Fallen Omega's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
20286 | -17 | Natalya | 672,009 | ||||
20287 | -17 | Lecarrow | 671,993 | ||||
20288 | -17 | bishhpt2 | 671,899 | ||||
20289 | -17 | JazzKat | 671,863 | ||||
20290 | -17 | breezysquish | 671,794 | ||||
20291 | -17 | rainebeau77 | 671,663 | ||||
20292 | -17 | LuminousLynx | 671,572 | ||||
20293 | -17 | jags | 671,536 | ||||
20294 | -17 | Barn_Bunny | 671,525 | ||||
20295 | -17 | Fallen Omega | 671,516 | ||||
20296 | -17 | BongWater | 671,471 | ||||
20297 | +169 | kipthemud | 671,460 | ||||
20298 | +153 | summer_rose | 671,436 | ||||
20299 | -19 | Oranges are fun | 671,412 | ||||
20300 | -19 | Dancingwolf | 671,410 | ||||
20301 | -19 | nixxx | 671,399 | ||||
20302 | -19 | emrick21 | 671,364 | ||||
20303 | -19 | cityscape | 671,330 | ||||
20304 | -19 | TiggersBaby | 671,313 | ||||
20305 | -19 | meatmolls | 671,271 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
64111 | -9 | bellaplayz13 | 10 | ||||
64112 | -9 | Ardi | 10 | ||||
64113 | -9 | crackerhorse | 10 | ||||
64114 | -9 | Buzzinga | 10 | ||||
64115 | -9 | Player618 | 10 | ||||
64116 | -9 | cassidy | 10 | ||||
64117 | -9 | nightmare0582 | 10 | ||||
64118 | -9 | Noctua | 10 | ||||
64119 | -9 | prettypony1! | 10 | ||||
64120 | -9 | Fallen Omega | 10 | ||||
64121 | -9 | Pippy | 10 | ||||
64122 | -9 | Dirt | 10 | ||||
64123 | -9 | maggie7777 | 10 | ||||
64124 | -9 | mirjerao | 10 | ||||
64125 | -9 | Rubytje197 | 10 | ||||
64126 | -9 | RedD?wn2 | 10 | ||||
64127 | -9 | kenzie12 | 10 | ||||
64128 | -9 | Ka1030 | 10 | ||||
64129 | -9 | quickMcGill | 10 | ||||
64130 | -9 | DirtyThirty | 10 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
18239 | -28 | WowKassidy | 962,623 | ||||
18240 | -28 | Fire Devil | 962,567 | ||||
18241 | -28 | Deverickgon | 962,438 | ||||
18242 | -20 | superponylover456 | 962,372 | ||||
18243 | -29 | KaisaeSalrycLuxx | 962,353 | ||||
18244 | -28 | finedandy13 | 962,227 | ||||
18245 | +93 | spirit5678 | 962,179 | ||||
18246 | -29 | madz14 | 962,137 | ||||
18247 | -28 | Scarletrulz | 962,034 | ||||
18248 | -28 | Fallen Omega | 961,912 | ||||
18249 | -26 | Acethetic | 961,706 | ||||
18250 | -16 | hewin | 961,705 | ||||
18251 | -27 | Karin Warnestam | 961,619 | ||||
18252 | -26 | houndie | 961,590 | ||||
18253 | +39 | Keeeira | 961,579 | ||||
18254 | -27 | sugar98 | 961,349 | ||||
18255 | -27 | sbar98 | 961,322 | ||||
18256 | +48 | millywithany | 961,317 | ||||
18257 | -27 | CMTCI | 961,283 | ||||
18258 | -27 | ShaRo | 961,267 |
Player | Days | ||||||
67674 | +12 | Jwork5 | 9 | ||||
67675 | +12 | avamunoz235 | 9 | ||||
67676 | +12 | Meyara | 9 | ||||
67677 | +12 | SwagSalami | 9 | ||||
67678 | +12 | Kellistone Stud | 9 | ||||
67679 | +12 | Vautourash9513 | 9 | ||||
67680 | +1592 | Easton.m | 9 | ||||
67681 | +11 | Jincie | 9 | ||||
67682 | +11 | ZeroFighterUnit | 9 | ||||
67683 | +11 | Fallen Omega | 9 | ||||
67684 | +11 | torimousseau | 9 | ||||
67685 | +11 | Aubrianna33 | 9 | ||||
67686 | +11 | spritgamerhorse | 9 | ||||
67687 | +11 | amelia.horses | 9 | ||||
67688 | +11 | jeterthompson | 9 | ||||
67689 | +11 | willowlodgeranch | 9 | ||||
67690 | +11 | anxietygal2 | 9 | ||||
67691 | +11 | Alyssa1012 | 9 | ||||
67692 | +11 | TheEvilHamster04 | 9 | ||||
67693 | +11 | Ismene | 9 |