 | ||||
85345 | -4 | Supporter | 3 | ||||
85346 | -4 | maryhill | 3 | ||||
85347 | -4 | loaftub | 3 | ||||
85348 | -4 | Kelsthomas199 | 3 | ||||
85349 | -4 | HORSE_GALLLLLLL | 3 | ||||
85350 | -4 | mrondu3805 | 3 | ||||
85351 | -4 | isaacman767 | 3 | ||||
85352 | -4 | Vitaleanna21! | 3 | ||||
85353 | -4 | daswindkind | 3 | ||||
85354 | -4 | ratfiend | 3 | ||||
85355 | -4 | stichchillen123 | 3 | ||||
85356 | -4 | reaganh | 3 | ||||
85357 | -4 | theboogs2017 | 3 | ||||
85358 | -4 | lola | 3 |