Smug's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 3rd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
48490 | -14 | Pinehound | 189,271 | ||||
48491 | -14 | Ovy | 189,267 | ||||
48492 | -14 | jjoha1 | 189,267 | ||||
48493 | -14 | horseluv!234 | 189,261 | ||||
48494 | -14 | kazule | 189,260 | ||||
48495 | -14 | BookWorm46 | 189,258 | ||||
48496 | -14 | Dadpa | 189,256 | ||||
48497 | -14 | Garry the 4th | 189,245 | ||||
48498 | -14 | pil0le | 189,239 | ||||
48499 | -14 | Smug | 189,236 | ||||
48500 | -14 | Rpunchycowgirl | 189,235 | ||||
48501 | -14 | queen123 | 189,230 | ||||
48502 | -14 | Mazzdalyn | 189,223 | ||||
48503 | -13 | Tgcs24 | 189,217 | ||||
48504 | -13 | emmarshevchenko | 189,200 | ||||
48505 | -12 | aud4 | 189,187 | ||||
48506 | -12 | emmieberrie | 189,184 | ||||
48507 | -12 | 2ctheocean | 189,184 | ||||
48508 | -12 | ZagreanHawk | 189,182 | ||||
48509 | -12 | Maynard0 | 189,174 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
49782 | -46 | Epic1107 | 23 | ||||
49783 | -46 | Sparky_14 | 23 | ||||
49784 | -46 | jujeemarie | 23 | ||||
49785 | -46 | samlance99 | 23 | ||||
49786 | -46 | jhess9021 | 23 | ||||
49787 | -46 | gracec20 | 23 | ||||
49788 | -46 | chante+alsan22410 | 23 | ||||
49789 | -46 | Northern Star | 23 | ||||
49790 | -46 | Jerrica0131 | 23 | ||||
49791 | -46 | Smug | 23 | ||||
49792 | -46 | Faith2034 | 23 | ||||
49793 | -46 | cova1920 | 23 | ||||
49794 | -46 | zelobo02 | 23 | ||||
49795 | -46 | BreBooBear | 23 | ||||
49796 | -46 | starrypuppy | 23 | ||||
49797 | -46 | Слежка мешает | 23 | ||||
49798 | -46 | Skrzypchakj1304 | 23 | ||||
49799 | -46 | nederland23 | 23 | ||||
49800 | -46 | betinha | 23 | ||||
49801 | -46 | nelori | 23 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
45195 | -43 | 1KINGTEDDY | 84,689 | ||||
45196 | -43 | Spot | 84,685 | ||||
45197 | -42 | Zoobert | 84,676 | ||||
45198 | -42 | Nevadiva | 84,674 | ||||
45199 | +34 | marvii | 84,667 | ||||
45200 | -43 | Bradley2020 | 84,660 | ||||
45201 | -43 | natnat107 | 84,653 | ||||
45202 | -43 | Harnett-MV | 84,644 | ||||
45203 | -43 | Spartan7117 | 84,639 | ||||
45204 | -43 | Smug | 84,639 | ||||
45205 | -43 | Tapestry_tape | 84,629 | ||||
45206 | -43 | jojo74992 | 84,614 | ||||
45207 | -43 | emiller | 84,605 | ||||
45208 | +8375 | Selene | 84,601 | ||||
45209 | -44 | sky_reindeer | 84,595 | ||||
45210 | -43 | poppy12 | 84,584 | ||||
45211 | -43 | menabeana | 84,582 | ||||
45212 | -43 | Skywolf | 84,577 | ||||
45213 | +32 | Asha of the broken | 84,576 | ||||
45214 | -44 | Tawnymeade | 84,566 |
Player | Days | ||||||
55575 | -4 | scrunt | 25 | ||||
55576 | -4 | Ashlee1417 | 25 | ||||
55577 | -4 | Jpancost14 | 25 | ||||
55578 | -4 | meghanjune | 25 | ||||
55579 | -4 | yBoTSh | 25 | ||||
55580 | -4 | mariec003 | 25 | ||||
55581 | -4 | Biscuitsss | 25 | ||||
55582 | -4 | CrowGearw0rk | 25 | ||||
55583 | -4 | ~KlaudieMis~ | 25 | ||||
55584 | -4 | Smug | 25 | ||||
55585 | -4 | Elyyy | 25 | ||||
55586 | -4 | Zuraya | 25 | ||||
55587 | -4 | Theodeer | 25 | ||||
55588 | -4 | skayh97 | 25 | ||||
55589 | -4 | InitiativeGuilt | 25 | ||||
55590 | -4 | SweetChipss | 25 | ||||
55591 | -4 | MrsViljoen | 25 | ||||
55592 | -4 | Akke | 25 | ||||
55593 | -4 | perkydaria | 25 | ||||
55594 | -4 | Araia | 25 |