jclay03's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
43698 | -19 | wisehartbailey | 213,032 | ||||
43699 | -19 | BigBoss | 213,005 | ||||
43700 | -19 | Sнαηιcє | 212,996 | ||||
43701 | -19 | Willowtreeequine | 212,991 | ||||
43702 | -19 | Dodge Challenger | 212,988 | ||||
43703 | -19 | Spookbutt | 212,976 | ||||
43704 | -19 | lenaheisner | 212,972 | ||||
43705 | -19 | Wrenches | 212,970 | ||||
43706 | -19 | LARRY | 212,962 | ||||
43707 | -19 | jclay03 | 212,956 | ||||
43708 | -19 | WildKat | 212,952 | ||||
43709 | -19 | kai3 | 212,950 | ||||
43710 | -19 | Emma0809 | 212,946 | ||||
43711 | -19 | remi2004 | 212,939 | ||||
43712 | -19 | d3monomania | 212,927 | ||||
43713 | -19 | gossamer.silence | 212,924 | ||||
43714 | -19 | Steenekamp | 212,918 | ||||
43715 | +247 | Chaos_Council | 212,916 | ||||
43716 | -20 | lexilexi252 | 212,910 | ||||
43717 | -20 | KaiOliver | 212,905 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
33448 | -8 | nikkimolly89 | 40 | ||||
33449 | -8 | Ella-Bella | 40 | ||||
33450 | -8 | Dragon Kale | 40 | ||||
33451 | -8 | lanshau | 40 | ||||
33452 | -8 | Artemus | 40 | ||||
33453 | -8 | horselover40 | 40 | ||||
33454 | -8 | Bumble1234 | 40 | ||||
33455 | -8 | Dorime | 40 | ||||
33456 | -8 | Emmy2023 | 40 | ||||
33457 | -8 | jclay03 | 40 | ||||
33458 | -8 | Irishlass7 | 40 | ||||
33459 | -8 | blu3bird | 40 | ||||
33460 | -8 | Karra | 40 | ||||
33461 | -8 | happymouse737 | 40 | ||||
33462 | -8 | rainbowdash | 40 | ||||
33463 | -8 | acrossth3univ3rs3 | 40 | ||||
33464 | -8 | mamaila | 40 | ||||
33465 | -8 | bugs420 | 40 | ||||
33466 | -8 | lucifer17 | 40 | ||||
33467 | -8 | LucianaHalstead | 40 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
49020 | -50 | artemislee | 60,956 | ||||
49021 | +56 | Topic2016 | 60,950 | ||||
49022 | -51 | jessie23 | 60,946 | ||||
49023 | -50 | SixXaria | 60,944 | ||||
49024 | -50 | mushgirl333 | 60,944 | ||||
49025 | -50 | ClaireAnne120 | 60,942 | ||||
49026 | -50 | muriengego | 60,935 | ||||
49027 | -50 | Funkydemon123 | 60,933 | ||||
49028 | -50 | WILLOWBARK | 60,927 | ||||
49029 | -50 | jclay03 | 60,921 | ||||
49030 | -50 | jscribner | 60,921 | ||||
49031 | -49 | Jordyn99x | 60,908 | ||||
49032 | -49 | Storms_Phoenix | 60,905 | ||||
49033 | -49 | LiamTheLegend | 60,905 | ||||
49034 | -49 | Afaena | 60,898 | ||||
49035 | -49 | Kattachan | 60,884 | ||||
49036 | -48 | Taylor Cortell | 60,874 | ||||
49037 | -48 | Sumirarush | 60,870 | ||||
49038 | +63 | Aranoura | 60,868 | ||||
49039 | +12464 | MadDogMaddi | 60,863 |
Player | Days | ||||||
34082 | -6 | manicghosts | 105 | ||||
34083 | -6 | prism | 105 | ||||
34084 | -6 | summerrane14 | 105 | ||||
34085 | -6 | Illivara29 | 105 | ||||
34086 | -6 | EquineGirl99 | 105 | ||||
34087 | -6 | Davismorgan | 105 | ||||
34088 | -6 | JoaCor.22 | 105 | ||||
34089 | -6 | abmoody312 | 105 | ||||
34090 | -6 | hannah427 | 105 | ||||
34091 | -6 | jclay03 | 105 | ||||
34092 | -6 | Rytori | 105 | ||||
34093 | -6 | סופי | 105 | ||||
34094 | -6 | saeuyer | 105 | ||||
34095 | -6 | kittykatt714 | 105 | ||||
34096 | -6 | Nairu | 105 | ||||
34097 | -6 | vikingwhales | 105 | ||||
34098 | -6 | sullyred | 105 | ||||
34099 | -6 | TheFyfester | 105 | ||||
34100 | -6 | Larkmidasann | 105 | ||||
34101 | -6 | DragonGlaize | 105 |