Krysta0530's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 11th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
54380 | -38 | Storytellar | 120,907 | ||||
54381 | -38 | primandproper | 120,899 | ||||
54382 | -38 | AmberHeart135 | 120,886 | ||||
54383 | -38 | traveler307 | 120,886 | ||||
54384 | -38 | Flying--Shadow95 | 120,870 | ||||
54385 | -38 | ShadowBann2003 | 120,867 | ||||
54386 | -38 | Fendley | 120,866 | ||||
54387 | -38 | horsetooth | 120,863 | ||||
54388 | +13 | MangleTheFox | 120,853 | ||||
54389 | -39 | Krysta0530 | 120,836 | ||||
54390 | -38 | AraibianGirl | 120,819 | ||||
54391 | -38 | KelseySiegel | 120,804 | ||||
54392 | -38 | maddievan | 120,802 | ||||
54393 | -38 | cpn jackie sparrow | 120,799 | ||||
54394 | -38 | Laalaa | 120,796 | ||||
54395 | -38 | Hailstorm97 | 120,783 | ||||
54396 | -38 | leejoy28 | 120,783 | ||||
54397 | -37 | BattleStorm | 120,764 | ||||
54398 | -37 | huntingrl09 | 120,762 | ||||
54399 | -37 | Rouxgarou | 120,755 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
64339 | -21 | HawkLight | 10 | ||||
64340 | -21 | Dotty17 | 10 | ||||
64341 | -21 | Madam_Curie4101 | 10 | ||||
64342 | -21 | lprosso | 10 | ||||
64343 | -21 | duncant2018 | 10 | ||||
64344 | -21 | Bails585 | 10 | ||||
64345 | -21 | Rivers_Riptide | 10 | ||||
64346 | -21 | Iris0420 | 10 | ||||
64347 | -21 | Heron | 10 | ||||
64348 | -21 | Krysta0530 | 10 | ||||
64349 | -21 | JairraSeidl | 10 | ||||
64350 | -21 | amberc | 10 | ||||
64351 | -21 | itsmyhorse | 10 | ||||
64352 | -21 | thefunnyfarmer | 10 | ||||
64353 | -21 | babyabby | 10 | ||||
64354 | -21 | lydiaferg | 10 | ||||
64355 | -21 | Apertureink000 | 10 | ||||
64356 | -21 | WonderBread | 10 | ||||
64357 | -21 | jothepotato | 10 | ||||
64358 | -21 | erayer2007 | 10 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
69054 | +31 | schatzeHampton1 | 8,450 | ||||
69055 | -12176 | Malfoyesque | 8,448 | ||||
69056 | +30 | kaebree | 8,448 | ||||
69057 | +30 | Isadora | 8,447 | ||||
69058 | +30 | notamazinglily | 8,442 | ||||
69059 | +31 | Ataraxiia | 8,438 | ||||
69060 | +32 | Angel6002 | 8,437 | ||||
69061 | +32 | juliamariev | 8,437 | ||||
69062 | +32 | Fengur | 8,433 | ||||
69063 | +32 | Krysta0530 | 8,432 | ||||
69064 | +32 | bleezy | 8,431 | ||||
69065 | +32 | NoSkxll | 8,430 | ||||
69066 | +32 | kpenn0409 | 8,429 | ||||
69067 | +33 | ~delta~ | 8,426 | ||||
69068 | +33 | RedBird12022017 | 8,424 | ||||
69069 | +33 | D_Money03 | 8,424 | ||||
69070 | +33 | lady9toes | 8,423 | ||||
69071 | +33 | alec takami | 8,423 | ||||
69072 | +33 | bakaa24 | 8,422 | ||||
69073 | +33 | Snowleopard0002 | 8,420 |
Player | Days | ||||||
79508 | -4 | Amaransa | 4 | ||||
79509 | -4 | Darling07 | 4 | ||||
79510 | -4 | MaisseyRae | 4 | ||||
79511 | -4 | yukiiyo | 4 | ||||
79512 | -4 | arianna122804 | 4 | ||||
79513 | -4 | sydney-allyson | 4 | ||||
79514 | -4 | pricelessranch | 4 | ||||
79515 | -4 | laurenboo | 4 | ||||
79516 | -4 | invyerno | 4 | ||||
79517 | -4 | Krysta0530 | 4 | ||||
79518 | -4 | taylortots | 4 | ||||
79519 | -4 | Aubrey97** | 4 | ||||
79520 | -4 | foxglove97 | 4 | ||||
79521 | -4 | DarkIntentions03 | 4 | ||||
79522 | -4 | rxse4003 | 4 | ||||
79523 | -4 | StonedHoneyBee | 4 | ||||
79524 | -4 | BShain | 4 | ||||
79525 | -4 | HowrseChick37 | 4 | ||||
79526 | -4 | Lgoodwin23 | 4 | ||||
79527 | -4 | horsehung412 | 4 |