sherlocklexi's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
54041 | -18 | Ismene | 122,537 | ||||
54042 | -18 | harerit | 122,533 | ||||
54043 | -18 | jillygirl | 122,517 | ||||
54044 | -18 | phroakie | 122,506 | ||||
54045 | -18 | ejkooman | 122,506 | ||||
54046 | -18 | Cassie_13 | 122,499 | ||||
54047 | -18 | RavenCP95 | 122,497 | ||||
54048 | -18 | anasanas | 122,482 | ||||
54049 | -18 | Twilight Connemaras | 122,478 | ||||
54050 | -18 | sherlocklexi | 122,451 | ||||
54051 | -18 | TheParrot | 122,445 | ||||
54052 | -17 | faithm20 | 122,438 | ||||
54053 | -17 | one_cowgirl_here | 122,419 | ||||
54054 | -17 | Crucey | 122,419 | ||||
54055 | -17 | BobaFettish | 122,416 | ||||
54056 | -17 | 1234dog | 122,409 | ||||
54057 | -17 | RowanLin | 122,401 | ||||
54058 | -17 | Katenorl | 122,395 | ||||
54059 | -17 | Artemisia7799 | 122,393 | ||||
54060 | -17 | prozacrat | 122,389 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
47715 | -24 | aLLison | 25 | ||||
47716 | -24 | bluejaye1475 | 25 | ||||
47717 | -24 | Hunter_Queen_2019 | 25 | ||||
47718 | -24 | Mambo | 25 | ||||
47719 | -24 | Jaybe99 | 25 | ||||
47720 | -24 | altbirchfall | 25 | ||||
47721 | -24 | Lady-Maiq | 25 | ||||
47722 | -24 | Izaberu | 25 | ||||
47723 | -24 | WyldAnanasi | 25 | ||||
47724 | -24 | sherlocklexi | 25 | ||||
47725 | -24 | shaditude | 25 | ||||
47726 | -24 | ꜱᴜɴꜱʜɪɴᴇ | 25 | ||||
47727 | -24 | paintedpalmtrees | 25 | ||||
47728 | -24 | razzledazzle77889 | 25 | ||||
47729 | -24 | kmoore96 | 25 | ||||
47730 | -24 | SabrynJaide | 25 | ||||
47731 | -24 | Vahzzie | 25 | ||||
47732 | -24 | ember4life | 25 | ||||
47733 | -24 | bigsis | 25 | ||||
47734 | -24 | Carys123 | 25 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
44368 | -269 | 8:17AM | 91,235 | ||||
44369 | -88 | AristaLight | 91,210 | ||||
44370 | -122 | santasummer | 91,207 | ||||
44371 | -87 | bore_ragnarok | 91,192 | ||||
44372 | -87 | peanut | 91,186 | ||||
44373 | -326 | Glow | 91,182 | ||||
44374 | -88 | FangtasticKitty | 91,179 | ||||
44375 | -86 | Nylia | 91,145 | ||||
44376 | -86 | mariecarlett | 91,142 | ||||
44377 | -234 | sherlocklexi | 91,142 | ||||
44378 | -87 | Olive | 91,141 | ||||
44379 | -138 | CosmicCatnap | 91,130 | ||||
44380 | -88 | *adelkabobo* | 91,130 | ||||
44381 | -88 | Kairi 's Champions | 91,127 | ||||
44382 | -618 | Coolcoder41207 | 91,119 | ||||
44383 | +336 | PalominoPinto | 91,111 | ||||
44384 | -90 | Alto2311 | 91,098 | ||||
44385 | -90 | castle468 | 91,096 | ||||
44386 | -89 | AimeeLynn | 91,092 | ||||
44387 | -89 | schmoopsmom | 91,081 |
Player | Days | ||||||
54654 | -13 | CountCrouton | 27 | ||||
54655 | -13 | mickey_mouse | 27 | ||||
54656 | -13 | AlchemyKatt | 27 | ||||
54657 | -13 | bxbykitkat | 27 | ||||
54658 | -13 | FrozenSeas | 27 | ||||
54659 | -13 | woguvzskqos | 27 | ||||
54660 | -13 | Ducks208 | 27 | ||||
54661 | -13 | mossybrickroad | 27 | ||||
54662 | -13 | WyldAnanasi | 27 | ||||
54663 | -13 | sherlocklexi | 27 | ||||
54664 | -13 | BhaddBharbii | 27 | ||||
54665 | -13 | lilbear18 | 27 | ||||
54666 | -13 | Wdianaw | 27 | ||||
54667 | -13 | marsarap | 27 | ||||
54668 | -13 | awat325 | 27 | ||||
54669 | -13 | turtlena11 | 27 | ||||
54670 | -13 | Skull shaman grove | 27 | ||||
54671 | -13 | Sarah 2 | 27 | ||||
54672 | -13 | jsouuu | 27 | ||||
54673 | -13 | MountainAsh | 27 |