Faaithe's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
18669 | -11 | Katie Bates | 743,424 | ||||
18670 | -11 | The Lord | 743,376 | ||||
18671 | -11 | valerieswitch | 743,372 | ||||
18672 | -11 | emma012beth | 743,297 | ||||
18673 | -11 | HC2023 | 743,252 | ||||
18674 | +108 | Lycanocity | 743,247 | ||||
18675 | +173 | Kenziejo98 | 743,228 | ||||
18676 | -12 | SophGeaux | 743,154 | ||||
18677 | -12 | edsk | 743,134 | ||||
18678 | -12 | Faaithe | 743,114 | ||||
18679 | -11 | KathyKat | 743,107 | ||||
18680 | -13 | Samhil | 743,102 | ||||
18681 | -12 | JazzyDeal | 743,000 | ||||
18682 | -12 | LadyHuntress | 742,992 | ||||
18683 | -12 | Starlight134 | 742,968 | ||||
18684 | -12 | belovedhaha | 742,891 | ||||
18685 | -12 | lalachan | 742,687 | ||||
18686 | -12 | ASHLEYLOPER | 742,584 | ||||
18687 | -12 | boregasm | 742,526 | ||||
18688 | -12 | taltal64 | 742,481 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
10044 | -11 | LunaticTM | 86 | ||||
10045 | -11 | Clove2 | 86 | ||||
10046 | -11 | MoonGate | 86 | ||||
10047 | -11 | Tamin Sandy | 86 | ||||
10048 | -11 | Colliedog1121 | 86 | ||||
10049 | -11 | ᴘʜᴀɴᴛoᴍ sᴛᴀʟʟɪoɴ | 86 | ||||
10050 | -11 | bookworm02 | 86 | ||||
10051 | -11 | kyra mallaby | 86 | ||||
10052 | -11 | Worby | 86 | ||||
10053 | -11 | Faaithe | 86 | ||||
10054 | -11 | AJWolf | 86 | ||||
10055 | -11 | Teal9709 | 86 | ||||
10056 | -11 | 404. | 86 | ||||
10057 | -11 | sophia ha | 86 | ||||
10058 | -11 | PonyGal97 | 86 | ||||
10059 | -11 | WheresMyCat | 86 | ||||
10060 | -11 | offbrandlibrarian | 86 | ||||
10061 | -11 | Red Rocket | 85 | ||||
10062 | -11 | horse466 | 85 | ||||
10063 | -11 | SimplySweetStables | 85 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
38879 | -30 | Onlyme_6 | 149,771 | ||||
38880 | -30 | Jemma101 | 149,768 | ||||
38881 | -30 | BellaMayAnn | 149,760 | ||||
38882 | -30 | wizkid | 149,757 | ||||
38883 | -11 | Midnight Chaser | 149,741 | ||||
38884 | -31 | barbequine | 149,731 | ||||
38885 | +80 | Nannues | 149,726 | ||||
38886 | -31 | DancerInTheDust | 149,716 | ||||
38887 | +8 | thickdad | 149,698 | ||||
38888 | +8 | Faaithe | 149,695 | ||||
38889 | -32 | Paul hogan | 149,694 | ||||
38890 | -32 | Mearas | 149,690 | ||||
38891 | -26 | mayseh | 149,686 | ||||
38892 | -33 | DragonAcidTear | 149,681 | ||||
38893 | +37 | charmander14 | 149,637 | ||||
38894 | +3963 | braht | 149,625 | ||||
38895 | -31 | Kokkusnuss | 149,588 | ||||
38896 | -30 | machaelac95 | 149,564 | ||||
38897 | -29 | RainDancer | 149,530 | ||||
38898 | -5799 | Bluebunnysq | 149,518 |
Player | Days | ||||||
32160 | -5 | Rabiebabie | 120 | ||||
32161 | -5 | Equine._.Amelia | 120 | ||||
32162 | -5 | PaintedWhimsy | 120 | ||||
32163 | -5 | Riot | 120 | ||||
32164 | -5 | ravingcrows | 120 | ||||
32165 | -5 | Equinita | 120 | ||||
32166 | -5 | kat.sofi | 120 | ||||
32167 | -5 | brighteyes02 | 120 | ||||
32168 | -5 | casualcandi | 120 | ||||
32169 | -5 | Faaithe | 120 | ||||
32170 | -5 | abbiewhalan | 120 | ||||
32171 | -5 | Heart_fields | 120 | ||||
32172 | -5 | kankrivantas | 120 | ||||
32173 | -4 | bimmer bae | 120 | ||||
32174 | +98 | Luke204 | 120 | ||||
32175 | -4 | Holton0509 | 120 | ||||
32176 | -4 | LadyDeath | 120 | ||||
32177 | -4 | CraziDasie | 120 | ||||
32178 | -4 | I.BREAK.THINGS | 120 | ||||
32179 | -4 | LuckyDuck | 120 |