VELARIS's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
50247 | -12 | Vara22 | 174,218 | ||||
50248 | -12 | SageW136 | 174,217 | ||||
50249 | -12 | avalaegaming | 174,206 | ||||
50250 | -12 | darkmoondzns | 174,167 | ||||
50251 | +292 | jojo22 | 174,160 | ||||
50252 | -13 | Gabrielle1234 | 174,160 | ||||
50253 | -13 | Morrya | 174,151 | ||||
50254 | -13 | Knightmare990 | 174,144 | ||||
50255 | -13 | JeneralJerk | 174,144 | ||||
50256 | -13 | VELARIS | 174,134 | ||||
50257 | -13 | Robot Boy | 174,124 | ||||
50258 | -13 | Bentley9352 | 174,106 | ||||
50259 | -13 | Electric_Jolt | 174,071 | ||||
50260 | -13 | HoneyBear | 174,006 | ||||
50261 | -13 | candice_joel | 173,987 | ||||
50262 | -13 | Crossfirew1234 | 173,971 | ||||
50263 | -13 | 123456789atoz | 173,966 | ||||
50264 | -13 | Raigrass | 173,965 | ||||
50265 | -13 | sophiemudgee | 173,951 | ||||
50266 | -13 | racheldux | 173,922 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
55173 | -12 | TheBloodWyrm | 18 | ||||
55174 | -12 | RejectedLove | 18 | ||||
55175 | -12 | Azula L | 18 | ||||
55176 | -12 | kcjf | 18 | ||||
55177 | -12 | Eureizer | 18 | ||||
55178 | -12 | Jastoks | 18 | ||||
55179 | -12 | octopiecrust | 18 | ||||
55180 | -12 | THEOI | 18 | ||||
55181 | -12 | Bimballina | 18 | ||||
55182 | -12 | VELARIS | 18 | ||||
55183 | -12 | elena.19 | 18 | ||||
55184 | -12 | alakabeth | 18 | ||||
55185 | -12 | nik3012 | 18 | ||||
55186 | -12 | julian2000 | 18 | ||||
55187 | -12 | PamfromAmsterdam | 18 | ||||
55188 | -12 | Seige | 18 | ||||
55189 | -12 | jesskeep93 | 18 | ||||
55190 | -12 | e82 | 18 | ||||
55191 | -12 | Zug | 18 | ||||
55192 | -12 | Supernova | 18 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
22111 | -6 | wewillpony | 642,237 | ||||
22112 | -3 | Wildfire2.0 | 642,094 | ||||
22113 | = | White Wolf Spirit | 642,040 | ||||
22114 | -3 | redsox | 641,925 | ||||
22115 | -3 | Crystallee | 641,885 | ||||
22116 | -12 | RebeccaJane299 | 641,843 | ||||
22117 | -3 | falllover34 | 641,818 | ||||
22118 | -3 | PiaMia10 | 641,810 | ||||
22119 | +186 | orinoko | 641,807 | ||||
22120 | -4 | VELARIS | 641,750 | ||||
22121 | -4 | Rachel_Isabelle | 641,703 | ||||
22122 | -4 | IttyS | 641,575 | ||||
22123 | -4 | Chloebucks | 641,497 | ||||
22124 | +4 | mööh | 641,426 | ||||
22125 | -5 | Pixiegutz | 641,402 | ||||
22126 | +4 | reareagirl | 641,352 | ||||
22127 | -6 | KNewbury | 641,306 | ||||
22128 | -6 | Sherloki | 641,304 | ||||
22129 | -5 | MARMOTITASEN | 641,154 | ||||
22130 | -5 | Lazio. | 641,122 |
Player | Days | ||||||
67612 | -24 | annaittl | 9 | ||||
67613 | -24 | Madam_Curie4101 | 9 | ||||
67614 | -24 | mayla85 | 9 | ||||
67615 | -24 | astigg22 | 9 | ||||
67616 | -24 | NIKOLINA26 | 9 | ||||
67617 | -24 | Shortaay6 | 9 | ||||
67618 | -24 | universe211 | 9 | ||||
67619 | -24 | Allie52 | 9 | ||||
67620 | -24 | aprde | 9 | ||||
67621 | -24 | VELARIS | 9 | ||||
67622 | -24 | TheRightKatieE | 9 | ||||
67623 | -24 | Silvermoondust | 9 | ||||
67624 | -24 | Suki04 | 9 | ||||
67625 | -24 | nwolf311 | 9 | ||||
67626 | -24 | | 9 | ||||
67627 | -24 | JuneBuggie1812 | 9 | ||||
67628 | -24 | icyjester2001! | 9 | ||||
67629 | -24 | alvaNF | 9 | ||||
67630 | -24 | lilybanks | 9 | ||||
67631 | -24 | Ireland | 9 |