tikiandsammy's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
43281 | -39 | fhorselover | 215,657 | ||||
43282 | -39 | FallTheShadows | 215,653 | ||||
43283 | -39 | Half-Orc | 215,646 | ||||
43284 | -39 | bella1212 | 215,646 | ||||
43285 | -39 | Bray2018 | 215,644 | ||||
43286 | -39 | goldenglobe | 215,644 | ||||
43287 | -39 | sillage | 215,633 | ||||
43288 | +7 | gansje | 215,629 | ||||
43289 | -40 | pinkgreentea | 215,620 | ||||
43290 | -40 | tikiandsammy | 215,616 | ||||
43291 | -40 | Mareep | 215,606 | ||||
43292 | -40 | frogandsocks | 215,595 | ||||
43293 | -40 | carminaan | 215,588 | ||||
43294 | -40 | ma99 | 215,585 | ||||
43295 | -34 | shaolimy | 215,583 | ||||
43296 | -41 | mazzyloo | 215,575 | ||||
43297 | -40 | Klantis | 215,560 | ||||
43298 | -40 | Eloise5225 | 215,560 | ||||
43299 | +612 | Isabella5 | 215,557 | ||||
43300 | -41 | lujuliena | 215,556 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
69365 | -24 | ubertoadie | 7 | ||||
69366 | -24 | Ezra | 7 | ||||
69367 | -24 | EmilyAdele | 7 | ||||
69368 | -24 | Brynn Blackburn | 7 | ||||
69369 | -24 | tfc199809 | 7 | ||||
69370 | -24 | Sweetiix | 7 | ||||
69371 | -24 | Rosalinchen | 7 | ||||
69372 | -24 | Melissa5952 | 7 | ||||
69373 | -24 | Asherboy000 | 7 | ||||
69374 | -24 | tikiandsammy | 7 | ||||
69375 | -24 | Pepsikira | 7 | ||||
69376 | -24 | CCHARLOTTE | 7 | ||||
69377 | -24 | kadenceT | 7 | ||||
69378 | -24 | Kiwiko | 7 | ||||
69379 | -24 | Junebug8675 | 7 | ||||
69380 | -24 | aelin | 7 | ||||
69381 | -24 | Victoria16 | 7 | ||||
69382 | -24 | MothMonthly | 7 | ||||
69383 | -24 | Rondo | 7 | ||||
69384 | -24 | Emma Heino | 7 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
130699 | -55 | Mrs.Blackney | 1,241 | ||||
130700 | -55 | daignostoons | 1,240 | ||||
130701 | -55 | scovescool | 1,240 | ||||
130702 | -55 | kn.stowe | 1,239 | ||||
130703 | -55 | Kourtney Lucas | 1,239 | ||||
130704 | -2048 | The1stqueen | 1,239 | ||||
130705 | -56 | faithhomerun | 1,239 | ||||
130706 | -56 | sophiemauerhan | 1,239 | ||||
130707 | -56 | shylasrvs | 1,238 | ||||
130708 | -56 | tikiandsammy | 1,237 | ||||
130709 | -56 | Donnette | 1,237 | ||||
130710 | -56 | akree2025 | 1,237 | ||||
130711 | -65331 | Woojin | 1,236 | ||||
130712 | -56 | perryA | 1,236 | ||||
130713 | -56 | RoyalCrystalz | 1,236 | ||||
130714 | -56 | A33i | 1,235 | ||||
130715 | -8129 | prairiemajik123 | 1,235 | ||||
130716 | -57 | rebecca star | 1,235 | ||||
130717 | -57 | PonysAreTheBest | 1,235 | ||||
130718 | -57 | fandam | 1,235 |
Player | Days | ||||||
71024 | -38 | GeneralObscure | 7 | ||||
71025 | -38 | hannahmga1 | 7 | ||||
71026 | -38 | horsegirl! | 7 | ||||
71027 | -38 | CheesecakeTank | 7 | ||||
71028 | -38 | rstewy13 | 7 | ||||
71029 | -38 | transient1 | 7 | ||||
71030 | -38 | Solaris21 | 7 | ||||
71031 | -38 | Megabite4320 | 7 | ||||
71032 | -38 | Hamster4247 | 7 | ||||
71033 | -38 | tikiandsammy | 7 | ||||
71034 | -38 | L1optye.yes | 7 | ||||
71035 | -38 | Akira.idc | 7 | ||||
71036 | -38 | Enderia_live | 7 | ||||
71037 | -38 | mmuted | 7 | ||||
71038 | -38 | alexxx.sso | 7 | ||||
71039 | -38 | isabelle | 7 | ||||
71040 | -38 | Miczuu | 7 | ||||
71041 | -38 | DragonQueen | 7 | ||||
71042 | -38 | DesignatedMom | 7 | ||||
71043 | -38 | JeanaKay | 7 |